Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

*Annabella's P.O.V*

I stood outside the hotel room which held the ten people I was to kill. Seven men three women. I leapt up onto the fifth floor balcony and pressed myself against the wall out of sight from the balcony doors and also in the slither of shade which offered me little protection from the harsh rays of Florida sunlight. I could hear them speaking from inside but I was instantly distracted when I caught their scent. Henry is walking on a very thin line! Wolves. Ten wolves. Yes, I could take them out easy but in doing to I'm starting a war. Should I care? I don't want to die personally but there isn't actually anyone I give a shit about. I heard footsteps approach and the door slid open. I quickly attacked the woman who had appeared, breaking her neck in seconds. I stood in the door way of the hotel room to see the other nine staring at me.

"Vicky wasn't lying." One of them spoke through a growl. I assume Vicky is the one I just killed. 

"Vampire." Another spat. "We should of picked up on it!" He was blatantly frustrated. There sences are lacking but so are mine, I should of sniffed them out a mile away rather than waiting to be directly outside their door!

"Who are you?" The biggest male of them all questioned me, he looked like the leader, he took a stance in front of the rest.

"I'm Belle, welcome to Hell." I didn't feel much joy in announcing my trademark phrase, I'm too pissed off with Henry for sending me on another Wolf mission. I have to do my job and get out quickly. I dived for them as they all shifted into their wolves. They were rough looking, patches of fur missing, unkempt. Nothig like the beautiful black wolf of Colton, for some reason I could feel him... sense him. Oh thats it, I need to get him out of my mind! I ripped into the nine wolves like I only had a few seconds to kill them all. 

*Colton's P.O.V*

As soon as I stepped in to the country I'd sensed her, felt her. I tried to ignore it but the feeling was getting stronger the closer I got to the five star hotel which was currently housing the ten rogues I need to kill. The rest of the pack picked up on my mood and remained quiet trying not to mention it. As soon as were outside the hotel I picked up on Belle being right inside the hotel room surrounded by the stench of rogue blood. The wolves around me stiffened picking up on it too.

"Go shift in the bushes. Something isn't right." I told the thirteen pack members I had with me which included Dean. Troy had stayed back at the island to be in charge whilst I was out here. They obeyed quickly. I padded into the nearest bush and pulled the bag I had around my paw off with another paw. I shifted and grabbed the clothes from the bag pulling them on in seconds. Once I was fully dressed I walked back into the open. "Let's go." I strolled at a fast walking pace into the hotel with all thirteen men behind me. We made a bee line for the stairs and once out of sight of humans powered up them to the fifth floor. 

Once we reached the door with '5D' on it I kicked it open. As soon as I did I was confronted with exactly what I assumed I would be. Belle stood surrounded by decapitated bodies and blood everywhere, I wrinkled my nose, vampires are disgusting. She was stood with her arms across her chest, she'd been waiting for us, she'd obviously heard us approaching. She picked out her phone and put it to her ear. I listened as a woman answered.

"You have reached Government of the World."

"It's Belle. Mission complete at three thirty two pm American time." She spoke into it. 

"Confirmed. Clean up dispatched. Make your way back to base one." Then there was a tone signalling the end of the phone call. She pushed the phone back into her skin tight black jeans. Why did she have to look so good? Damn it!

"Did you not pass on the warning?" I growled, as soon as I did it I felt bad, I shouldn't growl at my mate, but I had to push that away and attend to buisness. 

"By the time I got here it was too late." She shrugged. What was she on about? "They'd been killing humans. Eating them. I just assumed that they'd dispatched me to take care of ten mental patients." Her face was so cold that it sent chills down my spine. There was shuffling behind me before Dean began to leap for Belle. She got ready to attack but before she even got a chance my wolf took over to protect my mate, I grabbed his ankle as he shifted and threw him on the floor.

"NO!" I growled at him. He cowered away from me. "KNOW YOUR PLACE!" I used all of my Alpha power to command him. The rest of my wolves were suddenly eminating confusion. I don't blame them I'd just had to attack my third in command and put him in his place. I looked back up to Belle who had a perfectly groomed eyebrow cocked and he head leaning slightly to the right. 

"I think I'm going to go now." She shrugged and turned to leave. 

"WAIT!" I realised I was still using my Alpha voice she laughed lightly but continued to walk. "Wait." I spoke normally. She paused waiting for me to speak I realised it was as good as I was going to get. "You have initiated the war. Be prepared." I told him in as cold a voice I could muster against her. She didn't reply before disapearing in front of my eyes out of the window. 

"Why didn't we kill her Alpha?" One of my men asked me. 

"I could track her!" One of the trackers added in. 

"No. You don't touch her." I tried to hold back a growl. I cleared my throat. "We need to get back to the island and prepare for a war. Enough is enough." 

*Annabella's P.O.V*

I was fuming as I stormed into Henry's office. He had a smirk of pure evil on his lips. 

"Ah, Belle. I hear you completed the mission. I assume you'll fight against us to take down the wolves." His voice dripped with... pride? I'm not too sure. I looked at him and then it clicked in my head.

"You did this on purpose." I tried to keep the tone of disbelief from my voice by just putting on an emotionless expression. 

"I did. If we take out the wolves everything is ours. If we take out the Feroce pack the others should bow down to us, if they don't they'll die." 

"You have a death wish." I spat. 

"I have a highly trained vampire with no mercy as my secret weapon. I think I'm going to be ok." He smirked. I felt disgusted by him, sure I don't really give a fuck about anything but he's starting a war out of some power craving. I hate people like him. 

"I belong to nobody. Remember that." I kicked his desk making him jump resulting in his cool facade dropping. I was the one smirking now. I turned and left his office. I knew the war was coming, I could feel it. I'll kill who I have to to stay alive no matter who or what side they're on. I'm Annabella Tannerson after all, I don't give a shit about anyone and I have no mercy, when you're not technically alive you have nothing to lose. 

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