Chapter 1

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Betty Cooper:

"hey Arch, how were things this summer," I ask looking in front of me, feeling my cheeks heat up at how cute he looked. Tonight was the night, I was going to tell Archie Andrews how I felt for him. You can do it Betty.

"It was great, I started writing songs," he brightly smiles, dimples appearing on the sides of his lips. Causing my stomach to clinch at the feeling I get when he did something adorable like that.

"Really that's great..I had no idea that you liked music in that way,"I reply, feeling sad that I didn't know as much about him that I should've.

"Yeah for a while now actually," he says taking a sip from his vanilla milkshake. Glancing his eyes down at the table, instead of meeting mine. What'd I do.

"So, how many songs have you written," I finally say something to try and clear the tension between us. 

"Um...three," his smile returns, right when the bell rings signally someone walking in through the door. This for some reason catches Archie's attention, because I notice his eyes glued to who ever it was that had walked in. Curiously I turn to see who it is, scarlet black hair, and brown eyes. That's what I saw, she looked like she had just walked out of a movie. With expensive clothing and high heels. Neatly curled hair and flawless makeup. No wonder she had received his attention. He'd never look at me that way. 

She walks towards us, eyeing between the two of us, as if she were trying to figure something out. 

"Hey," her voice appears beside us, drawing our attention upwards to meet her. 

"Hey," Archie smiles, completely captivated by the beautiful new girl in town. 

"How are the onion rings here," is her sudden question, and before I can say anything Archie speaks up, beating me to it. 


She turns her attention to Pop Tate, while also saying," Can I get an order of onion rings to go too,". He nods in response before turning back around to finish wiping off the counter.

"So are you new here," Archie asks completely ignoring me, who was currently looking directly at him.

"Yeah, I- uh just moved here, from New York, I'm Veronica" she smiles down at him, also ignoring me. What was I invisible or something now.

"Wow, um I'm Archie," he smirks, and then he must've remembered my presence because he sucks in a breath before also saying," And this is Betty," 

She glances between the two of us again, 

"Aren't you-," she ask curiously down at me. 

"Supposed to give you your tour tomorrow, yes peer mentor," I fake a smile, looking down at my lap when her attention is turned back to Archie. How come I feel like the third wheel right now, we don't even know her.

"Do you want to join us," He suddenly asks, causing my eyes to snap up to him. I raise my eyebrows in annoyance. My luck. 

"Um, I can't my mom's waiting in the car..But it was nice meeting you...Both," she smiles while turning to walk away. His attention finally snaps back to me, when she walked through the door. 

"Were you about to ask me something," He questions confused,

"No," I reply quickly, lying through my teeth. Well it looks like that's never going to happen. 


Jughead Jones:

There she sat in biology class, head down as she read through her text book. Something that I should be doing right now. God why do I always do this, stop Jug. Get a grip. I quickly snap my eyes back down to my book, hoping that no one had caught me gawking. But again find my eyes snapping back to her every couple of minutes. 

Damn she has no idea how beautiful she is, golden blonde hair always neatly in a ponytail. Bright blue eyes with thick eyelashes complimenting them. Pink plump lips that she always nibbled on when she was really concentrating. Everything about her seemed perfect, but I knew that somewhere in her, she had just a bit of darkness. Everybody does. 

"Jughead," I hear our teacher ask, bringing my mind back from such thoughts.

"Yeah," I ask in confusion, hearing the rest of the kids chuckling under their breath's. 

"What is the answer to the problem," He asks pointing to the chalk board in front of the class. Okay, I look over the problem quickly before answering, "C". Then turning my attention back down to my book. 

"That's correct, maybe you could start paying a little less attention to girls and a little more attention to my class," 

That's all it took for the rest of the class to completely ignore their assignment and start whispering among themselves about the fact that I was looking at a girl. Wow I guess Jughead isn't a woman hater like we all thought then. I roll my eyes even though my back is turned to all of them, but I still feel my cheeks warm in embarrassment about the fact that I was caught. I hope Betty hadn't caught me either, I think I'd die if that happened. Literally.

"Okay class we'll pick back up on this tomorrow, you're dismissed," 

I stay in my seat for a second, gathering everything into my old backpack and taking my time hoping that I'm the last one in class by the time I'm done.

"Jug", I hear her sweet voice from beside me, along with her delicate fingers taping on my shoulder. Why are you doing this to me right now, this is literally to much attention from everybody for one day. 

"Yeah," I finally reply, trying my best to not seem that interested in a conversation. Even though I think this is exactly what my mind needed, just so I could stop thinking about her for just a minute.

"What's up with you today," She asks, causing me to turn and glance at her. Her eyes seemed sad for some unknown reason, and she seemed worried. Still looked beautiful though. 

"What...nothing..why'd you ask something like that," I dismiss, turning back around towards my desk to grab my backpack, quickly slinging it over my shoulder and standing to walk to the door. But she blocks me in, standing dangerously close to be precise. What is she doing, does she not know a thing called a personal space. Her body heat radiates over to me, warming my body. I can feel my cheeks flush, god Jug-, my thought gets cut off with her voice.

"Jug, you can talk to me," Is her only reply, a strand of hair had fallen from her ponytail and it seemed unnatural, I wasn't used to seeing her, so not herself. Or at least the person she try's to show everyone she is. 

"Betty, not to be rude...But, why do you suddenly care," I raise my eyebrows in confusion stepping around her small frame and heading to the door, finally I can breathe.

By the time I had made it to my locker with no interruptions, I felt another tap on my shoulder igniting the nerves underneath it. 

"You know I care about you Juggy," Is her only reply, and there's something about the old nickname she had given me years ago that eased my mind. 

"Betty, don't you get it..Things have changed, and up until now things have been different for all of us..So why now," I question kind of annoyed that she had waited this long to actually have a full on conversation with me. 

"I don't know...I just felt like talking to you," she admits, sounding unsure if that was the real reason. 

"Okay well, we talked....," I reply, feeling guilty because I was being so rude. I don't know why, it was a habit I guess.

I start to walk away but she grabs a hold of my arm, okay is she trying to kill me today or something. She pulls me back to stand in front of her. I can feel her eyes on my face taking in something. 

"You've changed," She mumbles under her breath, and I swear I feel her hand trace mine when she pulls hers from my arm. 

"Haven't we all," I sarcastically reply walking away from her, before I say anything else stupid. Yep she most definitely hates me now. 

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