Chapter 15

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I stepped out of the passage, hidden behind the statue of a humpbacked witch in the third-floor corridor. I would only have to walk a little ways to reach the stairs that would lead me back to the Gryffindor common room. I had successfully managed to find my way into Honeydukes and down into the cellar where I felt around until I finally found the entrance to the passageway.

Thankfully, it was early enough that there was not a single person in the hallway, not even a fellow professor. I was able to walk back to the entrance to the Gryffindor tower without encountering anyone.

Upon approaching the portrait of the Fat Lady, I heard her distinct voice ring through the empty hallway, echoing slightly as it bounced off the stone walls of the castle.  

“Oh. Well what do we have here? Professor Westing. I don’t recall you coming in here last night...nor do I remember you leaving this morning. I can only assume that you did not come back to your room last night. Was there a specific reason,” she trailed off suggestively.

“I had some business to attend to in Hogsmeade last night. I was there fairly late so I decided it would be best to stay the night and avoid disturbing anyone with a late entrance. I didn’t want to cause trouble for anyone,” I lied, hoping she would buy it. I did not want to explain the events of last night, especially considering what had happened this morning. Remembering how passionate and loving Charlie had been last night compared to the anger and bitterness that had tainted his normally gentle voice was enough to bring tears to my eyes.

“Are you alright, dear?” the Fat Lady asked, noticing that my expression had turned sour.

“I’m fine, thank you,” I said curtly, “I just have a lot to get done today. Would you mind opening so that I could get to my room and gather my things? I have some students who are in need of extra help. I should prepare for that.”

“Just as soon as you say the password, I’ll let you right in,” her voice was kind, a note of caution in her words.

I mumbled the password softly, though loud enough that she would be able to understand what I had said. “Thank you,” I said as I heard the click that signaled that she had swung forward to allow me to enter.

“I’m here if you ever need me. Feel free to come talk to me sometime. I always enjoyed you as a student; you were one of the few students that actually had a real conversation with me.”

“I’ll be sure to remember that. Thank you again,” I smiled despite the fact that she could not see it.

Trying to be as careful as I possibly could to stay quiet, I tiptoed up the stairs, opening the door to the girls dormitory slowly, trying to avoid the creaking sound it usually made when opened too quickly.

If any of the girls were awake, they did not say anything to me, so I passed in silence. Going back to my room, I opened the door, throwing my bag on the floor, before flopping down on my bed. I buried my face in the pillows and let the hot tears stream down my face, creating moist spots on the pillowcase. I let the sobs wrack my body as this morning’s events replayed over and over in my head, like a never-ending movie. Each time I thought of Charlie’s words, it was like he was saying them for the first time, driving a knife even deeper into my heart.

I felt my stomach spasm with the intensity of my cries, and all of a sudden, I was gripped by a horrible thought. People always say that babies feel what their mothers feel...what if I’m pregnant? I could be damaging my child right now. God, I’m so pathetic, I can’t even keep myself together for the sake of my child, I thought. I laid a hand on my stomach, rubbing it lightly, wondering if there was, infact, a little human life growing inside me at this very moment. I started crying again when I realized that I could be hurting my baby right now, if there was a baby.

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