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Since then, I became more comfortable around Yoongi. He smiled much more often and he made small talks with me. Even he sent me messages and we could talk all day, all night. Of course when he wasn't busy practising or composing and I wasn't on studying or teaching kids. So, beside my parents, my English friends (Chris, Lisa and Jasmine) and Cho, I talked with BTS the most.

It was Saturday afternoon and I decided to pay them a visit. As I approached their dorm, the security guards knew who I was and nodded, I climbed up the stairs.

I knocked on their door. No one answered. But I recognized the sound of a piano. I had been so long since I heard such a masterpiece. I tried to open the door and to my surprise, it wasn't locked.

'Careless boys.' I thought.

The tragic sounding sad song was filling the air and I couldn't breathe. Memories were gathering in my brain and I could feel that tears were falling from my eyes. While I was crying silently, I was chasing the music source. I opened a door carefully and I saw a black-haired guy playing on this musical instrument. I knew who it was. He reminded me so much of my brother.

’ Did you want to scare me?' Yoongi said in annoyed voice.

As I remained silent, he turned around and he noticed my tears. He frowned immediately.

' Hey... Y/N. Why are you crying?' He changed his tone into a soft one.

I couldn't answer, I didn't want to open my mouth because I thought that I would start sobbing.

He got up off his chair and he stood in font of me. He wiped away my tears gently and he patted my back.

' Did I make you cry or... was it a music?'

I showed him two fingers. He understood what I meant and he smiled a bit.

' I think it's not just the music, right?'

I nodded. I grabbed my phone and I opened a note and I started typing. Then I showed to him. It was the communication which I was able to do while crying my heart out.


Yoongi smiled and sighed.

'They are dancing. Yesterday I couldn't get enough sleep and I almost fainted, so this is my day off.'

I deleted my previous note and I wrote a knew one.

You should be more careful idiot. You don't eat properly, you don't sleep properly... You need a babysitter, seriously.

He chuckled when he saw what I wrote. He stopped patting my back, instead he ruffled my hair.

'You sound just like my mum.' he said and after this his smile faded away.

He gave back my phone and I put in on my shirt's pocket. I took a deep breath then I exhaled.

'Could you finally calm down?' he asked softly.

'Yes, thank you.' I said. Damn, my voice was shaking.

'Do you want to talk about what's wrong?'

I shook my head and I tried to give him a half smile.

' I'm alright, just you sometimes reminds me of a very close person in my life.'

'Who is it?' he demanded. He sounded jealous.

'Sorry but I won't tell you.'

' Y/N please.' He made cute faces to win the arguement.

'My answer is still no.'

'I know what will change your mind. Something that will make you relaxed right away.'

He went closer to me and my heart started beating so fast... I thought I would die. 'Is he about to kiss me?' A thought came across my mind. But he  went to a shelf behind me and he grabbed two glasses and wine. Why was I disappointed?

' You would like to make me drunk? Dude I was an attraction in the pubs...'

' Beside it, I want to celebrate. I finished the whole lyrics of my new mixtape. Thanks to you.'

' I didn't tell you anything useful...' I started but he cut me off. 'You are more inspirational than you think.' He smiled.

He poured me some wine and for himself.

'Congratulations, Yoongi.'

'Thank you very much, dear.' He said.

I couldn't hide my blush. I nodded and we went back to the living room. I didn't know what would come next but If someone told me earlier, I would dying of laughter.

We never know what the future holds for us.

Pianist Guy (Min Yoongi X reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora