Memories (SCOTTBER)

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Scott's POV

"Hey Amber, how have you been? Sorry I haven't been visiting you, my schedule for work has changed" I smiled. "The weather is pretty nice today, huh? Must remind you of L.A hahah...." I was staring at my lap. A few minutes of silence passed and I sighed, looking up at you. "Hey Amber...when will you wake up?" I asked at the unconscious Amber on her hospital bed.
Flashback: F(x) Solo Concert...
"Woohoo! Great job on the concert!" I was so happy for F(x). After so many years they finally got what they deserved a long time ago. A solo concert, a fandom name, freedom...
"Thank you, we couldn't have gotten here without everyone" Victoria did a 90 degree bow as I respectfully did one back. "Hey, where's Amber? I wasn't able to meet her before the concert so I wanna surprise her!" I asked excitedly.
"Ah, just in time" Krystal pointed behind me. I turned and saw Amber, she was sweating a lot, her hair was messy, she held a water bottle that was almost empty and a towel to wipe her sweat. Her face looked serious but I know she will cheer up when she sees me.
"AMBROOOOOOOO" I ran towards her hugging her. "Great job that was awesome!"
Amber just continued fanning herself, all the F(x) members, back up dancers and staff gathered. They were all talking about the concert and I noticed Amber looked irritated.
"What's wrong?" I smiled.
"Sorry...I just have a migraine." She started massaging her temple with her open hand. "I don't feel....good...." Amber bent forward before collapsing.
I gasped. "Amber! What's wrong?!" I knelt beside her.
"'s too hot...move away..." Amber started panting.
"Call the medics!" Victoria yelled.
I began fanning her until the medics came. They took her by ambulance to the nearest hospital and the manager followed with their van. I followed the van in my car. When we arrived, the doctors explained that Amber passed out during the ride and hasn't woken up. They claimed she fainted due to the heat, not getting enough sleep, not eating enough, stress and many more reasons. They said her health was critically low in the first place and it was really dangerous that she kept performing. They excused themselves and left after showing us her room. We entered and gasped seeing Amber unconscious with wires hooked up everywhere. We stayed for awhile hoping she would wake up but after a few hours, their manager said they had to leave to prepare for the next solo concert and will have to perform without Amber. All the members and manager said goodbye and I decided to stay. I ended up falling asleep there and now it is usual I visit her.

End Of Flashback

I stared at Amber's calm face and sighed. It's been almost 2 months...when will she wake up? I looked at my hands on my lap and tears built up. I tried breathing in and out but I couldn't hold it and cried out loud. I might lose my best friend, my crush, how can I not cry? I wiped my tears and looked up at her face. I caressed her cheek before standing up and leaving.
I heard movement and quickly turned around. She didn't move. I turned back but her movement and looked back, I stared more and saw her fingers twitching. Happiness filled my heart. I called the doctors exclaiming she was waking up and once the doctors arrived, I waited outsode since it was busy. An hour later I was able to go back in the room. The doctors moved away and I saw Amber sitting upright. I had a huge smile.
"Amber!" I ran and kneeled beside her bed, grabbing her hands. "Amber! Oh my gosh, it's been almost 2 months, 2 MONTHS, gosh I can't believe it! Wait til I tell the other F(x) members and SUJU and Shinee and everyone!"
She stared at me for a while with a blank expression.
"...who are you and what are you talking about?"
I was confused. "What do you mean? Stop joking around, I will bring the members here and we will tell you everything-" a doctor layed his hand on his should and whispered in my ear. A lump formed in my throat and tears started spilling. I gripped her hand tighter making her flinch.
"No! I don't believe you! She knows me, I'm Scott!!! Her best friend! Right Amber?!" I looked up and saw her look at me in fear. My heart broke into a million pieces bjt I won't give up easily. "Doctors! Go call the members or something! She does remember just bring in some more familiar faces!!! Hurry up!"
"Please, you are causing a disruption. Please let us talk outside first-"
"NO GET AWAY FROM ME SHE REMEMBERS ME I'M HER BEST FRIEND GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME" After a few minutes of thrashing everywhere, they sent in security and dragged me out. The doctors stood in front of me as I looked down, a security gaurd on either side of me.
"Please, Amber just woke up from a coma. We found out all those elements that made her faint in the frist place triggered a nerve in her brain, causing everything to be messed up and now she lost her memories. Please don't push everything at once. In order for her to recover well and quick, you must act as if you never met before. Understood?"
I hesitated, then nodded in agreement not looking him in the eye.
They let me cool off first before entering back in. Amber flinched when she saw me.
"I'm sorry I reacted that way. Acutally, you just remind me of a friend from long ago." I kneeled beside her.
Amber hesitated. "I-It's fine...what's my name? Where am I? What happened?" She asked nervously.
"Don't worry. Your name is Amber, you got into a coma..." I replied.
"Um...what's your name?"
"My name? Well it's..." I looked up at her with tears falling down my cheeks. "My name is's nice to meet you."

Author's Note: Hey guys sorry for such a sad story I noticed my book was full of happiness and all the bullshit lmao jk but it need a tinge of VIXX in there y'know? Anyway hope you liked it I didn't proof it so there's a lot of errors and all sorryyyy I'm so lazy. I will make it up for being gone so long with another story tomorrow! Happy valentines dayyyyy

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