chapter 1

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After bahubali decided to defend devasena sivagami decides to revoke her decision of making bahubali the king of mahismathi.

   Knowing that only a miracle will change his mothers mind bahubali prays for a miracle. Just before sivagami passed her judgement a note floats to her lap

"Dear citizens of mahishmathi ,

      Due to foul play mahismathi will fall into the hands of palvaldeva and the untimely deaths of rajamatha and prince amarendra and torture and illegal imprisonment of devasena and annihilation of kunthala kingdom due to mechanisations of palvaldeva.
             To stop this you will be watching a moving picture called movie about mahishmathi. You will be watching it with the royals of kunthala."

At the astonished courtier's of mahishmathi rajamatha orders to check if the royals of kunthala have arrived. When the saw that its true the began to believe it .

     Suddenly a screen pops up at the entrance of the royal court. And a portal opens on top of the court. Suddenly the see four people falling down through the portal .

    Seeing them falling down to what is believed to be their death amarendra jumps into action by moving a mattress under them . the people fell face down. Slowly they get up in confusion seeing people the have never met before .

   Sivagami Devi clears their confusion by informing them about the letter and the movie. After hearing this the visitors from future becomes excited at the chance to change the tragic past.

     Sivagami devi asks them to introduce themselves to the courtiers.

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