Chapter 15 Last Hope

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Thorin stares at me with wide shocked eyes. I just stare back with sad eyes.

Thorin Oakenshield is my soulmate.

If only I'd known earlier. If I'd known maybe things could have happened differently.

Thorin steps closer and I gaze into his eyes. The sickness has cleared again. Maybe it won't come back this time.

His hand comes up and gingerly wipes a tear from my eye. I let myself rest my cheek against his palm.

My soulmate.

I have a soulmate. He's my soulmate.

"You're my soulmate."

"I am," I confirm. Thorin grins and kisses my forehead. The tender gestures makes my stomach flip flop. Slowly Thorin leans in and kisses me. It's not like the first time. It's better.

"There is no one I'd rather share my soul with," Thorin states. I grin so wide my mouth hurts when he says that. Staring into his eyes and kissing him makes me forget everything.

It's just us.

"Thorin Oakenshield I love you," I confess suddenly. I love him and it's the real kind of love.

"I l-"

"THORIN AN ELVEN ARMY HAS AMASSED AT THE GATES!" Dwalin shouts and comes dashing in. Thorin's eyes immediately cloud over and a scowl forms on his face. My heart sinks at the loss of him.

"I'll be there in a moment. Make sure everyone is prepared for battle," Thorin orders coldly. Dwalin nods and marches off.

"Are you wearing the mithril my lady?" Thorin asks as he starts to pull on his golden armor.

"Yes under my my combat dress," I reply. It's a little heavy but it fits. I got a new dress in one of the wardrobes in one of the many rooms that aren't blocked off. It's a dark red with a black corset. It's a little long because it was made for a dwarven lady but it works.

"Good, I need to keep my gem safe," Thorin murmurs as he places a gold and black crown on his head. "Wear this crown my future queen." Thorin puts a smaller gold and black tiara on my head to match his.

"Thank you Thorin."

"Now let's go address these greedy Lakemen and thieving elves," he growls and stomps out. I follow after him with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I can't help but feeling I'm walking towards my own death.




I watch as the dwarves come up one by one to the wall. They all wear armor and have weapons adorned.

Emily comes with Fili too wearing armor. She wears a black chest plate with shoulder pads and has a new trident on her back.

Lacy stumbles up alone in armor that is definitely uncomfortable for her and a huge clunky sword.

Jacob, Sam, and Bilbo walk up next. Sam is in silver full body armor, Jacob is in his Greenwood elf armor, and Bilbo wears none. I suspect the mithril vest is one under his Shire clothes.

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