Chapter 34 Jacob

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Minutes drag into hours and hours drag into three days.

Three days Jacob wasn't there, three days Alex lay dead, three days Fili and Kili didn't play pranks, three days Legolas did not speak, and three days Bofur didn't sing.

Grace hasn't breathed a word to anyone, Emily continues to grow weaker, Lacy is half comatose, and Allie barely gets up.

It has been a long three days.


"Construction on the memorial between Erebor and Greenwood is almost complete," Natalie announces.

"How have they built is so quickly?" Smaug inquires.

"Elves and dwarves work amazingly together when fueled by grief. Anyway preparations are being made for the funerals of Legolas Greenleaf, Alex Blackheart, and Jacob Scim by Thranduil. If you wish to combine the funerals of Kili and Alex the king will arrange for that," Natalie informs while holding a stoic expression.

"That would be fitting," Thorin agrees and Natalie nods. "Fili can have a procession the next day and Bofur will be laid in stone the day after that."

"Jacob Scim will have his funeral in a days time, before the royal processions for Alex and Kili," I declare suddenly. I worry they will forget about him.

"Alright, I can arrange that. Sam, Bilbo if you would like to help let me know," Natalie says solemnly. "Thorin if you require my assistance organizing the dwarves and beginning Erebor's restoration I'll be here."

"I will keep that in mind," Thorin says. "Thank you Advisor Natalie."


Standing before a mirror in Thranduil's tent, dressed in black, I inhale deeply and blink away tears.

A day has passed and Jacob's funeral is upon me.

A veil covers my tear stained eyes while a dark dress covers every inch of my flesh.

"Are you ready?"

I needn't turn around to know it is Bilbo who speaks to me.

"No." Bilbo takes my gloved hand and squeezes it. He is also wearing black, just as everyone else in this Valor forsaken place is.

"This means goodbye for real," I whisper. "Goodbye forever."

"Not forever Sam, it only means that we will miss him until we see him again in the undying lands," Bilbo murmurs and reaches up to wipe a stray tear.

Looking down at him I come to the sudden realization that I am immortal, I will live until I am killed or until I fade. Bilbo has maybe fifty years and then he'll die and I'll be alone.

"Bilbo I am not unsure-"

"Sam it's okay," he assures and smiles at me. "I know what you're going to say and I know what you worry over. I am mortal and you are not and one day that is going to be a problem but not this day. This day our biggest problem is getting through the funeral of our precious soulmate." I sniffle and nod, he's right.

"If you hold my hand I think I might make it," I say honestly.

"I'll never let it go," he promises.

Together we exit the tent to join the small procession outside. Guards carry his glass casket on their shoulders and stone carvers his statue on their backs.

The living members of the company, King Thranduil, and the Greenwood guards are the only guests. Jacob wished for his funeral to be small, he specified this in his application for the guard.

Clutching Bilbo's hand tightly I take a deep breath and we take or places behind King Thranduil.

He leads the procession onto the elven path to Greenwood. Those who are able walk, but those who cannot ride horses or ponies.

While we walk the guards begin to hum a solemn tune that carries through the trees.

It is all so tragically beautiful.


It took half a day to reach the Greenwood sanctuary where Jacob is to be lain.

Once there the guards lowered him into the ground and the builders anchored his statue at the head of his casket.

"Jacob Scim was a loyal friend, skilled guard, loving brother, and adoring soulmate," Thranduil proclaims to begin the ceremony. "He was taken from us too soon and he will be dearly missed." Thranduil speaks more about Jacob and what he knew about him but they more time I am far away.

I cannot take my eyes off the stitches holding Jacob's head to his body, the glass encasing him, and his grinning statue.

He is dead, Jacob Scim is dead.

"Sam if you would like to speak," Thranduil offers and I jerk myself to reality. I lift my veil and step forward to stand beside him and face the onlookers.

"I did not have enough time with Jacob, I mean it would never have been enough time, but I only met him days before his death," I start and blink back oncoming tears. "He fell into my arms while the company escaped Greenwood in wooden barrels." I smile fondly at the memory and let out a huff of laughter. Bilbo chuckles and a few other members let out small laughs. "He was charming, exciting, hilarious, and a brilliant fighter. I barely knew him but in the time we spent together I felt truly whole."

Wind blows by and I fell as if I am able to hear his laugh.

"I remember his laugh, the way he spoke of his childhood pet goldfish, how we always ended up squishing Bilbo when we cuddled, and how he stayed by our side through everythin." Stopping I take a deep breath and give Bilbo a weak smile. "And I remember-" I stutter to a stop and frown, all I can see in my eyes is his lifeless gaze. "And I remember the moment he warned me of a orc about to kill me; that moment he let his guard down for me. An orc hit the best of him and I wasn't fast enough. I remember his head rolling on the ground only to stop at my feet, and the image of his lifeless eyes is stained in my mind. I remember all of this and I wish I could forget."

Bilbo is sobbing along with several other members of the company.

Tears are running down my cheeks and blood dripping from my hand. I clenched my hands so hard my nails cut into my palms.

No physical pain could ever compare to the agony of one's soul being ripped in two.

"He was good and kind and I remember the pain that bloomed in my chest when he died. I remember begging all the gods for him to be okay and I remember when Sam told me what happened. I can never forget it, but just like I will never forget his smile, his laugh, or the way his eyes shined," Bilbo recounts and I kneel down to take him in my arms.

"Jacob Scim is dead."

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