"No, he does not." I laughed airily .

"He does. You have not seen him around girls, we have. He is shy and awkward. But around you, he is incredibly comfortable." 

"I am his friend, you know that. I am a friend to you all." I said in a small tone.

"And it is an honour to go from fan to a friend status," I added.

"Why do you think he can't like you or any of us for that matter?"

I roll my eyes at him without answering as Skyler came back scoring a strike.

We high fived and I saw the hard edge to Zaidan's face.

Liam was bad but not as bad as me.

I manage to strike six balls once through pure luck.

But thanks to Skyler we won.

Next up was Brent and Ross, both just bowling like there was no one watching we rolled with laughter seeing them play.

"How are you make-up girl?" Liam came and sat down next to me.

He offered me a soft drink which I accepted gratefully feeling thirsty.

"How are you?"I asked knowing well enough he was suffering because of my sister.

"Why does she hate me?" He answered my question with a question.

"She doesn't hate you." I immediately said and then realised I had no reason behind this.

"Okay let's share trade secrets." He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I don't trust you."

"I am not asking nuclear launch code, just minor fun questions."

"Or you are trying to make her jealous while pretending to talk to me," I said and his eyes widened.

"Sorry?" He said looked apologetic.

"Let's share trade secrets." I agreed with a smile.

"Who will you date out of VICTOR?" He asked me an easy and a difficult question.

"That is none of your business," I muttered.

"Fine, don't answer I already know."

"Did Camila got in a relationship with you while she was still with Zaidan?"

He nodded after a while, "I didn't know she was dating one of my best friends."

And just like that, we were talking about favourite songs, favourite movies, funny incidents since we were the worst players around.

"I hope we are not disturbing you," Zaidan said in a rough tone.

And I practically jumped out of the seat.

"Time to go?" I asked and he nodded giving icy glares to Liam in the process who just smiled.

"Let's go." Camila came next to us and interlinked her hands with Zaidan.

Michelle looked amused by all this as he whispered something to Ross.

"Yeah sure." And Liam interlinked his hand with mine.

For a second I was about to pull away but I realised I was helping him make Camila jealous so I just smiled.

I saw an understanding pass between Ross and Liam which I couldn't place and Liam dragged me along with a furious looking Zaidan and Skyler.

I am pretty sure I am going to miss all this with just a few days left.


Two days prior to my departure, we were in the recording studio when I got the call from my dad.

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