Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Colton's hand traced mindless paterns on my bare stomach as he seemed to be deep in thought. I'd gotten what I wanted he was completely in my control and I doubt he wanted me to know that. 

"I want to discuss something with you." He was the first to speak and his hand stopped moving. I sat up and looked at him curiously. I knew that he had something to say when he came up earlier before we got distracted. 

"What?" I questioned as he seemed to become nervous. What is going on? When he became silent i became worried as well as annoyed. I sat up and looked down at him. "You better tell me what is going on right now Colton. Or I will walk." I added on the end for dramatics."And I'm stronger than you, I could do it." I snapped once he remained silent and kept his eyes on anything but mine. His hand dropped from my skin and I got angry. I pushed myself out of the bed. "I know you were talking to Levi with your stupid pack link, I'll just go ask him." I pulled on some underwear and a plain black tank top with some skinny black jeans in record time. 

"Stop." He sighed from the bed. I turned to face him waiting for him to explain whatever this was to me. "It involves you so it's probably best I tell you otherwise you'll kill the poor man." He sat up on the bed with his back against the headboard. I raised my eyebrows at him impatiently. "You may be able to leave me but I doubt you'd kill me." He mumbled. In a split second I had him straddled with my teeth bared at his neck and his head in my hands. 

"I could suck you dry or snap your neck in an instant." I growled with anger pulsating through me at the fact he thought I wouldn't kill him because he is my mate... though he may have a point which only made me angrier. His heart didn't even speed up, he wasn't scared of me in the slightest. His hand rested on my lower back and it was as if a warmth spread throughout me and I melted at his touch. I shook my head and rested my head on his shoulder. 

"You need to become a wolf." He just spat it out quickly and quietly so much so that if I wasn't a vampire I wouldn't have caught a word of what he said. I completely froze, is he nuts? Who in their right mind thought I would go for that? 

"Why?" I asked curiously as I sat up and looked him dead in the eye with a hard look on my face. "Why would you ask such an insane thing of me?" 

"It's not insane Annabella." He pushed some lose hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear. 

"You bloody are!" I shook my head as I verged on screaming. I de-straddled him quickly. "I know why you know? I'm not stupid." I glared at him, his eyes widened and he looked as if he was desperately trying to read my mind.

"You want to be able to control me. You can control everyone in your pack just by your fucking voice of course you want that control over me!" I yelled at him with a shaky voice. "I know I'm not good enough for you and I'm never going to be even if you could control me." I mumbled feeling extremely exposed and vulnerable. He pushed the covers off him quicker than I'd ever seen him move before as he rushed to where I stood. He put his hands either side of my face and looked me dead in the eyes with a strong expression I couldn't explain.

"You are more than enough for me Annabella, you always have been and always will be. You're all I ever want. You're good enough." His thumbs wiped away tears from my cheeks I hadn't known had slipped out. Wow my emotions really are all over the place, I'm fuming one minute and the next I'm crying. Stupid vampire hightened emotions. I took ran my hand up his forarm and gripped onto it gently. "It could mean so much more than just control for me Belle. I won't deny that, yes, the only reason the thought of this appeared was to control you before you really kill someone from my pack. You're it's Luna Annabella you should love them as much as they want to love you not make them fear you. But it would also bring us closer. You'll feel stronger towards me as if a mate would when they're fully wolf. It would also bring you power. You'd be a hybrid, stronger than ever, the benefits of both wolf and vampire." His argument was convincing and the power was appealing. But I pulled his hands off my face and shook my head. 

"I will not be controlled by somebody else." I told him stubbornly and he sighed shaking his head. "I'm never going to be a wolf I'm a vampire, a murderous merciless out of control vampire, I'm not your perfect mate. I'm never going to find love towards you pack, I've never had love towards anything. And I'm never going to give you the children you need to carry on your family legacy. I am not a wolf." I made it quite clear to him and by the look of slight pain on his face I know it set in.

"I don't care about any of that!" He spat through gritted teeth. He bit his bottom lip and took a deep breath. "I've accepted you as a vampire already, Belle. I don't care about the pups, so what? I don't get to be a father, that is fine if I have you. The pack will go to Rosa's mate, it is all set out. What is so wrong with being a wolf?! What is so wrong with leading a pack and having them love and worship you? Why does everyone have to fear you? You could still hate everyone outside of the pack and terrorise them all, it wouldn't make you weak. Why won't you just consider it?! You're so infuriating sometimes."

"Right, ok, if it really isn't getting into your head let me ask you this... what if I asked you to become a hybrid? I could turn you... how would you react?" I raised and eyebrow and instantly a look of disgust crossed his face and I couldn't help but let out a sinister humourless laugh. "I knew it." I let my teeth grow and gave him an innocent smile. "I'll let you make me a wolf when you let me make you a vampire." With that I turned and stormed out of the room leaving him looking disgusted by himself.

There was only one person I found myself wanting to talk to about this who helped last time I felt like leaving or killing Colton, maybe both,  so I made my way to the small house where Colton's mother lives.

*Colton's P.O.V.*    

"How did it go?" Levi's voice invaded my mind. I'd left my mind open to keep an eye on my pack now that Belle had ran off somewhere I really do not want her murdering anyone in my pack.  

"How do you think?" I bitterly snapped and I felt him jump from my tone. 

"That bad?" He questioned once he regained the courage to do so.

"She told me she'd only let me turn her if she could turn me."  I admitted irritated that she still suggested that. As if I'd do that. I wouldn't be full wolf, I'd want to drink human blood, and who knows what my pack would think. 

"Then do it." Levi said after a slight delay.

"What?!" I almost screached as I actualy sat up in my desk chair getting distracted from planning the attack on base 5 which I actually planned on leading myself and leaving Belle back here. 

"Can't you see where she's coming from? The disgust you feel from her asking you to become a hybrid is exactly the same she felt when you asked her probably." He said mater-of-factly and he was right I sighed and relaxed again closing my eyes and running a hand through my already messy hair. 

"Fair enough. But being a wolf doesn't really change much... we are better than vampire's. Wolves have more self-control and we're not here to kill humans or each other without a reason for that matter. We have each others back in a pack. The only difference it would make for her is the ability to shift because she is already unrealistically fast and strong. That is all. She would benefit from it she'd get a sense of belonging or whatever. But if I changed into her I'd become crazy. I might kill my own pack?"

"Doubtful Colton. You're Alpha, that would probably keep you vampire side at bay it isn't as if you're a normal wolf or even a voted in Alpha. You are a bloodline Alpha. It probably wouldn't even affect you if anything you'll become faster and stronger. You'd gain control over your mate for crying out loud Colton you need to think about this." His voice was slightly demanding and it rilled my wolf.

"Don't tell me what to do. Back down and know your place." I growled with my voice full of authority using my Alpha tone on him and I could mentally feel him back down and leave my mind. 

"You're angry because you know he's right." Duke butted in. I'd felt him in our conversation halfway through so it didn't shock me. He's my second in command I didn't mind him listening in.

"Shut up." I muttered as I went back to planning the attack. It was definitely getting harder now they were expecting attacks even if they didn't know when. It'd be so much easier if Belle would just turn hybrid! I shook my head, and put the whole hybrid thing out of my mind I'd think about it later.

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