Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Colton began to stir in my arms. He currently has head on my chest with his arms firmly around me. I'd given in and wrapped my arms around him realising it soothed him enough to put him to sleep. Sleepily he looked up at me and his forehead creased, then he did something that took me by surprise, he pushed away from me. I let him go without complaint. He began grabbing some clothes out of his draws whilst I lay in shock watching him. Well... the roles have changed. What was I thinking? Comforting him. I laughed at myself in my mind, how ridiculous am I? He stormed out of the room which pulled me from my trance. I got up and stood in the doorway, I knew members of the pack were downstairs and I didn't want to show everybody my naked body, I watched his broad shoulders stalk away from me.

"FUCK YOU THEN ASSHOLE." I yelled as I slammed the door enough to make the walls shake but not break. I climbed into the shower with every intention to wash his digusting wolf stench off of me. What is his problem? What is MY problem? Why have I let him get under my skin enough to change my personality even slightly? Pathetic. Why haven't I noticed the way I'd become softer towards him? Fuck it, I'm leaving. I can get sex from anywhere, sex and blood, I don't need my stupid merger. I'd become soft towards him I mean only seconds ago I was letting him sleep on me after I slept with him. Even he sex was different this time - I'd let him take control. I'd NEVER let anyone be dominating towards me but I'd let him then. This is ridiculous. Why did I even stay here this long? He was getting inside my mind, I mean he'd already proved that when he started speaking into it, now he'd controlled me too much. 

I climbed out of the shower and shut off the water as I searched for some clothes. I ended up pulling on some black skinny jeans, a black tank with a black blazer. Slightly formal maybe but it was the first things that came to my hands. I pulled on my Dr Martens which made the look slightly more casual. I dried my hair quickly before scraping it back into a pony tail my long straight black hair falling down my bag from the tight hair booble. I shoved the usual make up on. I looked at the bag I'd brought, nothing I owned was important so I left it there as I made my way through the house. 

"Afternoon Belle, you're looking particularily revengeful today." Rick was stood in the hallway with a plate in his hands holding just a chicken - cooked. He had a small smirk on his lips. In under a second I'd knocked the plate across the room and claimed his lips to be mine. His hands wrapped around me and landed on my rear squeezing it slightly. I arched my back pushing myself closer to him. I pushed him back against the closest wall and trailed my lips to his neck, biting down, dragging the life from him drop by drop. He kept his hands where they were, he even pushed me closer to him, he remained unafraid of me. Somehow his lack of fear urged me on even further. After I'd drained at least half of his life out of him I pulled back and looked at him angrily, my anger only increased when his smirk was on his face still. 

"Why aren't you scared of me?" I growled as I dragged my nails down his cheek. I drew blood but they lines healed up quickly. 

"You won't kill me." He told me certain of his words causing a, what can only be described as, malicious laugh leave my blood covered mouth. 

"Boy are you wrong!" I dug into his neck even harder purposely tearing violently causing me to waste blood but it taught him a lesson. His hands dropped from my behind and went to my pony tail he began pulling on it but I didn't even shift. 

"STOP!" He screamed now, an extremely girly scream pierced through the air. I heard movement in Colton's office which made me wrap up quickly. I gulped as much of the blood as I could before I shoved my hand into his chest and ripped out his heart. I pulled away from his neck to see his eyes go wide as his lips parted breathing his last breath. I let him fall to the ground in a heap dropping his head on him. 

"RICK!" A male voice yelled I didn't stick around as I blurred out of the mansion in search for more people to kill. 

I found myself in front of base fifteen. I noticed how the security had been upped. I walked up to the gate where two security guards stood in front of the gate then six behind it. 

"Belle." They acknowleged me as I approached them. The two stepped back and the gate opened allowing me in. I knew that they'd know about the attack on base zero one, maybe the didn't know I'd left, either way they still seemed to trust me. I took advantage and advanced into the area. I came to kill. This is me. I'm a cold hearted killer with no mercy. Everybody on this base is about to find out just how merciless I really am. I turned and kicked the first of the six in the chest sending him flying and killing him due to the sheer force I'd enforced on his chest. The other five became defensive and the clicks of the guns sounded as they aimed them at me. The two on the other side hurried to get inside to join the five. 

"I'm not weak. I'm not pathetic. I'm not going to be a cliche bitch who changes because of love. That's not me. I'm Belle, welcome to Hell." I grabbed the nearest one to me and began my attack very aware of the warnings one of them was sending into the building. 

By the time I made it into the actual building I'd killed over two hundred guards. They just kept coming. I licked my lips and made my way down the halls to where I knew the office was located, where everyone who remained would be. I licked my lips enjoying the flavour of blood. Enjoying the flavour of multiple kills. I revelled in it feeling myself again. I kicked down the bolted door in ease. I heard the way three people in the room held their breath. I stepped in and gave them a smile making sure my rouged fangs were visible. 

"Now, Belle, what can we do for you?" The man in charge, Marcel, questioned. I watched as beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. 

"Yes sweet Annabella what can we do for you?" The voice of Henry caught my attention on the computer screen only causing my smile to widen. "Well don't you look... crazed." His eyes widened slightly. "Are you on their side then? You're with the wolves?" I snapped, if it was possible to snap any further than I had already, and grabbed the computer chucking it accross the room. Three men stood in front of me backed up against a wall all in a similar state of fear. 

"I BELONG TO NOBODY!" I screeched as I threw myself into the nearest guys neck whilst simultaniously shoving my hand into anothers chest killing them both at the same time. I let their limp bodies drop to the floor as I turned to Marcel who was literally shaking with fear trying to create as much distance between us as possible. I stalked to him. "I kill for pleasure. I'll take all of you idiots out. I'm on nobody's side, I belong to no one." I spoke through a malicious smirk causing Marcel's heart to just stop. He clutched at his chest in agony. 

"Just... kill... me!" He squeezed out as he gasped out trying to get his non-beating heart to work again. He was currently having a heart attack. His plea made me giggle.

"You want me to put you out of your misery?" I asked with amusement lacing every word. He just nodded as he now collapsed onto his knees. "Too bad." I kicked his stomach hard making him double over. "You can burn alive." I stalked out of the room and headed to the weapons room. He probably wouldn't have held on long enough to burn alive if I wasn't a vampire with unhuman speed. I had the place allight in seconds. I heard his crippled screams as I walked away unscathed from the burning building.

I'd been out to kill and I think it's safe to say that taking out an entire base had satisfied the need. My mind wondered back to what Henry had asked me '"Are you on their side then? You're with the wolves?'" his words echoed in my mind. I'd made my way to base fifteen subconciously and thinking about it, it sure as hell does look like I'm on their side. I'd taken down a base they were planning to attack. Was I on their side without even knowing it? Had Colton seriously engraved himself that deeply into my mind that I'd taken their side? What other reason did I have to attack TSGW? I could've killed a building full of anyone anywhere yet I'd come to Bulgaria to take out a base rather than just heading home and killing whoever got in my path. I heard the sirens of various services approach so I took it as my time to disapear, I could think about my problem somewhere else in the peace and quiet. The problem of Colton Feroce. 

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