Birthday Wish (NAMBER)

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Amber's POV

I sat at my wooden desk staring at the blank page of my worn out notebook I use to keep all my composed lyrics in. My pencil tapping by the sound of the clock ticking as time went by slowly. It was around 11:37 at night and I felt the need to jot down a few lyrics. The only sounds emitting in this cold room was the sound of the clock, my lucky pencil tapping against the blank paper, my heart beating in frustration and the sound of my lovely dogs snoring. I need inspiration. I decided to turn on my laptop that was put aside and scrolled on my instagram feed. I always read comments my fans put under my pictures I post on instagram. I recently posted a picture of myself at my birthday party with friends and I smiled seeing everybody wishing me happy birthday. A certain comment caught my attention: Happy birthday llama! I'm a huge fan! What is your birthday wish?
I paused, I didn't really have a wish in mind. In fact, what do I really want? I have everything, right? I looked at a few polaroid pictures I took with friends at the party and noticed I really didn't have everything I wanted...well...anyone.
And that was Eric Nam.
I remembered he wasn't at my party probably due to his schedule but even EXO and Super Junior and my family from America came.
Aish, I scratched my head in frustration, why am I being so selfish? Well, even so, he could've at least told me he wasn't coming. I was waiting for him only to give up.
I pushed the memory aside and tried forcing myself to think of lyrics until I got dizzy and decided to lie on my bed. I stared up at the ceiling and got lost in thought until I felt tears strwaming down my face.
Confused, I quickly wiped my tears again but they wouldn't stop flowing. So I just layed there silently crying. I guess I really wanted Eric to come-
My phone vibrated and I quickly answered it so the dogs wouldn't wake up.
All I heard was panting.
"Amber, can I come over?"
I recognized that voice, Eric.
" there...bye" Eric panted out before hanging up immediately.
I stared at my phone confused until a few minutes later a knock came to my door. I knew it was Eric so I opened without checking.
"Hey Eric."
"Sup Am" we gave each other a hug before I let him in. He was carrying a backpack.
"What's that?" I asked pointing at the backpack.
"Oh, I just finished hiking."
"Is that why you were panting on the phone?"
"Hahaha yeah"
We had a normal conversation and I frowned on the inside because it seemed he forgot it was my birthday but I didn't want to remind him because it would be too embarrassing and awkward.
"Can you get my favorite sweater I left here last time for me?" Eric asked.
"Why can't you? You always go walk around wherever so it's fine with me."
"I just finished hiking you idiot, my legs hurt" Eric complained.
"Ugh fine" I got up and went to look for his sweater in my room. I searched for minutes before coming back out.
"Eric I can't find it-" I froze.
All the lights were out and the only light shing was from candles on a cake.
Eric smiled before singing his own version of happy birthday and told me to make a wish.
I slowly sat down still shocked until he made me blow it, then cutting a slice for both of us.
"You like it?" Eric smiled.
"Y-Yeah..." I mumbled, tears flowing once again.
"You don't like it?" He asked frowning.
"No...I....I love it so much....thank you....I thought you forgot..." I continued crying covering my face.
Eric laughed before explaining. Sorry, I wanted to make my own cake in which you would like fso I had to skip the party then I was panting because I was running over to your house because it was al ost midnight. Sorry the cake is a bit smashed, it was in the backpack." I looked at the clock and noticed it was 11:58.
I laughed, "no, it's perfect, THIS, is perfect. Thanks Eric."
We hugged and continued eating as I enjoyed the last few minutes of my birthday with the most important person, Eric.

Author's Note: Hey guys I am back! Thankfully it's spring break so I may get a few fanfics in here and there. Hope you enjoyed and see you next time!

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