Chapter 17 Wall

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I feel fried. I'm just numb. I'm in shock...I have to be in shock.

Allie is dead.

Allie is dead.

Thorin killed her.

It all happened so fast.

"I'm going over the wall, who's coming with me?" Kili asks loudly. He seems to have snapped out of whatever haze we were in.

"Aye! Yes!" the majority of the dwarves say.

"Come on, let's go," Fili says and starts down the stairs only to r stopped by Thorins arm.

"Stand down," Thorin orders.

"What? Are we to do nothing?" Fili question incredulously.

"I said stand down!" Thorin shouts and stomps down the stares in the direction of the treasure room.

"I'm not listening to him. He's not my king. I have no respect for that piece of shit anymore. He killed Allie. I'm going over the wall," Alex growls and grabs the rope. Without blinking she scales down.

"Allie would want us to help," I mutter and follow Alex down.

"Me too," Emily says and follows me. Jacob and Lacy all come down too. As soon as my feet tough the ground I'm next to Allie.

Her blues eyes are empty and stare at the sky, her mouth is stuck in a hopeless grimace, and her hair frames her face like a halo. Her broken wings are spread out to their full span on the ground around her and almost seem to burn a mark right into it.

A mark as if the Valor wish for history to remember this moment, the moment an angel fell.

My hands find her neck and find no pulse.

"She's dead," I state and it finally hits me. My friend is dead and I could have saved her.

"We need to fight Sam," Jacob mutters and lightly touched by hair. I stand up and whip out my battle axe.

"You're right. Let's go take out all our grievances," I agree.

"I say we head to stand with Natalie and Smaug. When the real fighting starts we can spread out an use our skills where they are needed," I instruct. With our weapons pulled we dash into the elven army and towards the orcs.




"I have an idea someone help me get over the wall the dwarves made," I call and clench my fists as I run. Dodging the utterly still elven army is easy. They seem indifferent to what's happening.

"I got you," Smaug says from above and swoops down from the sky to grab me. I let out a squeak of surprise when he does. He flies me over the dwarves wall and sets me down. Being between the dwarves and orcs is unnerving but Allie sacrificed herself so I shouldn't be afraid of doing the same thing.

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