Chapter 29 Azog

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Using my wings I dodge each swing from Azog's ball and chain. I slash at his arms with my katana and aim for a weak spot in his armor. He knocks me back hard with his arm making me fall to the icy ground.

Thorin surges forward in my wake doing as best he can to fight the large orc.

More minions come at us so I stand and take them down before they can touch Thorin.

I have to protect him, Azog must be finished.

I swing my blade at an orc cutting it in half and kick it right off the frozen waterfall. Below it hits a tower bridge? And knocks it to the ground.

Next to it I see Grace and Legolas.

"Grace!" I call. She shows no sign of recognition. I squint my eyes and let out a small gasp when I see Legolas lying flat on his back and blood pouring from his chest. "Oh my Valor!"

Legolas eyes widen when he sees me and hits Grace who turns. Her eyes balloon and she throws one of her daggers at me.

"What the hell?" I snap and duck just in time to see an orc fall dead behind me. Grace turns away again and presses her hands to her soulmates chest.

That wound doesn't look too god.

With renewed fury and vigor I clutch my katana tight and dash at Azog.

"You will end now!"




My world freezes when I see Legolas get stabbed.

"NO!" I screech when he falls to the ground. Grace stands frightfully still before running to him. I force myself to my feet and dash to the bridge. It collapses just before I can step in making me yell in frustration.

Legolas is like my brother I can't lose him!




Azog whips his ball and chain at Thorin. It slams into the ground and breaks the ice around us. Without thinking I slam myself into Thorin to knock him onto more solid ground.

He may have killed me but I can't lose him.

"Thank you," he whispers and I give him a heartbroken smile.

My whole life is falling to shambles around me but I can't stop I have to fight.

I roll off Thorin and onto my foot in one fluid motion to face Azog again. My heart is beating out of my chest and I pant heavily trying to catch my breath. I'm getting tired but Azog barely looks winded.

Why won't this orc just die already?!

He swings his boulder again this time getting it stuck in the ice after I jumped out of the way.

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