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Yoongi and I bid farewell to my parents at Incheon Airport the following day, Yoongi asked me if I was free for the whole day. Unluckily I had to meet Cho whom I liked less and less.

I found myself sitting in the middle of the mall, hearing her troubled thoughts. I a good listener but after she had been speaking for 20 minutes only about her tragical love life, I gave up and drifted into my own inner world.

Yoongi said he liked me but he still didn't ask me to be his girlfriend. We were surely more than friends. But God... I had fallen for him, so hard.

'And I can't believe that Min Yoongi, my ultimate bias got himself a whore.'
Thank you Cho, you are very kind. Before I could say something, she kept talking. 'I kept my finger empty only for him and look...he lied.'

'Cho, I thought you didn't have any bias.'

'That was long time ago.'

'About two months ago.' I raised my eyebrows.

'Why do you care you are not a huge fan of them?'

'I like their music but I am not that interested in them.' I lied. I am only interested in Yoongi.

'Sure.' She rolled her eyes and she looked like exactly like a spoiled little girl.

I was praying for someone to come and rescue me. My phone rang and... speaking of the devil. Yoongi's name appeared on the screen and I excuses myself to go to the bathroom.

'Are you some sort of God?' I asked him.

He chuckled before he answered.

'Why are you asking this?'

'Well....Cho is horrible and you were right. She is acting like a creep. I thought someone should save me  and then you call me up.'

'People don't call me Genius for nothing. Do you want me to pick you up?'

'I just want to find a way to escape. So, Genius would you be so kind as to tell me a good plan?'

'One of our PDs are here in the mall or...' I heard some strange voices on the other side of the line.

'Hey... Are you there?'

'Hi, Y/N. We will save you.' I recognized Taehyung's voice.

'What? You are crazy?'

'We will dressed up like a pro, it's gonna be a real adventure.' I heard Jungkook's voice.

'It will be like a cosplay.' Taehyung shouted again.

'GIVE ME THAT PHONE BACK.' Min Yoongi switched into angry grandpa mode.

'Yoongi, you guys can pick me up.'

'What? Don't tell me you are on the same page...'

'I want to escape and they want to have some fun. Let them do it.'

'You are lucky Y/N, otherwise...'

'We all know how your brain works now I'm gonna go back to her and wait for you.'

'Fine, see you soon.'

I went back to the table and Cho was quiet. She didn't talk at all and I was scared.

'So... do you know them and you didn't tell me?' She asked me with a frown. 'Go to hell, Y/N.' She yelled at me, successfully drawing​ the attention on us.

She stood up and left me alone.

I was sure she eavesdropped​. I couldn't find any other possible explanation or was I identified in that goddamn picture?

I couldn't forget her icy glare. I was never afraid of anyone but there's nothing scarier than an obsessed fan.

A/N: I can't change even if I try, even if I want to. I can't stop myself from writing, I'm horrible, my thoughts haunting me during the exams. Help me.

Pianist Guy (Min Yoongi X reader)Where stories live. Discover now