Chapter 14

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A/N: Get ready for some major drama in this chapter! I'm uploading this because my friend from school has been asking *cough*harassing*cough* me to post being the nice person I am, I decided to do as she asked. Anyway, I hope you like it. Let me know what you think!!

I woke the next morning, rubbing my eyes tiredly. In my cloudy mind, I did realize that the lower half of my body was throbbing. Charlie was definitely...well endowed, to say the least. I could only surmise that I would be in pain for a few days. Despite that, a giddy smile lit up my face as I realized that Charlie and I had finally taken the next step in our relationship.

Bracing myself for a rush of pain from my sore muscles, I made to get up and out of bed, but realized with a bit of shock that there was a warm, muscular arm wrapped around my waist. That arm tightened around me and fought to pull me closer to the body of the man that shared the bed with me.

Then, the memories of the last night flooded my mind. I remembered the smell of the candles and roses filling the room. I remembered the moments leading up to the best night of my life. My teenage fantasies had actually come true, which I had never really expected to happen. I grinned to myself as I remembered what a gentleman he’d been. He had wanted to make our first time special, and he had certainly succeeded with that. It had been even more special that I could have ever dreamed. The mere memory of his hands on my bare skin sent shivers coursing down my spine. I shuddered involuntarily.

Then, I suddenly realized what day it was; it was Sunday and I needed to be back at the castle now. Judging by the lack of noise from other rooms near us, I assumed that it was either really early or really late. I hoped for my sake that it was the former and not the latter. If I was late and got caught, Umbridge would surely have my head. She would jump at any opportunity to get me fired, or get me in trouble, at the very least.

Not wanting to leave without saying goodbye, I decided to gently shake Charlie, hoping that it would be enough to wake him. I felt bad for waking him from his sleep; he looked so serene and peaceful, but I wanted to have a chance to talk to him before leaving. After all, it would most likely be a good two months before I saw him again. It was unlikely that he would be able to come visit me again like this, so that meant that I would have to wait until the Christmas holiday to see him.

We probably would not even have a change to be ‘together’ again at Christmas, considering that we would most likely be staying at the Burrow. The idea of Charlie and I having sex in his parents’ house, though mildly amusing, like some kind of hormonal teenager’s fantasy, was not exactly appealing. There would be numerous guests staying with them for the holidays and I did not want to risk anyone hearing us or walking in on us. That would be incredibly embarrassing. I would be absolutely mortified if that ever happened. Though it was obvious that Charlie and I were a couple, I was sure that no one would want to see us naked in bed.

“Charlie, love, please wake up. I need to get back to the castle,” I shook him gently, which only elicited a slight groan from him as he shifted in bed, trying to get comfortable and ignore me.

“Charlie,” I said a bit more forcefully.

“Ughhh...five more minutes,” he whined like a child.

“Charlie please. I need you to help me find my clothes. Please,” I began begging, hoping that maybe he would feel guilty and get up.

Grumbling, he pushed the covers off and stood up. Then, out of nowhere, he started laughing at me.

“What?” I asked, incredulous as to what exactly he found so funny. I felt extremely self-conscious and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. I ducked my face to try to hide the blush from him.

“You, love, have major sex hair,” he chortled.

Feeling rather ridiculous, I reached up to touch my hair, laughing when I realized what he meant by ‘sex hair’. My hair was knotted and messy, like someone had been running their hands through it and pulling on it, which had infact happened last night.

“Yeah, well...I won’t in a minute,” I muttered a quick spell that I had picked up from my mother when she could not be bothered with having one of the house-elves do her hair for her. Reaching up to touch my hair again, I grinned, feeling the sleek, soft, straight locks fall down my shoulder. “There, that’s better.”

“Damn. I have to admit, I kind of like the sex hair-look on you. We’ll have to revisit that style sometime,” he suggested huskily.

“Yes we will, but that sometime will not be today. I have to get back to the castle now,” I said, feeling stressed again.

“Alright. Alright. No need to have a fit. Here are your clothes,” he said, tossing a pile of various items at me. Fishing through them, my hands landed on my rather lacy pair of underwear and matching bra. I blushed, realizing that if my underwear was in that pile, that meant I was, in fact, standing naked in front of Charlie.

“Ahhh, I was rather fond of those,” he chuckled, seeing what I was holding.

“Oh, shut it, you perv,” I teased, slipping them on carefully. After I had situated the bra, I realized that I could just clasp it myself, but it would be so much more fun if Charlie did it for me.

“Hey, Charlie,” I simpered, “would you be willing to help me with this?”

“O-Of c-course,” he stuttered, clearly surprised by my invitation.

I turned my back to him, allowing him to find the clasps. He pushed my hair out of the way, his fingers lightly brushing against my skin as he did so. He deftly clasped it, then placed a few delicate kisses on my shoulder. I felt the muscles in my core clench with anticipation but I could not give in to those feelings, not if I wanted to get back to Hogwarts without being detected. If I stayed, which I wish I could have, I would likely be here for at least another hour and that was cutting it dangerously close to breakfast time. I could not risk being discovered.

