"That's another for rolling your eyes."

"What if I cough, do I get another too?" Asked the new kid. He smirked at Harris.

"Yes you too Derek."

Oh so that's his name. Huh? Derek? It fits him.

"Well Derek, seems we're going to be seeing a lot of each other soon." I told him.

He smiled at me this time and I felt my heart flutter. He smirked at me. I was about to ask why when I felt something hit my head. I look down to see a paper ball. I open it to see Scott had written me a note.

Stop flirting with the new guy!

I blushed and wrote back to him.

Fuck off. I need a new a lay and he seems perfect;)

I wait till Harris isn't looking and hand it to Scott. I heard him gag behind me. Derek look at him and raises his eyebrows. I laughed and shaked my head.

The rest of class goes smoothly and so does my next class. Sadly the pack wasn't in that class but Derek was. We talked all class period and I learned that he just moved here with his family from New York. He has two sisters and an older brother. They moved into the abandoned mansion on the preserve.

His dad is a contractor so he's gonna remodel it. I found out Derek loves his family. He didn't even have to say it. I could see it in the way he talked about his little sister Cora, or the proud look he got when he talked about his older sister Laura, or how happy he got talking about his older brother and how he's star quarter back at his college.

I told him about my mom and my dad being the sheriff. He told me how sorry he was for my mother and that he lost uncle Peter last year. Apparently he was driving and his car crashed. The car exploded and it killed him and his wife.

As we kept talking I realized that I don't want just another lay. I think I might want to try and go out with Derek.

After class we headed to Harris' class for lunch detention. I texted everyone letting them know why I wasn't there and headed in with Derek. When we walked in, Harris gave us an assignment. We had pick five of our favorite quotes from our favorite book. I chose To Kill a Mockingbird and I noticed that Derek chose Withering Hights. It's a great book.

When we finished our tasked Harris let us go and we headed to the library. We discussed our favorite books and movies. We talked until the bell rang and headed to our next class. Sadly, I didn't see Derek anymore after that. When school was over me and Scott road to his house and hung out. I told him about Derek and he said I should ask him out.

"I don't know Scott, what if he's straight?"

"No straight dude, would do that. I mean y'all talked about movies and books. That's not a "hey let's be friend talk" that's a "hey, I wanna ask you out on a date talk".

"I guess your right. I'll ask him tomorrow."

We hung out for another hour before I headed home. I saw a note on the fridge by my dad. It said he wouldn't be home till late and would leave early in the morning. I know he loves his job but I wish he would spend more time with me. I miss him, and I feel like he's forgetting about me. I wallowed in self pity for little bit longer and then headed to my room. When I went to bed all I could think about was Derek.

His eyes, his hair, his lips, his abs, his biceps. It took me two hours to finally go sleep and when I did, I dreamt of him.

I woke up two hours later then I needed to the next morning and sped to the school. I already missed first and half of second. I decided to just skip second and wait in the library. When the bell rang for lunch I went to our normal seats and waited.

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