
“You new to the area or a freshman?”

“Both” I exhales

“Mm, nice, a newbie” he teased

At lunch William asked me to sit with him and the redhead, Blake, he was kind of good looking but no boys ever look at me so I wasn’t even gonna try. William was very friendly and kind, I could tell we were gonna be good friends.

“So Gaia, you play any sports?” William asked

“Well I played volleyball back home”

“You gonna try out for the team”

“I don’t know”

“You should, it would be fun” he encouraged.

“You like basketball?” Blake asked

“Um… not really”

“What? You don’t like basketball? Why?”

“It gets boring for me after a while, and the silence, I hate it. If I had to watch, I prefer NBA games, the crowd’s always cheering”

“Blake’s gonna be in the NBA one day” William joked

“Haha shut up man”

Flashback 5 months later:

I got in the volleyball team and I became friends with Blake and William. We were at a school party and Blake was flirting with me, everyone knew we had a thing but neither of us wanted to admit it until Blake finally had the courage to say something. He kissed me out of nowhere and asked me to be his girlfriend to which I answered yes. A lot of girls always asked what I saw in him, that he was so ugly but I didn’t care, he was pretty darn cute to me, and tall… I was always attracted to tall men.

Flashback 2 years later:

It’s been a two years and a half and Blake and I are still together. I was a junior in high school and Blake was a freshman in collage, we didn’t see a lot of each other during the summer cause he was on basketball summer camp. But today wasn’t about that… I was all alone at home watching TV my mom and dad were away in some army activity that I didn’t want to be part of. As I was watching TV the doorbell rings, and of course when your alone and aren’t expecting anyone you freak out. I decide to go and check who it was and… surprise! It was Blake.

“Blake! What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to surprise you, I got here today” he takes out his hands from his back and he was holding a calla lily, my favorite flower.

“It’s beautiful, thank you”

“You didn’t forget did ya?” tomorrow was our 2years and 6 months ‘anniversary’

“No! But I didn’t get you anything. I thought you weren’t coming for another month.”

“They gave us a break, don’t worry babe I don’t care about that” he gives me peck and we go to the living room “What are you watching?”

“Family Guy” I say and he chuckles

We watch TV for a while but apparently Blake got bored and he started to kiss me. Things got heated up and I got nervous, I never had sex before so I was scared, but today was the day… the day that I would lose my virginity to Blake…

We end up in my room, I admit it hurt a little but I got used to it after a while and I’ll also admit, it felt SO good.

Blake: “I got a confession to make…”


“This was actually my first time too”

“You liar” I laugh

“I’m not kidding, I mean come on I’m not the best looking guy around”

“So if you were you would sleep with every girl?”

“Haha no, I love you” I smile letting him know I love him too and give him a kiss, we just lay there for a while hugging each other “You know one day I’ll be rich… And I’m gonna marry you, we’ll have a big house and kids running around”


“I’m not kidding, we’ll be living so large… I’ll do anything for you”

“I don’t believe it, but you have yourself a deal”

“You don’t believe it?”

I sit up “I do believe you’ll go far in life… I just don’t believe I’ll be in it” my smile fades away


“Come on Blake, you’re a guy. As soon as they hand you the money, you’re gonna get whatever you want and chicks will be after you. You’re gonna get any girl you want… it’s just not gonna be me. Money changes people.”

“I promise I won’t be that case, in fact…” he leans from the bed to the floor, he reaches to the pocket on his jeans and pulls something out...

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