Cold Pizza Warm Heart (GIRL X AMBER)

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Your POV

It was the middle of July, 11:30 pm. You sat at a small round table in a small apartment you shared with your girlfriend, Amber. A fan was blasting air to cool you and Amber's sweaty faces as you both ate cold microwaved pizza you recently bought at the convenience store.

"Hey...why have we been eating pizza for the past 3 days?" Amber mumbles, drumming her fingers on the table.

"You know it's hard finding a job during summer with all these teenagers applying, I barely got this job I have now. Besides, be grateful we at least have something to eat, my paycheck is smaller than this pizza we're eating" you complain as we both look at the small pizza slices on the plate. You see Amber's eyebrows furrowed at your reply.

"Are you saying this wouldn't be happening if I got a job?" Amber questioned.

"Well, that is a possibility as I'm the only one with a job and all," you shrugged your shoulders, "but said it, not me."

Amber's hands clenched, "excuse you, but I do have a job-"

"Being an idol on hiatus doesn't bring food to our small, beaten up table" you interrupted, hitting a nerve on Amber.

"Are you fucking kidding me Y/N? I've worked my ass off everyday for money. I've endured physical and emotional pain just to make my friends, family, you and I happy and all I get is shit!" Amber yelled, tears threatening to spill from the corners of her eyes. You stopped and stared at Amber, realizing what you said.

"A-Amber...I didn't mean to...I-I'm so sor-" You were stopped when Amber got up quickly, heading towards the door. Footsteps echoed throughout the small apartment before a door slammed leading to silence. You didn't get up, your eyes fixated on the cold pizza before your vision got blurry. Warmth cascaded onto your cheeks as you cried.

Why did I say such a thing? What's wrong with me? You continued lecturing yourself before getting up and cleaning up the table. You sat at the couch and decided to watch TV, trying to forget what happened. Everytime Amber was upset, she would leave to get alone time before coming back. But... you looked at your phone: 12:45 am.

It's been a while... you became worried but shook it off.

What I said was really messed up, she needs more time...ugh...why would you say such a thing, Y/N!? Minutes turned to hours before sleep finally enveloped you on the couch wihout you realizing it. You heard noises and opened your eyes to hear sounds in the kitchen. What seemed like seconds it was actually 2:30 am. You rubbed your eyes noticing you were crying in your sleep, getting up you saw that a blanket was put over you.

Amber...she must be back...I better go and apologize... you hated arguing with her. You stood and walked to the kitchen. Your eyes widened, seeing a bowl full of food for two and Amber sitting a the table. She was fidgeting a lot.

Amber saw you and quickly got up, "Y-Y/N...I-I just wanted to say...I'm sorry. I was so rude and shouldn't have yelled at you. You've been working hard and I should be grateful for what- no...who I have. Y-You shouldn't be eating convenience store food frequently so I cooked us something with the little stuff I was able to get. P-Please accept my apology..." Amber bowed. You didn't reply so she looked up and saw you crying. She panicked, and went towards you, wiping your tears away. "I-I'm sorry...please stop crying..." You couldn't stop, hearing her apologize made you cry harder. You felt so guilty, you insulted her and her career and she comes apologizing and cooks when she really can't.

"I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't h-have said that! Please don't be mad anymore! I don't d-deserve you!" You cry out loud, Amber quickly hugs you.

"Don't ever say that, you are the most important person in my life and I don't know what i would do without you. L-Let's just e-eat...yeah?" Amber blushes, she wasn't the type to be romantic or show emotions. You sniffle, smiling at her and her cuteness. You both sit and look at the food she made. It was a pile of blackness.

" bean noodles? Yum-" you stop as you took a bite. All you tasted was burnt inedible stuff. You managed to swallow, giving her a smile and thumbs up. You saw Amber's face light up before taking a bite as well, she immediately spat it out, frowning. You both look at each other and laugh.

"I guess that's a no..." Amber blushes, throwing the burnt food and bowl away because you couldn't wash off the food that was burned onto the bowl. You smile and kiss her.

"Thank you Amber, I love you"

"I love you too, Y/N..." Amber smiles. You were both interrupted with stomach growls, remembering that you two still haven't eaten.

"It's okay, I know what to do" Amber says, she takes her phone out from her pocket. You see her going through her long list of contacts before smiling a pressing on a number. You hear dialling before a voice on the other line comes up.


"Victoria-unnie...I need a favor please~"

A/N: WHO ELSE WATCHED BBMAS FOR BTS IM SO SHOOK DONT TOUCH ME !!!¡! ugh I cant even, sorry for this shitty chapter, ive been soooo sick these past few days and the summer heat is no joke and along with work im gonna die :)

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