Not So Good Anymore | Stiklaus

Start from the beginning

He growled flashing his red eyes at me.

"Yah, you killed another teacher."

"What! No I didn't! I was talking about how you wore that ugly shirt again and how everyone was making fun of you." I started giggling again.

"I know it was you Stiles. I just have to prove it." He growled.

When can we kill him? He's going to get in our way.

We can't kill him No. If we kill him, everyone will now it was me and we'll be killed.

But we killed your dad.

That was because we made someone shoot him. If we kill Scott, I want to torture him for a bit. You can't make that look like an accident.

By the way,  I killed my dad. He was catching on to me and No and I didn't want to stop killing so I made a stranger get a gun and shoot my dad in a home invasion. The cops found the guy crying in the woods behind our house.

It was hilarious!

"Are you even listening to me you piece of shit?!" I look at Scott and giggled again.

His face looks funny when he's mad.

Shut up Stiles. Your serial killer for christs sake! Act like it!

No need to be rude No. And we're serial killers, it's not just me.

I head him sigh annoyedly at me before closing off. I looked at Scott to see him huffing again.

"My, mister wolf, what bad smelling breath you have."

"Stop killing. I know you aren't yourself right now, I know he's controlling you again, but you need to fight it." He pleaded.

I looked back at him with tears in my eyes. My breath became broken as I starred at him scared.

"Oh god Scotty," I whimpered. "Help me. He won't stop. I-I can't stop him." He looked at me with worry.

"It's ok Stiles. I'll help you."

I laughed manically.

"Oh! HAHA! You thought I was serious! You really need to be not so gullible Scotty. You should never trust a fox." I smirked at him before walking out of the school.

I walked to my crappy jeep and drove to the nemeton. This is the only place that No can take form. Once I reach the stump I place my hands on it and mumble a few words before No appears.

He looks exactly like me still. The only difference is he has blue yes while I still have my amber eyes.

"So, who do you want to kill tomorrow? I say we kill someone in the pack. Maybe! How about Issac."

No always gets straight down to business.

"How about that little red head. She seems like a good victim."

No and I turn to the mysterious brittsh voice in wonder.

"Who are you?!" Yelled No.

I looked at the handsome stranger in question. He had curly blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and plump pink lips.

Man, I could jump him right now.

"Calm down No. You should be kinder." I told him.

"You gave an evil fox spirit who is over a 1,000 years old a nickname?" The yummy stranger asked.

"Well nogistude was too long." I explained.

"And you allow him to do that?" He asked No.

No. just shrugged and gave me a small glare.

"When I told him to not call me that, he refused to kill anyone. I can't over power him now that I stupidly told him how to unlock his spark." No grumbled.

"Oh shut up No. You know you love the name."

I watched as No looked away glaring but when I looked harder I saw a hint of a grin.

"Where are my manners, I'm Nicklaus Mikealson. You are....?"

No whipped around and starred at Nicklaus.

"I'm Stiles for now."

"For now?" He asked.

"Yah, I'm thinking about going back to my real name."

"Which is?"


"Lovey name. Can I call you Gen for short." I smirked at my new found friend.

"You call me anything you want Nick."

He looked at me thoughtfully before smiling.

"I like it."

"Dear god Stiles, you do realize your flirting with a being who could kill you right?"

"Oh shut up No. Your ruining my fun."

He scowled at me before turning away.

"So, have you decided who to kill yet?" Nick asked walking over to sit with me on the stump.

"I don't know, what do you think. I know you've been watching me."

He looked off into the distance with a thoughtful look.

"What about Derek. He has a crush on you so, his pain will be doubled when he finds out your the killer. You could even burn him alive tomato it more fun and juicy. You'd have to do it in his families house obviously."

I thought about his idea. It sounded great and very yummy.

"Oh I can already taste it." Said No.

"Lets got then."

Once I got No. back in my body, I shifted into my fox. I ran through the woods leading Nick to the house, who ran at his vampire speed.

Once we reach the clearing  we walked to the old Hale House. I asked Nick to smell it out to see if anyone was there. When he shakes his head I start my plan.

I made small fire start in the basement. Once Derek realized something was burning and smelt it he followed it to the basement. I waited till he was down the last step before making a fire, burning the steps so he was trapped. Then I lit the rest of the house and listening as his screams filled the woods.

Nick and I watched as the Hale house once again burn to the ground leaving the last Hale wolf in Beacon Hills to burn with it.

I giggled as I watched the pack run to the house obviously hearing Derek's pain through the pack link.

Nick watched with amusement as they tried to get in but overtime they got too close I would make the fire shoot at them.

We're going to have to leave now.

I know.

"Gen. How would feel about coming with me? We could cause chaos everywhere we go and I would never try and stop you. I'd even help you."

I looked at him puzzled.

"Why would you do that?"

"Let's just say I've grown interested in you. You seem like a good ally and it does help that your very attractive."

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck as he put his around my waist.

"Mister Mikealson, are you flirting with me?" I asked quietly.

I leaned in and grazed my lips against him making him shudder.

"I suppose I am. Does that bother you?"

I looked into his eyes and smirked.

"Not one bit."

I closed the gap between us and kissed Nick with everything I had. He groaned into the kiss and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and laughed.

"I think we're going to have fun together."

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