Chapter 1

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Sorry it's short, the parts will get longer.

Chapter 1.

"How did you get in here?" A fat, bold guy turned around to me once one of his men noticed me stood in the door way. God, this place smells do they not wash? "ANSWER ME!" He yelled in his thick German accent getting angry. I let a smirk form on my lips as I continued to stare him down in silence. "Who are you?" He asked, ah the question I wanted to hear. I let my fangs grow in my mouth and grave them all a grin causing fear to glint in their eyes. 

"I'm Belle, welcome to Hell."

I dropped the final body onto the ground and licked my lips he tasted good but, then again, so did everybody even if they did reek. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and speed-dialed number one. 

"You have reached Government of the World." The strong female voice of Casandra answered.

"It's Belle, mission complete at four fourty three am German time." I told her as I left the blood stained building leaving the dead bodies behind, the agency would clean it up, it wasn't my job to remove them.

"Confirmed. Clean up dispatched. Make your way back to base zero one." With that the line went dead. 

"Evening Belle." Head of security, Dean, bowed down at me as he typed in the code to let me into the base. In total the Government of the world had fifteen bases this one, zero one, was the largest and the one I was usually based in due to it being the main one. It's also located in the UK, where I'm from. I steped in and began making my way to head office enjoying the way all the stupid humans bowed at me and kept their distance, smart move. I walked straight into the main office without knocking, what is the point in manners? They'd never challenge me anyway. 

"Ah Belle." My boss, Henry De'Franque, sat up straighter in his seat behind his desk. Although he never showed me how he felt I knew he feared me, I mean, who in their right mind wouldnt? I kill without mercy, that's why I'm here. "I trust you enjoyed your mission." A small smirk played on his lips. Henry wasn't one to hide that he enjoyed his job, deploying people to murder the criminals, I respected him for that reason. But just because I respected him doesn't mean I would murder him in a second. 

"Yes, it was... fun. I was thinking on my way back that I should have set one of their own bombs off on them after I was done. It would have been funny." A smile played on my lips at the thought of getting to place the micro-bombs they'd been making in every hole of their body and watching as they blew up but there would have been no fun in that as they were already dead. 

"Maybe next time 'ey?" Henry joked. I let out a small laugh. "Is there any point in asking you to sit?" Henry motioned to the seat across from him. I simply shook my head. I liked standing, I enjoyed the feeling of power. Though, even if I sat I'd still retain the most power in the entire building. "I'll have them send your next mission to your apartment, you're going to enjoy this one." He gave me a knowing smirk and curiousity burned inside of me to know what it was.  "Don't give me that look Belle. You have to wait. I might send Mike, you like to taste him don't you? I know he likes you."

"Mike is fine." I shrugged as I turned on my heel and left the room before blurring my way back to my house. Henry liked to use the term 'blurring' as I simply blurred before I started up at a pace which the human eye can't catch in time, but everything was still as clear to me as it would be if I walked at a 'normal' pace. I unlocked my front door and stepped in dropping the keys on the table beside the door before going into the living room. With nothing to do until Mike arrived I turned the TV on to watch whatever shit it was showing. 

I heard him coming up the road, the best of his heart, the smell of his blood. I got up turning off the TV and decided to open the door and wait. He saw me and his heart sped up. I giggled lightly, men. 

"How are you Belle?" He smiled at me once he'd reached me. 

"SO much better now." I grabbed his collar and pulled him into my house. "Assignment?" I questioned, he slipped the large envelope in my hand and I quickly chucked it over to the sofa. His heart was beating so fast it was insane. 

"Where today?" He asked breathlessly. I could already feel his 'little friend' pressing against me. 

"Hm... I think I'll be nice and let you pick today for breaking my boredom." I licked up his neck already ready to drink him but I also needed the other thing he could offer me, the benefits without the friend. 

"You were bored?" His voice was shaking slightly. 

"Hm, pick quickly boy." I kissed his neck causing him to moan. I loved the control I had over men. A lot of them gave me the benefits without the friend and let me drink from them providing I didn't kill them, of course, Henry allowed me to take my pick. Even if I did kill them he wouldn't be able to say much, I once asked one of them why they let me and weren't scared and he told me they let me because I was sexy, hot, beautiful and went on to throw every positive compliment at me including that I was definitely a good lay and that made it worth the pain that came when I drank from them. 

"Bedroom." He croaked out his voice now thick with lust. I quickly grabbed him, practically dragging him, to the bedroom ready to give him what he wanted so I could get what I wanted: Sex and blood.

"Leave." I commanded once I was done. I de-straddled him and walked into my wardrobe, his eyes followed me greedily. I turned to him with my fangs still out. "I said leave." I told him more sternly. He quickly averted his eyes and scrambled to get ready. 

"Will you pick me again soon?" He asked me.

"Hm, you'll have to wait and see." I told him simply. Once he was fully dressed he hurried to exit my house. I grabbed a black vest top and pulled it over my head and then went to my underwear draw to grab a pair of pants, the usual lacey kind. I pulled them up over my ass and went downstairs. I picked up the envelope and made my way to my office. 

I plonked myself down in my desk chair and pulled the brown file from the envelope. On the front it as a piece of paperclipped to it reading: 'Evil Building'. Oh yay! A building! I smiled as I turned the front page to read the briefing: 'Tower block of flats filled with evil people in Hawaii. If you read their files you can see their crimes. Total of Three hundred flats. Total of Three hundred and eighty five people. Every one of them have been tracked down from all over the world and moved here on purpose. The doors will be locked at midnight tonight once everyone is indoors, you may go during the day. You are to kill every single one of them. Set the building on fire once you're done. Have fun Belle. -Henry' I grinned to myself, I liked taking out an entire building. I began reading up on my victims picking up on things I can torture them with.

I placed the thick file down on my desk once I was done reading it. The majority of the people I would kill tomorrow were rapists and murderers. All of them had served time for their crims but re-offended once released. The youngest was just twenty and the oldest seventy six. The human race never failed to disgust me. I couldn't wait to rip their throats out then burn their remains. I made my way to bed full of excitement for the day ahead of me tomorrow. I was irritated that they couldn't just put them in a building in a cold country, the sun irritated my skin, but I wasn't going to be their long anyway. I settled down in my bed and pulled my duvet over me ready to sleep yet another dreamless night. I shut my eyes and fell asleep instantly.

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