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"You are so cute" Connor pokes my nose.

"No you are" I said poking his nose back.

"You are" he said getting closer to my face.

"You are" I said as I kiss him on the lips.

"Ugh lovebirds" Mitch rolls his eyes as he sits in between Connor and I.

"You're just bitter because Ally is not here" I said to him.

"No i'm not" Mitch said in a childish voice.

"Yes you are" Connor joins the conversation.

"Well it's not my fault that the girl I love is in another country"

"Aw the girl you love" I repeated what he said as I put my hand over my heart.

"Shut up Maddy" Mitch was getting a little annoyed by it.

"Oh this reminds me that we need to get her a gift" Connor says.

"Oh yeah we should go out and buy her something" I said.

"Okay but you are not going out in that outfit" Mitch points at my outfit and I realize that I'm only wearing one of Connor's shirts.

"It's comfortable" I said.

"Change into something or you'll have to deal with your brother when you get home" he said making me groan.

"Okay dad"

"Better?" I showed Mitch.

"Way better now let's go!!" Mitch goes out the door.

"I thought you looked hot in that outfit from before" Connor whispers in my ear sending chills in my body.

Just the way he said that made me feel good for some odd reason.

"Well I may be wearing that outfit later" I teased him as he just stood there biting his lip.

"Okay we are kicking Mitch out of the room later" Connor says as we exit the hotel room.

"Well where is he going to stay, we both share this hotel room?" I asked him as he takes my hand.

"He can stay in the lobby, I hope the staff doesn't mind"


We enter this huge mall, I see lots of people surrounding every store.

"What should I get her?" Connor asked me.

"I'm just get her something that you think she may love" I told Connor as I'm tapped on the shoulder by Mitch.

"Maddy can I talk to you, in private" Mitch tells Connor and I, Connor took the hint and moved to the side.

"What are you getting her?" I asked him.

"I think it's time" he says as my eyes go wide open.

He can't be doing this now, he is only 20 years old

"Mitch I don't think you should propose now" I said as he looks at me confused.

"Maddy i'm not proposing to her" i can feel the relief after he said that.

"Thank goodness"

"Maddy remember this" Mitch pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and unfolds it.

"Oh this is your Mitch's ideal girl list" I read the title.

"Yeah everything is completed except for the last one" he says pointing to number 20.

"Number 20: Give the girl a necklace with your both of your names on it to symbolize that you two will be together for a long time" I read it off the paper "Aw this is the perfect gift Mitch"

"You really think it is?"

"Yeah now go get it before we leave" I push him towards the jewelry store "Oh and silver looks the best on her!!" I reminded him.

"What was that all about?" Connor came up to me after being not included in the conversation.

"Mitch is giving Ally a necklace with their names on it" I said.

"What should we do now that we are alone?" Connor asked as I took his hand.

"We could just sit on the bench and make out until Mitch comes back" I suggested.

"I'm down for that" Connor says as he we together to the bench.

Before we could even get there Connor gets noticed by some fans.

"IT'S CONNOR MCDAVID!!" One girl says before an army of girls come up behind her, all of them are screaming.

"RUN!" Connor says as we run off.

I look back and see the girls chasing after us.

"Connor i'm getting tired" I said clearly out of breath.

"Come on babe we are almost there!" Connor tries to encourage me.

"Where are we even going?" I asked him.

"I have no idea but we just need to find a good place to hide"

"Let's hide in the furniture store" I pointed to the store.

"Well let's not stand here let's go!!" I took Connor's hands and ran inside.

We walked to the back of the store and hid behind some couches.

We heard footsteps coming in our direction.

Connor wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close hoping that we don't get caught.

"Where did he go? I swear I saw him come in here" a desperate fan says.

"You might be hallucinating, let's go he's not here" another fan says.

We hear those footsteps slowly fading away.

"That was close" Connor says as we breathe a sign on relief.

"I'm really going to miss you" I said to him.

"I'm going to miss you more" he says back to me as I lean in to kiss him.

I can't wait for the off season to come so I can enjoy every moment with him

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