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"Pass the flour" I said to Mitch who was busy trying to open a can.

"I would but i'm having trouble here" Mitch was really struggling to open it.

"Here" I said as he moved to the side, I turned the can opener and it opened. I looked at Mitch who just looked at me a little shocked.

"Well I helped with that, I was the one who loosened it" he tries to take the credit.

"Yeah whatever now let's get to cooking" I said as we both got out recipe books.

Hours later we hear the front door open.

"Hey losers" Ally enters through the front door carrying a bag of groceries.

"Hey bitch" I said back to her as she put down the groceries on the counter.

"Hey babe" Mitch went up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"How's the cooking going?" She asked looking at the stove.

"Not bad considering we only had to restart 5 times" I said as I looked through the bags Ally brought.

"So how are these girls really like?" Ally asked.

"Well they were your average high school mean girls" Mitch answered while chopping some vegetables.

"Oh and they did have a crush on Mitch" I reminded Mitch.

"Crush?" Ally looked at Mitch as He stopped cutting.

"Don't worry I didn't like them back, they are not my type" Mitch explains himself.

"Good and if they try to hit on you tonight, I would not be afraid to kick their asses" Ally sassed.

"Oh I want to see that, the battle of the blondes" I teased.

"Well i'm heading upstairs to find an outfit for tonight" Ally says as she heads upstairs.

"Make sure you wear something hot!!" I yelled.

"Will do!!" She yelled back.

"Did they really have a crush on me?" Mitch asked me as soon as Ally left.

"Yeah" I responded "Do you ever wonder why they targeted me every time I was with you?"

"That makes sense now" Mitch says as we start to smell something burn.

"THE OVEN!" I said as we both turned around to see smoke coming out of it.

I turned off the oven and opened it. I put on my oven mitts and took out the turkey I put in there that was now burnt.

"Shit" I said as Mitch tried to air out the smoke.

"What do we do now?"

"Do we have a plan B?" Mitch asked me  as I shook my head no.

"Hey I have an idea" Mitch takes his phone and texts someone.

"What is it?" I tried to look over his shoulder but he quickly placed the phone down.

"Just wait" he smiles at me before opening all the windows.


"Ally are you in here?" I entered my room to see Ally on the floor doing her makeup.

"Yes" She responded while putting on her lipstick.

"Your dress looks hot, turn around for me" I said as she stood up and turned around.

"Thanks" She said looking on the bed "There's your outfit" she pointed at it.

"I had this in my closet?" I picked up the dress.

"Yes now put it on!" Ally pushes me in the washroom.

Moments later I come out wearing the dress.

"So?" I asked as Ally whistles.

"It's getting hot in here!!" Ally exclaims as she pretends to fan herself.

"Stop" I said as my cheeks start to heat up.

"If I was Connor I would've asked you out now" Ally says as I hit her lightly on her arm.

"Shush" I said as my cheeks heat up even more.

"How would you feel if he asked you out tonight?" She questioned me.

"Well honestly I don't know if i'm ready for that commitment" I said sitting down on my bed.

"Maddy this isn't a marriage proposal, this is him asking you to be his girlfriend" Ally explains as she takes a seat next to me.

"I just don't want him to end up like Henry" I admitted "Henry cheated on me and when Sidney found out he beat the crap out of him causing him to end his basketball career"

"I know you're scared but he's a professional hockey player, there are girls that want him and if you let him wait for a long time you'll loose him" Ally points out.

"I just don't want to fall in love with him then have him cheat on me"

"I can't make your decisions but take this advice from me" Ally starts "Connor is different from other boys, yeah he is well known and might be a fuckboy but he does really care about you. You have two paths, the first path is where you play the long game. You guys go on dates but you let him wait because you're scared of that commitment. This is good at the beginning but it will turn out to get worse causing him to fall in love with someone else that is not you. The second path is a hard choice, you ask him out now and you two enjoy your time together until something bad happens causing you two to break up but you two do find your way back together. Two paths but you have to choose one and no matter what you choose it will change your relationship with Connor either way"

"Thanks Ally" I said giving her a hug.

"No problem babe" she says back to me.

We hear the doorbell ring from downstairs.

"I should get that" I said breaking up the hug.

I get up and head downstairs, I open the front door to reveal Connor carrying a plate of turkey.

"Hi" he says as I pull him in for a hug.

"Hey" I greeted him.

"Mitch texted me and said you needed turkey" Connor pointed to the turkey.

"Just place it on the table" I said letting him and closing the front door.

Ally's word keep repeating in my head.

Two paths but you have to choose one and whatever you choose will change your relationship with Connor

I take a deep breath in and out and joined the others at the dining table.

Moments later the doorbell rings again, I get up and open the door to reveal two girls.

"Hey Maddy!" They both said.

"Hi" I pretended to be happy "Come in!"

Let's pray that nothing bad happens

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