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Jimin POV (A/N: surpriseeee! And yeah, I haven't put any picture for so long, so you deserve one.)

Well, to be honest, everyone knew that Yoongi hyung had a crush on Y/N. The blind could also see it. He always looked at her, when she didn't see it, when she smiled he instantly started smiling too. Their relationship developed incredibly fast, they actually became friends.

I was sitting on the couch with Jungkookie, suddenly Yoongi hyung popped there next to us. We could see how busy he was writing. And of course, we heard constantly the beep of kakaotalk. Jungkook and I had a mischievous grin and Jungkook, the golden maknae, tried to grab his phone but hyung somehow excepted it and he stood up. He was strange. He rarely uses any application for communication on his phone. And then we saw the name. Y/N.

'Hyung. What's up with Y/N?' I asked.

He didn't answer me. He didn't even take a glance at me.

'Yoongi hyung's in love.' Jungkook cooed.

He didn't react at all. He just shrugged his shoulder, and got off the couch.

'Don't do it guys, leave him alone.' Jin hyung said.

So, here we were. Everybody, except for Yoongi hyung and Y/N knew our ultimate matchmaker plan.

8 of us arrived on time. The party was held in a grand mansion of our producer. Y/N was cutely admired the surrounding, like she had only seen places like this only in picture. I elbowed Jungkook. Let's start the game: 1.make Yoongi hyung jealous.
It was a tough task, as he always seemed to be could and he had this 'I-do-not-care' aura around him. But we all knew that he always cared about people and things which he dearly valued.

'Y/N, I hope you know, this place as beautiful as you tonight.' I said in a flirting tone.

'I agree, you really are hot.' Jungkook stated.

Y/N blushed so hard, she became so shy she started stuttering.

'T-t-thank you guys, so you are tonight.'

Awww. She was so cute as to play with the thought that I would hit on her, if hyung didn't like her.

But as we hoped, hyung eyes narrowed. He wouldn't have admitted it but he was jelly as...flower.

Y/N was approached by several people as she was walking with us. Surprisingly she even found her cousin. He was one of our backup singer. The world is so small.

Hyung eyed her every time. Now we decided to take the second step in our plan: to make Yoongi hyung even more jealous.

'Ooh, Y/N.' I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dancefloor. She had a troubled expression and looked at Yoongi to help her out but he didn't help her though.

'I can't dance.' she said shyly.

'Please, just one dance with me.' I begged her.

'I'm really awful. I'm not exaggerating.'

And to our luck, the music changed to a slow and romantic one.

She grew more uncomfortable when I gently put my hands on her waist. She blushed extremely.

'Jimin, why are you doing this with me?'

' I feel like it.' I answered shortly.

Yoongi's eyes were really black and he looked at me as if he had planned to kill me. Of course, he was a bit drunk. Everybody drank a bit at that party.
But the next thing I saw pissed me off.
I saw him kissing another girl.

I stopped dancing due to my ultimate shock.

'What's wrong?' she asked.

Before I could answer, she looked at the same direction. She trembeled and then muttered me sorry and ran away.

Oh my God.

Pianist Guy (Min Yoongi X reader)Where stories live. Discover now