Maxwell scurried off to bring back a cart for us, Christina stepped back to the stone she was examining before giving me her attention once again. "You must examine the stone to make sure there are no cracks or breaks, if one piece chips off with you can even start your work; it'll mess you up. As you examine you picture your design, see what you are going to do- get an idea in your mind."

I nod my head as I take everything in, "Where did you learn to sculpt?"

"My grand mama tortured me to make sculptures for her as soon as I had a thumb for art. I learned to love it as I've gotten older."

"You're from London? I mean, I'm not trying to stereotype-"

"It's fine, usually when people hear a British accent they think that person is from London. London is the most tourist attraction in England, hell even I see it as such. No, I'm from Saint Helier, Jersey."

"Henry Cavill's birth place?" I grew excited, the idea of living in the same area as one of the most famous and sexy actor I favor makes me shiver in arousal. Down girl...

Christina nod her head yes, "And no, I never met him. I did see him once in a mall, but didn't get too close. Where are you from? Wait don't tell me." She tapped her chin as she examined me once more. "Maryland, USA."

I chuckled while shaking my head, "New York,"

Her pale cheeks suddenly turned red from embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I should of never guessed." She sighed heavily in disappointment.

"It's fine, my accent is missed with north and south. I'll understand if you confused me with an Marylander." I shrugged my shoulders to show I didn't care, at least she didn't say I was from New Jersey or Philly. I dated a girl from Philly, very unpleasant.

Maxwell came back with a large cart, "Have you made your decision Christina?"

The strawberry blonde nods her head yes, "Yup, this one." She pointed to a smooth cloudy like stone that was rough on the edges.

Maxwell braced himself before lifting the stone that was twice as large than his head. Without a few grunts and shakes, Maxwell managed to put the stone into the cart.

"Pick your stone Kaxity," Christina said in a spiritual way.

I looked through the shelf to see the same two stones, "Um, what about this one?" I pointed to a random block stone with hint of black streaks.

Christina shook her head in disagreement, "Tsk tsk. Just like a painting, you must become when with your work. You must become one with the stone, actual examine the stone get the idea in your head."

I looked towards Maxwell to see he was amused with Christina's words. I sighed heavily before turning back to the blocks of stone in front of me. I examined every stone, but nothing hit me like it hits Christina.

I came upon one stone with gray streaks, I instantly saw those sugar gray eyes. I tired to ignore it, those eyes and the stone; but I couldn't, it was too addicting. "This one."

"Are you sure?" Maxwell asked while stepping forward to take the stone.

I nod my head in confirmation, "Yes, very."

Later on after Maxwell picked his stone, we headed back to our rooms; along the way Christina was giving me tips on how to start and the do's and do not's. Even though her lecture was good and points helpful, I still do not know what to do. I'm a visual learner, I have to see to learn- so the only option I had that would not distract Christina nor Maxwell from their own work, was to go on YouTube to get some tips.

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