Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

*Annabella's P.O.V*

I could feel myself coming round and began to prepare for the oncoming agony. But it never came. I was wide awake now and no pain... in fact I felt amazing. No more pain. I could even smell Colton so much better, this mating bond really is something. I could feel him right at the front of my mind how he was feeling... which wasn't good. My eyes shot open to see Colton right beside me the stench of death had definitely increased and he looked worse. He was layered in sweat, his body freezing and pale. He was barely breathing! Panic set through me fast. Then I smelt it, my venom. I'd tried to kill him! 

"COLTON!" I nudged him and a groan came out of his mouth. He slowly opened his eyes and a week smile placed itself upon his lips.

"You made it." He croaked. I couldn't help the small tear that rolled down my cheek. "Quick... I haven't got long." He groaned as he moved so the wound on his neck was visible to me.

"Of course, I'm so sorry." I clamped my mouth around the wound quickly and began to suck out my venom that by now was all in his system, everywehere.

I could already feel the warmth returning to his skin, at least its working and a pretty much instant process. It wasn't too long until his blood returned to tasting like his blood, the most amazing blood I'd ever had in my entire life. I pulled away and licked the trail of sweet liquid I'd left behind. I sat up and smiled down at Colton who was already smiling at me. 

"All that pain can be taken away that quickly?" He questioned as he sat up opposite me.

"Yes. I'm sorry again..." I bit my lip embarrassed and looked down at the bedsheets.

"Don't worry about it, it's not as if I could of died if you woke up a couple minutes later or anything." He laughed lightly. "I'm fine now and so are you. You made it." I looked up at him again to see he was now grinning. It sent me crazy how happy he looked, the change had worked alright, I thought I went insane when I saw him as a vampire but this is nothing compared to that. I really had been missing out. I pulled him towards me quickly and pressed my lips against his. His scent, no longer tainted by death, was incredible. Similar to how his blood is the best thing I've ever tasted his scent is the best thing I've ever smelt. Even touching him felt better. 

"I hate to break things up but I'm dying." Levi's voice was bland. I sniffed the air to discover that the wolves no longer smelt so bad. He looked mad with me. His scared face flashed into my mind and I cringed. "So if you could fix me too that would be nice." I jumped as his voice appeared in my mind. A smile broke onto his face telling me that  he was no longer mad. I stood up quickly.

"I'm so sorry Levi." I apologised genuinely meaning it. I couldn't even remember what I'd done but it wouldn't have been pleasant. I hugged him first and thankfully he hugged me back... I was hugging someone. 

"This wolf thing has softened you up, a hug?" Levi laughed. A deep thratening growl came from behind us on the bed. I laughed and turned to Colton who looked irritated. 

"Just heal him so he can go." He rolled his eyes. I clamped my lips over his wound and pulled out the venom the same way I had Colton's. Seconds later it was done, a lot quicker as it hadn't had long to spread. 

"Thank you." Levi sounded relieved as I pulled away. "Xavier said to go to him once you'd cured us both. He wants to check the three of us." Colton's large hand slipped into mine as he stared at Levi as if he was warning him off. I shook my head maybe as a vampire I'd wind him up and mess about with Levi but now the thought was sickening so he really had nothing to worry about. Levi is right, this wolf thing really has softened me up and I'm not sure how I feel about it. 

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