Chapter 24 - Part 1

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Chapter 24 - Part 1

I rushed up the stairs using all the extra speed I could to get to Annabella. I burst through the door to see her sweating, tossing and turning in the bed. She had her eyes squeezed shut and more frownlines in her forehead. I slid onto the bed beside her and wrapped my arms around her to try and stop her from hurting herself as she began to scratch at the surface of her skin.

"Shhh, Annabella calm down..." I attempted to soothe her but at this moment in time I doubt she can hear me. 

"It hurts!" She cried out her voice strained at the pain as she panted. She did hear me! She's concious... I really didn't want her to be concious for this because now she can actually feel the pain. 

"I know, I'm here baby." I held her tight to me. Her small hands gripped onto my shirt as she yelled out again. "Have you got any more sedative?" I questioned Xavier. 

"Of course, Alpha. I'll be right up." I heard him riffle in his doctor's bag and then hurry up the stairs.

"It's going to be ok Belle, you're going to get through this." I rocked her gently but my mere attempts to remove her pain was nothing so I didn't feel bad when Xavier entered the room. "I'm right here." I comforted just as he stabbed the needle into a vein in her arm. Seconds later she calmed down her body relaxing leaving the one frownline on her head once again. At least she is unconcious for it even if it does hurt. "Thank you Xavier." I slowly got up off of the bed tucking her back in. I pushed her sweaty hair out of her face and left the room to let her rest with Xavier close behind me. 

"Your neck hasn't healed?" Xavier questioned calmly but I could feel the concern radiating off of him as he asked me.

"No." I replied I could even still feel the uncomfortabe ache. We stood outside my office. "She has bitten me before and this hasn't happened." I told him.

"Because before I doubt she had the intention to kill you." He said it so matter-of-factly.

"What do you mean?" I sat down on a stool at the kitchen counter.

"When a vampire bites they have the choice to make it an even greater painful death or just a death. They can inject venom into your bloodstream."

"She's injected me with venom?" I questioned as my hand subconiously went to touch my acheing neck.

"Yes." He nodded. He pushed my hand off of the covered up wound and began to uncover it. I heard the intake of breath which alarmed me.

"What's going to happen to me? Why will it not heal?" 

"You will die, vampire venom is poisonous to every living and dead creature." He walked over to his doctors bag and began riffleing around in it.

"How do I stop it?" If I did now there would be no point in Annabella changing! She'd live just one more year and that would be all she'd get out of being a wolf before she joins me again. The thought of her dying was heartbreaking despite one of the reasons of her changing being that we would be reunited if one of us were to die but it was never meant to be so soon! And I'd sooner have her go to peace before me and I be the one to live a year of misery than her. 

"The vampire who bit you must suck the venom back out themselves."

"Why can't it just be a random vampire or even anyone?! A wolf can suck venom out, hell, even humans can!"

"Because it will kill anyone who it doesn't belong to instantly."

"But there's no saying how long Belle will be out of it, how long do I have?" I had to admit even just to myself that I'm scared. I might not even get to see a healthy Belle again before I die!

"24 hours." Xavier gulped as he pulled out everything he'd been looking for. "I'm just going to clean it and re-wrap it." He approached me but anger flowed through me. 

"NO!" I pushed everything off of the  table hearing a satisfying crash before I stormed out of the room and out of the house slamming the door. I transformed into my midnight-black wolf as soon as I left the porch my large paws slammed against the ground at a fast, pelting pace. I needed to run. 24 hours.

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