I’d have to sneak back using the Honeydukes secret passageway that I had frequented many times as a student. I may have gotten good grades and been considered a “teacher’s pet” but that did not mean that I did not have my share of adventures while at school. Charlie had, of course, been the one who convinced me to sneak out, but that did not necessarily mean that I had been opposed to the idea.

“Charlie...” I whined. “If you do that I won’t leave here for another week!”

“Who says I want you to?” he murmured against my neck.

As I was about to reply, the shrill cry of a baby pierced the air, obviously coming from the room next door. I stiffened at the sound. Oh shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT! I can’t remember what happened before Charlie and I...did he cast a contraception spell? Oh Merlin. What if he didn’t? What if I’m...NO! Don’t think like that, I admonished my inner voice.

Charlie noticed the abrupt change in my posture. “Kat, love, what’s wrong?” He sounded slightly panicked.

I had no idea how to say this. I had no previous experience in dealing with situations like this. Forgoing my nervousness, I decided to just come right out and say it, “Charlie, did you, uhm, use a contraception spell?”

I could feel the tension mount as soon as the words left my mouth. I knew Charlie well enough to assume that I had caught him by surprise. His silence, though, worried me. Had he definitely used one, he should have been able to tell me right away. I began panicking as the possibles rushed through my brain without stopping.

I heard him let out a shaky breath and heard a squeak as he sat down on the mattress, compressing its springs. Oh Merlin. Oh shit. Shit. Fuck, was all I could think. My fears were confirmed before he even got up the courage to speak.

“I...I don’t think so,” he said, the strain in his voice evident.

“You don’t think so? Do you even realize how serious this is, Charlie!?” I whispered, trying to contain my voice from turning into a shriek.

“It’s not that bad, Kat. I don’t have any diseases or anything. Anyway, you seemed to be enjoying last night even without the stupid spell,” he said.

The bloody idiot. Typical male, I thought bitterly. “Oh well THAT’S a relief. I already knew that you don’t have any diseases, genius. There are more serious issues that I’m worried about.”

“What the hell are you on about, Katrina? You’re making a big deal out of something that isn’t even a minor problem.”

“UGH. You are such a male. You never think with your brain do you? No, you just let your goddamn dick think for you. I mean honestly, it’s not that difficult to figure out why I’m upset,” I was yelling now, furious at him for not having even thought about the possible consequences.

“Now that’s not fair. I have NO idea what the goddamn fuck I’ve done and you just keep bitching at me like I’ll suddenly know what it is that I’ve done wrong. Well I don’t. I have NO IDEA why you’ve turned into a psychopathic bitch all of a sudden. I’ve never seen this side of you. You’re being totally illogical. Let me know when the sane Katrina gets back, then I’ll talk to you,” he roared right back at me.

“You bastard! You have NO RIGHT to speak to me like that. Think, Charlie, I know that may be difficult for you to do, but just try. What happens when a man and a woman have unprotected sex?” I raged.

“Katrina. Clearly I’m just too dumb to figure out it, so why don’t you spell it out for me?”

I felt bad for calling him dumb. I honestly wished that I could take it back, but his words of retaliation were so hurtful that I felt tears spring to my eyes. I was not sure if they were from my nervousness, my embarrassment for yelling at Charlie, the hurt I felt, or from the uncertainty that I now faced. In all likelihood, though, they were probably a result from the plethora of emotions swirling in my heart and mind, completely blocking out my sense of reason.

In a soft voice, feeling so utterly broken and hopeless, I broke down sobbing. I could hear Charlie’s soft footfalls on the wooden flooring as he came to approach me, crouching down to my level. I shied away from him, wrapping my arms around my legs as I rested my back against the edge of the bed, choking on the hiccoughing sobs that left my throat, but somehow still managed to whisper, “Charlie...w-w-what if...what if I’m pregnant?”

I felt him stiffen before me. He really had not thought of that possibility. I instantly felt guilty for yelling at him when he apparently actually had no idea what I had been so angry about.

“Well...that wouldn’t be so bad, would it?” he whispered.

Despite my guilt for yelling at him, I couldn’t help the spiteful scoff that played upon my face. “Are you daft? I’m working for the Order, in case you’ve forgotten. I’m an unmarried woman and if I am indeed pregnant then Umbridge will surely fire me for setting a bad example for students. I’ll be useless again. I can’t handle that. I can’t handle not having a purpose. You’re working in fucking Romania, risking your life every day. I barely hear from you as it is, and I never know exactly what’s going on with you because you can’t risk telling me in a letter. Is that how I’ll have to go about the pregnancy? Alone? Without you? Without knowing if you’re safe or if you’ve been captured? Voldemort is back. Things are getting serious. This is not the world that I want a child -our child- born into. But no, you never think of that, all you can say is ‘that wouldn’t be so bad.’ You’re no the one who has to carry the baby for nine months. You’re not the one who has to give birth. What if I have to go into hiding? What if I have to give birth alone? What if something goes wrong? What if the Death Eaters take over St. Mungos and I have nowhere to go? It’s easy for you to say that it ‘won’t be so bad’ because you’re not the one who has to deal with all the direct repercussions, Charles!”

