Reality is back

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Reality is back.
I don't think i ever formally introduced myself to you guys.
Im Aubrey.
Nice to meet you, on here my account is small and i haven't published anything in fear that it wont be good enough. 👐🏻
Big J is a great friend of mine, i love them so much.
And it sucks because they're actually moving to a different school next year and I'm sad. Hopefully we'll keep in touch like we always have.
They're like family to me.
So i don't really know what to say anymore, it took a while to finally convince them to let me publish a chapter but here i am.
I've been told I'm a little to harsh and make everything a joke.
In all honesty, it's not on purpose.
But seriously, if you have a problem
Don't just sit there and do nothing about it.
Get up and do something about it. Try and fix it. Yeah, i don't know everything, and I don't have much to say but please stay safe, stay happy, and stay alive.
Ily all, maybe you'll see me in other chapters
Reality is here.
(Peep at old photo)

(Peep at old photo)

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Reality is out.

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