Chapter 19

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Hey guys! Again, I'm sorry I disappeared for that long! I've been really bust and I have awful writer's block right now.

If any of you have something you want to see happen in the story, tell me and I'll use it. I'm running out of ideas and would really appreciate some help. 

Anyway, here's the newest chapter. Sorry if it's shorter than usual, but I wanted to at least post something.

As usual, vote/comment/promote/tweet/whatever else you can think of!

I love all of you!!


“‘...and you’re keeping the child!?!?’ Are you joking? OF COURSE I AM,” I struggled to keep my voice under control, but the rage I felt was overwhelming.

“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” he sneered harshly. I was honestly totally and completely shocked. He had never treated me like this before. I t reminded me of the way my parents had acted towards me when I was younger.

“Yes. Yes I do. I won’t abandon my child to be raised by some strangers,” I fumed.

“It wouldn’t be abandonment if you just got rid of the problem in the first place!”

“‘The problem!?’ ‘the PROBLEM!?’ Are you seriously referring to my child as a PROBLEM?” I snapped at him. My grip on the glass was getting tighter and tighter. I forced myself to let go of it before it shattered under my hand.

“I am, actually. Because that’s what that thing is. I can’t believe you’d be so irresponsible,” he scoffed.

Sirius had always been my favorite family member. He was always so kind and caring towards me. He understood me, but this was driving me insane. I would have started sobbing had I not been so furious.

“I can’t believe you’re acting like such prick,” I retorted, no longer trying to act civil towards him.

“Excuse me?”

“I said you’re acting like a prick,” I repeated myself, patronizingly slowly, as if I was speaking to a child.

“Don’t you speak to me like that, young lady!”

“You’re not my father, Sirius. Stop acting like it!” I yelled. “You’ve no right to tell me what to do!”

“I have every right. I’m your uncle! I’m clearly the only person who’s sane here; the only person who realizes how selfish and stupid you’re being. You’re going to ruin this child’s life. You’re going to be just as bad as your mother, at the rate you’re going,” he yelled right back at me.

That was it. The comment that broke me. I burst out in tears, having to grab on to the edge of the counter to keep myself from falling down. He had taken my worst fear and turned it against me, knowing that it would obviously upset me.

“How DARE you fucking compare me to that woman!?’ I screeched.

“It’s not that difficult when you’re being just as selfish as she was! You are going to destroy this child’s life!” Sirius retorted, anger clear in his eyes.  

The fact that he kept insisting on that was beginning to drive me insane. I was on the verge of snapping. If he continued, I’d lose control. I’d hex him. Uncle or not, he was heading for major trouble. “Destroy his life? Really? You want me to  KILL him. How is that any different than ‘destroying’ his life!?!”

“Because that would be doing the right thing! By keeping him, you’re focusing on what you want...not what’s best for him!”

I growl menacingly. “Just stay out of my fucking life! You think you’re so intelligent! You think you know everything! But you don’t! You’re a scared little boy who ran away from home because he couldn’t handle it! At least I had the courage to stay at home! At least I wasn’t a coward, running from my problems!”

It was then that I knew I had gone too far. Sirius lunged at me, grabbing me by the arms and letting out a feral, low hiss. “You. Don’t. Know. Anything. You don’t know shit about my life, you spoiled brat!”

I opened my mouth to retort, but Charlie stormed into the small kitchen, clearly fuming with anger, followed by other members of the family. I guessed they had had enough of our fighting and had come to step in. Charlie wrenched Sirius off of me, and pushed me behind him.

“Let go her! Get your hands off of her!” Don’t you dare speak to Katrina like that. And don’t you even DARE call our son a problem!” he roared. He reminded me of a dragon; he was strong and intimidating, instilling fear into even my heart.

“Are you really defending her right now, Charles? Are you that stupid? You really think it’s a smart idea to bring a child into this world right now? Then you’re both irresponsible and unfit to be parents!”

“You have no basis on which to say that. I’m going to be a father and Katrina’s going to be the most wonderful mother ever. Are you suggesting that we murder our child. This is a baby; our son- growing in Katrina’s womb- just because he hasn’t been born, that doesn’t mean that he isn’t alive. I refuse to allow my son to be killed. This child will be protected and loved. I would give my life to make sure he is safe and happy,” Charlie swore.

“Yes, and what of Katrina? She can’t even stand up for herself without you having to take over! How do you expect her to protect your bastard child. You say it’ll be protected? What of the humiliation of being born out of wedlock?”

At the word ‘bastard child,’ Charlie let out a deep, animalistic growl, warning Sirius not to push the subject any further. I had to admit, though, that comment had really hit me hard. I did not want a child born out of wedlock. I did not want my child to have to bear that shame. Charlie distracted me from my thoughts when he interjected harshly. “If I remember correctly, you were the one who followed her in here to start an argument. You  were the one who verbally attacked her with no reason!”

“I have my reasons!”

“I don’t think you do. I think you can’t handle the fact that she’s found a new family and won’t have to rely on you as her only family member any more. I think you’re being absurd and you’re destroying your relationship with her. Do you even care about her?”

“Of course I care about her! She’s my niece!” Sirius insisted.

“Well you’re not acting like it. You’re acting immature and spiteful. You’re driving a stake between you and her. You can blame me all you want. It was my fault she got pregnant! But do not, DO NOT blame Katrina or our child. Take your anger out on me. I’m the one you’re really mad at, anyway,” Charlie growled, pushing me back further so that I was fully behind him.

By this point, I was sobbing hysterically. I could not handle the two men I cared about most fighting.

“Stop it! Both of you! Just stop it!” I begged.

The yelling continued, despite my protestations. Not able to handle any more, I ran from the room, running up the stairs, tripping a few times, but catching myself before I fully fell. I took refuge in Charlie’s room, burying my face in his pillow and breathing in the scent that belonged only to him.

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