“I...I...I don’t know w-what to say,” he said brokenly.

“That’s just the problem. You never do,” I retorted.

“Well couldn’t we do something about it? If you’re worried about Umbridge firing you then you could always just quit your job,” he said.

“EXCUSE ME?! QUIT MY JOB? You insensitive prick. We’ve had this conversation a million times and you really have the audacity to bring it up now? Fuck you, Charlie. Honestly, I can’t even say anything besides fuck you. You know how much this job means to me, but I guess you were lying before when you said that you cared. I want this job. I’m not going to quit.”

“Are you going to be that selfish? Are you going to risk our child’s life so you can get your cheap thrills?”

“‘Cheap thrills!?’ Is that what you think? I have a JOB, Charles. a JOB. It’s my responsibility. And if we’re going to talk about being selfish, then let’s examine your job, shall we? Working on a reserve with dragons that could kill you, spying on suspected Death Eaters- yeah, that sounds totally risk-free. Don’t act so high-and-mighty, Charles. You’re just as ‘selfish’ as I am,” I yelled.

“Well at least I can actually help people with my job. Honestly, do you really think a blind girl is really useful to the Order...” He gasped as the words left his mouth. I felt the tears redouble and begin pouring down my face. “Shit. Kat. I didn’t mean it.”

“You know, Charlie, you were the only person who never questioned my abilities just because I was blind,” I whispered, only just loud enough so he could hear.

“Katrina. Kat, love. I’m so sorry. Honestly. I can’t even tell you how sorry I am. I was just mad, that’s all,” he said, reaching out to pull me into a hug.

“DON’T. TOUCH. ME.” I growled, swatting his arm away, backing farther into the corner like a feral cat.

“Kat,” he tried to reach out to me again.

“I said DON’T TOUCH ME.  I don’t want you to ever touch me again, you bastard. How dare you? How dare you! Don’t ever come near me again!”

Avoiding my attempts to keep his hands off me, he circumvented my flailing arms and managed to put his large hand on my stomach. “Kat, if you are pregnant, can’t we just find out now? There are spells to find out,” he suggested.

“Do you know anything?” I said, completely frustrated, “If I am pregnant, my body hasn’t even registered that yet. There would be no way to tell, not for a good while yet!”

“Well I’m sorry that I’ve never gotten a girl pregnant before!” he yelled back. I had to keep myself from laughing at his statement. He had to know how women got pregnant and the fact that he insisted that he had not thought of that when I realized that he had forgotten the contraception spell was almost impossible to believe. I faced him, a rueful smirk upon my lips.

“Whatever, Charles. I’m done here. Don’t expect any letters from me. I’m still furious with you,” I narrowed my eyes, glaring in his general direction.

“Well what if you’re pregnant? Will you at least let me know?”

“Maybe. We’ll see,” I said, not wanting to give him a clear answer.

“Don’t give me that ‘maybe’ bullshit. You’d better let me know. This is my potential unborn child too, you know,”

“That I may be carrying. I said I’ll think about it. Would you rather I just say no right now? Because I can, if you keep pushing your luck,” I snapped.

“I’m sorry. I really am. Please tell me, even if you’re not....I just want to know,” he tried to reach out to me one last time, but I would have none of it. I pushed myself off the floor, and walked over to the door.

“Goodbye Charles. Have fun in Romania. I’ll just go back to my ‘cheap thrills’ if we’re finished here,” I said bitterly and walked out the door before he had the chance to say anything in response.

Wiping furiously at my eyes, I tried to make myself look a bit more presentable. I did not want to walk out of the room looking like I had been crying. Despite my anger with him, I did not want people to think Charlie had been cruel to me. He had said some very hurtful things to me this morning, but that was our problem. I liked to keep my personal life private. That did not necessarily mean that I kept everything to myself; I simply did not broadcast every little detail to everyone in earshot. It was very likely that I would talk to Hermione, or even Fred and George, about what had happened.

Especially with the possibility of bringing a child into the world, I needed to have a support team with me at Hogwarts. I knew that my friends would have my back, even if they were students. I would have gone to Minerva or Wilhelmina about this, but I did not want them to find out unless I was definitely with child. I wanted to keep this a secret for as long as I possibly could.  If anything, I would wait one or two months to see whether or not I was pregnant, then figure out my plan of action from there.

Though I wanted to be prepared for what may be coming, I could not bring myself to start thinking about it. I was so scared and nervous that I shied away from the very thought of finding out the truth. I supposed that I would first speak to either the twins or Hermione, or both, and continue from there.

I took a few deep breaths, calming myself, then walked down the stairs carefully and continued out of the establishment, making my way back to the secret passageway that would lead me back to Hogwarts.

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