My Pillow | Sterek

Start from the beginning

He looked around and noticed that the pack was still asleep.

Good, He thought. He didn't want to have to deal with their questionable stares.

He decided to get his pillow since it smelled like him and gave it to Stiles to cuddle up to. Once he did, he went into the kitchen to make some coffee for the pack. It didn't take long for them to get up when they smelled that the coffee was done.

Derek sat at the head of the table and waited for everyone to sit down with him. It didn't take long since they all usually wake up when he does. Once everyone was sat at the table Derek couldn't help but notice that the little hyper-energetic human wasn't in his normal seat beside him. He was about to go check on him when he walked in with a blanket around him and messy bed hair. Everyone watched as he stopped at the doorway and stood there for a minute. Stiles looked around and when he spotted Derek there he glared.

Why is he upset?

Stiles started mumbling incoherent things as he made his way to Derek.

"Stupid pillow. Thinks he can just walk away from me. I need my pillow."

The pack gave confused looks, trying to figure out what Stiles was talking about. Derek just smirked and moved farther away from the table in his chair. Once Stiles reached him he practically fell into Derek's lap, straddling him before laying his head on Derek's shoulder. Derek smiled at his goofball and started running hands through his boyfriend's hair. 

The pack was indeed shocked. Everyone knew about Stiles' pillow. He brought it to every pack night. They all thought that he wouldn't sleep last night because he didn't have it. So when they saw him asleep they were surprised. Not only that but he also smelled like Derek, and they figured it was because of the pillow Derek gave him and how they slept on the same couch.  Now they know he slept on Derek.

"Stiles?" Asked Derek.

"Shut up Der. You left me, and I couldn't go back to sleep. You know I can't sleep without my pillow."

"Sorry." The alpha didn't try to say anything else knowing it would only farther upset him.

The pack didn't know what to say. They all knew that something was going on between Stiles and Derek but they never knew for sure. Never have they ever shown this much affection towards each other. At least not in front of them.

They continued staring at the two men for a few more minutes. Derek didn't notice the stares until someone cleared their throat. He looked over at the pack and smirked.

"Just tell 'em Der." Stiles mumbled into his chest.

Derek couldn't help but smile at the nickname.

"Stiles and I have been dating for two months now. We didn't tell you because one, Stiles is a pain in the- Ow!"

The pack tried to keep down their smiles at the knew couples "fight".

"Two, because Stiles wanted to tell his dad first. And three, someone wanted to keep it private. But now that you know, we don't have to hide it anymore."

The pack was silent. Two months? How could they not know?

Stiles reluctantly got up from his boyfriend's lap since the pack was gonna ask questions. He gave Derek a quick kiss before heading to the kitchen and making breakfast for everyone. Stiles always did this when they had a pack sleepover. Boyd would help him do the things when he couldn't do two things at once. As he made breakfast he would give everyone jobs. Scott and Jackson always brought the food in. The girls would set the table and Issac and Liam would get the drinks.

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