Twenty One

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I wake up the next morning with a huge headache.

I look beside me to see Connor still sleeping.

I smile as I remember what happened last night.

I sit up and look around the room. I don't seem to recognize it.

Then I remember that we are in one of the bedrooms at the club.

I look over at my phone and see that I got 14 missed calls from Mitch.

I pick my phone and dialled Mitch's number.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!?" Mitch yelled into the phone causing me to jump up a little.

"I'm at the club" I responded to his question.

"Why are you still at the club?? We looked for you everywhere there" Mitch asked. I was too embarrassed to tell him that I had sex with Connor.

"I'm in one of the bedrooms" I confessed. I was anxious to hear his answer.

It was not that long until I heard a gasp from the other side of the phone.

"MADDY ZOE CROSBY!! YOU DID THE DIRTY WITH CONNOR?!?" Mitch yelled I into the phone sounding shocked.

"Maybe" I said as I look next to me to see Connor shifting a little.

"Maddy come home now I want to hear all the details" Mitch says.


"I want all of it!! Come home now!!" Mitch demands as he hangs up on me.

I place my phone down to see Connor rubbing his eyes before looking at me.

"Who was that on the phone?" He asked.

"Mitch" I said.

"Let me guess he found out about last night and wants us to go home so we can tell him everything"

Wow Connor was very accurate about that.

"How did you know?"

"I overheard Mitch's yelling" he said.

"Well should we go home?" I said as I grabbed my clothes off the ground and put them on.

"No I want to stay and cuddle" Connor whined.

"Connor we are still at the club, I really don't want to be here right now" I said.

"Fine but we are cuddling when we get back to your place" Connor says getting out of bed and putting his clothes on.


We open the front door to my place. We walk in to see Mitch and Ally standing there with their arms crossed.

"How was it?" That was the first thing they asked as soon as we closed the door.

"Can we not go into detail?" I asked.

"Come on i'm curious to know, I mean this was the first time you guys did any of this" Mitch said.

"This is private information" Connor adds in.

"Yeah and you don't see me asking you two how was sex" I did make a point.

"I'm getting this out of you later" Ally says to me.

"Are you guys going to the game today?" I decided to change the topic.

"No but I want to" Mitch says as I smile.

"Well you guys are going" I said to all of them.

"Oh yeah I forgot you still worked at the arena" Ally pointed out.

"I have to go now but you guys text me when you arrive so I can give you your tickets" I said as I made my way upstairs to change into some fresh clothes.

"How about our cuddle session?"

I turned around to see Connor with a sad expression on his face.

"Sorry babe but I have to go to work" I said as I grabbed my camera.

"Can't you skip work" Connor pouted a little.

"I've already missed the last 2 games and if I miss this one I could get fired" I tried to explain to him.

"Fine i'll let you go but have to cuddle with me after" Connor demanded as he pulled me in for a hug.

"I promise" I looked up at him and gave him a little kiss.


"Hi Mr Rendall" I greeted my boss as I entered his office.

"Ah Miss Crosby long time no see" Mr Rendall greeted me with a handshake.

"Yeah sorry for not coming into work for the last couple games" I said to him.

"It's okay. Luckily we hired a back up photographer" Mr Rendall said.

"Well I should set up my camera" I said as turned around and walked out the door.

I get a text from Mitch saying that they are outside.

I grab their tickets and headed to where they told me they were.

"Took you long enough" Mitch said in relief as I handed him his and Ally's tickets.

I looked for Connor and noticed that he wasn't here.

"Where's Connor?" I asked the couple.

"Oh he's by the car, he met up with a friend from high school" Mitch pointed to the car.

From far away I see Connor talking to a blonde girl, I can see the both of them laughing and enjoying each others company.

"Who is she?" I asked the couple.

"Apparently her name is Lauren Kyle" Ally says as we just stare at the two.

"I heard that she was his ex but I may be wrong" Mitch adds in.

My blood starts to boil, I just can't watch these two with each other knowing that they may be exes.

"Give this to Connor" I handed Ally his ticket as I walked back into the area.

This girl better not steal my man

take a chance || connor mcdavid Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora