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Amazing. Now, my friend will find about it. She wasn't an average fan - she was a megafan. She wasn't a saesang but she was almost as crazy as them. She didn't dare to break any law to hurt her any member of her precious band but she had been into stalking, I guessed.

I sent her a message back, just using surprised emoticons. I knew I had to talk with Yoongi, if not with the whole group.

Despite that, our night was amazing. I was thinking of him all night before my eyes shut down.

My parents woke me up. The goold old days appeared in front of my eyes. I had a couple of fights with my mom, because I hadn't been able to wake up on time.  But that was also true for my brother. We were relatives after all.

'Good morning, sweetie.' she whispered and stroke my hair, after I walked out of my room.

'Morning mommy.' I said to her trying to not crawl back to bed.

'How was your date?' She inquired.

'Amazing. I hope he will call me.'

'I'm sure he will, he's such a nice guy. He reminds me of your father, when he was young.'

I rewarded her with a warm smile.
I didn't deny it. He was a masterpiece; a real talent, a boy with unique personality. Then my phone rang. I jolted up when I saw his name. I mouthed "I will be back." to my eomma.

'Hello.' I greeted him, smile was still plastered on my face.
'Hello. Are you free tonight?'
'I want you to come over at night. Cuddle date.'
'Sounds cosy.'
'I rather spend time with you indoors.'
'Though our first one was pretty much outdoors.'
'First impression is important.'
'Then you shouldn't have been rude to me.'
'Still sorry about it.'

I laughed.

'Alright, when can I come over?'
'The boys will leave at 5. They are going to Taehyung's friend's party. I declined the invitation, so the dorm will be all ours.'
'Okay see you then.'
'Bye baby.'

Before I could react to the pet name, he hung up.

'Mom, I know you were spying on me.'
She came out of her hiding spot.

'I'm just happy for you darling.'

'We aren't together...'

'Yet.' she cut me off smiling wider than before.'

Yes, my mom is also known as my biggest cheerleader.

Pianist Guy (Min Yoongi X reader)Where stories live. Discover now