Chapter 16 Fight

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"NO!" I screech and run to the edge just in time to see her hit the ground.

Allie is gone. Her wings are spread out and she's all but crushed. I see her bonds all snap and wither.

"Allie!" Alex yells. Everyone else looks shocked to silence. Except Thorin he wastes no time grabbing Bilbo next.

He doesn't even feel the loss of his soulmate. How could he do that?

She can't be gone! She just can't!

"You killed her," I whisper and the tears start flowing out. "How could you do that?!"

"You helped her so you must go next!" Thorin hisses completely disregarding the life he just took.

"You KILLED HER!" Alex shouts and her skin flares red. Kili grabs her arm and she immediately stops burning. Even under these circumstances she would never harm him.

I clutch the wall so hard my knuckles go white. I cannot take my eyes off her.

"If you don't like my burglar, then please don't damage him. Return him to me," Gandalf calls suddenly appearing in the elven army. "You're not making a very splendid figure as King under the Mountain, are you, Thorin, son of Thrain?"

Thorin stares at Gandalf before releasing Bilbo.

"Never again will I have dealings with wizards!" Thorin swears.

"Go, Bilbo go," Emily urges and helps Bilbo to the rope. I don't understand how they aren't killing Thorin right now. Are they just in shock?

"Or Shire rats!" Bilbo quickly repels down the rope and dashes to Gandalf. He passes Allie's
body without so much as a blink.

So they are in shock. Or maybe they thinks she's okay.

"Are we resolved? The return of the Arkenstone for what was promised," Bard asks, he at least look disgusted at what just happened. Thorin looks over to the horizon and grins. "Give us your answer. Will you have peace or war?"

Out of nowhere a black crow lands on the walk before Thorin.

"I will have war," Thorin declares and my last shred of hope shatters. So this is how our end begins.

A loud rumbling drags my attention from the fallen angel to an approaching dwarven army.




That cannot have just happened. What has he done?!

"Ironfoot," I hear Gandalf huff. How am I supposed to concentrate on the new army wen my friend lies dead before the gate?!?

"Dain! Dain! Dain!" the dwarves cheer and waves their weapons high. I want to puke and scream at the same time at their actions.

How can they cheer when he just killed her? Is the dragon sickness really that effective?

I watch as Thranduil gestures to command the army to poise to fight the new threat.

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