Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I stared up at the mansion, I'd never seen a house so BIG. I followed Duke up the path to the door he opened it and stepped back for me. I walked past him and into Colton's home to see that the insides are just as gorgeous as the outside. I ran my hand against the line of, what I didn't doubt was real, gold in the wall. I noticed that everything was gold and there wasn't an ounce of silver in sight. 

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?" Duke spoke for the first time since we'd been alone together. I smirked as I looked at his nervous figure over my shoulder.

"Why? Are you offering?" I laughed as I saw his eyes go wide. I used my vampire speed to be in front of him in seconds. I went to his neck causing his heart to beat faster. I stuck my tongue out and dragged it slowly, teasingly, up his neck. I felt him shiver as I placed a kiss at the hollow of his neck. 

"I-I-I can't..." He stuttered. I rolled my eyes knowing if I wanted him I could have him I'm even going to prove my point. I trailed long teasing kissed from his neck to the corner of his lips. I could feel how quickly his breaths were coming out against my cheek. I peered at him through my eye lashes to see his eyes closed as he fought with his self-control. "You're a vampire." He whispered weakly. 

"I still like sex..." I smirked and placed another kiss on the corner of his mouth. That was it, he turned his head so his lips could be claimed by mine completely my smirk grew as I pressed my lips against his. He kissed me back just like all the boys back home, desperately in case it wouldn't last. Before I could push him any further he was ripped away from me. I watched as Colton grabbed him by the scruff of the neck looking murdurous. Duke looked like he was about to pass out with fear. 

"GET. OFF. MY. MATE!" Colton growled. Duke cowered away from him but didn't seem shocked by his wording, the opposite to me. I looked at him in shock. Mate. He'd said mate .

"I-I-I didn't mean to... I-I-I don't know what happened!" Duke stuttered and stumbled over his words. 

"GET OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU. I SHOULD KILL YOU." Colton dropped Duke. In seconds Duke obeyed the Alpha command. 

"Mate?" I questioned as I glared at him not giving away my shock. His iris' were pitch black as he took deep heavy breaths. Before I knew it he had me pinned up against the wall. 

"MINE." He grumbled before slamming his lips against mine channeling his anger into it.

Once again I was so turned on as I kissed him back just as fiercely, trying to gain control. He squeezed my bum and I ground my hips against his. He picked me up causing me to wrap my legs around him. I moaned as he pressed his tongue against mine causing him to moan gruffly back. He began walking and it wasn't long before I was dropped onto a comfy surface. I looked at the black suede sofa I was on only getting to admire how nice it was before he was on top of me taking my attention. I looked at him seeing that he was still angry and looked at me with a purpose. I knew I was mimicking his look. I grabbed the t-shirt he was wearing and teared it off of him letting it fall to the floor in shreds. He growled as I began running kisses over his perfectly sculpted chest. I trailed my tongue up his neck before letting my fangs grow and digging into his throat and began sucking the blood that sent me crazy. He flipped us over so i could be on top. He arched his neck again letting out a moan. His hands went to my shirts and ripped it off just as I had his. I pulled back and licked my lips letting my fangs go back into my gums. I began kissing him roughly again. He flipped us back over taking back the top. I watched as he burried himself into my neck before I could comprehend what he was doing he didn't kiss me he bit me. I screamed out in pleasure expecting it to be painful it was the complete opposite.

"Mine." He uttered again as he pulled back and kissed the wound better. He brought his lips back to mine. It wasn't long until the rest of our clothes were left unwearable on the floor and he took me all the way channeling his anger into every thrust. 

As soon as Colton flopped down on top of me I realised what I'd done. I'd had sex, which isn't nothing new of course, but it's the fact that I felt something more than what I usually do. He burried his head into my neck and sighed in contentment taking in my scent. That's when it hit me. What he was to me... he'd said I'm his mate which explains the connection I guess and why his blood tastes so incredible to me. Wolves call it mates. Vampires call it mergers. (A/N: I created the term 'mergers' in my first book Another World: New Life so I thought I'd just use it again.) Colton Feroce is my merger. Shit. I pushed him off of me with a little more force than planned which sent him flying across the room and smashing his back on the wall causing him to growl in irritation. 

"What the fuck?" He asked as I got up and left the room as quickly as possible. I made my way up the stairs looking for a bedroom. I'd had sex with him and didn't know his house, I'm as classy as ever. "Last room, at the end of the corridor." His voice told me in my mind. I saw the door and went straight to it ignoring the fact he knew what I was thinking. I slammed the door and looked at my bag on the bed, someone must of grabbed it for me, I went over to it and pulled out some underwear and black jeans with a white tank top. I went straight into the en-suite and began washing off the sweat from the incredible sex I'd just had. No wonder I felt like this towards him he's totally messing with me. 

When I got out I told myself that I'm not going to be the cliche merger and fall in love with Colton. The thought is just ridiculous. I hate him. As long as I bare that in mind then everything will be ok. Yet, I still didn't even consider leaving... the thought of being far away from him hurt. 

"FUCK!" I screamed as I punched the mirror. In the shards that remained on the wall I noticed the scars on my neck. I pulled my wet hair to one side to look at the bite mark... he'd claimed me. This is why I can't be away from him. Even now, when he's just downstairs, I miss him. It had healed and scarred which is different... I never scar, it must be because of what it is. 

"Is everything ok in there?" Colton's voice came from outside the bathroom door. I didn't answer him. I pulled my wet hair up into a bun out of my face and left the room barging straight past him. "You can't ignore me forever." I continued not to reply as he followed me around his house. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into him and stopping me from moving. 

"LET GO OF ME!" I screamed as I kicked and screamed.

"NO!" He spoke directly into my ear. I stopped squirming and closed my eyes trying to push away the feeling he was giving to me. 

"Let go of me, pup." I said half-heartedly.

"Stop calling me pup."

"If you don't let go of me I'll kill everyone on this island." I threatened but I even I couldn't feel the threat coming out right as his touch had somehow calmed me down. 

"You wouldn't." He began kissing me neck, I rested my head on his shoulder.

"We both know I would."I told him honestly.

"Please don't." You could here the begging in his voice. 

"Mmm." Was all I managed to respond as I let myself be taken in by him. He growled in frustration into my neck. "What?" 

"The pack are coming over to discuss the war." He grumbled before giving me one kiss and pulling away from my neck. "And you." He sighed as he turned me around in his arms, I couldn't help the way that my non-beating heart dropped slightly. "You're not going anywhere though." He confirmed.

"Whatever." I shrugged trying to be casual. He kissed my nose before his arms left me. He then made his way downstairs where I heard the door open. I blocked out the sound and decided to just unpack my bag knowing I wasn't going to leave anytime soon. Stupid fate. No matter what though, I'm not going to be a cliche. Today was just a moment of weakness, I need to control myself around him. I need to make his life hell. 

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