Chapter 16

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*Two and a Half Months Later*

It was the day before winter Holiday. I hadn’t spoken or written to Charlie since the fight. I knew it was immature and catty of me to do so, but I was so afraid of what he might say that I shied away from the very idea of it. Though Fred and George had encouraged me to try to write to him, I could not bring myself to do it. It was like each time I began to write a letter, I could not find the words to say and I would sit there with a quill in my hand, waiting for some spark of inspiration that never came.

Charlie had written me twice a week since then, saying how sincerely sorry he was. I felt so terrible for ignoring him. I honestly did. I had forgiven him a long time ago, but I still did not want to speak to him. It was not that I was mad at him- I was not mad at all. I was afraid. Terrified.

My excuse before had been that I did not want to worry him until I knew for sure if I was with child. My new excuse was that I had been throwing up for about a week. It could very likely be the start of morning sickness, but there was also a stomach-virus that was making its way around the school. I was scared to cast the spell that would make it crystal clear whether or not I was pregnant with Charlie’s child. I did not want to confirm it for myself. In a way, the uncertainty almost comforting; it allowed me the opportunity to convince myself that my life was not about to change drastically.

I was sitting at my desk grading assignments from my students as I felt my stomach churn again. I could feel the bile rising as I rushed to the side of my desk where I had placed a trashcan and vomited into it, emptying the contents of my stomach into it. I felt so disgusting.

Evanesco,” I muttered, sighing as the vomit disappeared from the can. Thank Merlin for magic otherwise I would have been forced to take the soiled trashcan down to the bathrooms and someone would surely notice. They would probably insist that I go to the Hospital Wing, which was at the bottom of my list of things I wanted to do. Though no one would really suspect my being pregnant, as they would probably assume that I had caught whatever virus that was going around, I did not want Madame Pomfrey to be the one to discover that I was pregnant, if I was pregnant.

Wilhelmina had told me to relax today, instead of going and teaching my later classes. Though she did not mention it, I could tell that she suspected that something wasn’t right. “You look exhausted. You’ve been sick for a week. Go get some rest,” she had told me before sending me back to my room. I felt like a child just then. I guess that in a way, I really was still a child. I was young and I did not always make the best decisions. However, I was also fairly mature for someone my age; I had been through a lot to get to where I was. Either way, I did not fight Wilhelmina’s orders, feeling to nauseous to argue with her.Instead of complaining, I had trudged up the the castle, dragging myself up the stairs and into my room where I pulled out the papers that I had been neglecting.

I wanted to continue grading the papers after throwing up, but I could not motivate myself to do that. Instead, I curled up in a ball on the floor, not having enough energy to stand up and get into bed. I felt a bit better now that my stomach had been emptied, but I was by no means feeling like I normally did. The nausea had somewhat abated for the moment but there was no way of telling when it would return.

I laid there for a while, not knowing how much time passed by. I threw up twice, glad that I had stayed close to the trashcan or else I may have ended up vomiting on the floor.

“Kat?” Hermione’s tentative voice sounded through the door.

“Come in,” I rasped. “The door’s open.”

The door opened with a click, the sound of Hermione’s footsteps coming closer to my head. “Kat? What’s wrong? Why are you on the floor? Are you still sick?”

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