Chapter 15

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Chapter 15.

"How is this even possible!?" Foster paced around the living room restlessly. I placed my hand on his shoulder irritated and he turned to snap at me instantly I grabbed him by the throat and pushed him against the wall.

"Don't you dare." I growled baring my fangs at him causing his face to lose colour imediately and he dropped his eyes to the floor in fear. All at once the scent of blood hit me. Werewolf blood the hideous scent engulfed me. I could hear everyone's hearbeats. I wanted to kill. I could feel Foster's pulse beneath my fingers underneath his sweat covered skin. Everyone was holding their breath as fear overcame every single one of them. 

"Please don't..." Foster's voice came out weak and pathetic as he begged for his life. But the plea didn't seem to reach my ears as in under a second I gave into my urges and burried my teeth into his neck and drank. The taste was foul. Why didn't Colton taste this bad? I was about to just kill him when a hand touch my shoulder I span around in record time hissing blood into my attackers face and everyone stopped breathing. Colton looked me dead in the eye.

"Stop." He commanded and that one would flowed through my system, half of me wanted to disobey and kill him for even attempting to control me but it was the other half that one, the half that would never ever hurt him. I released my grip on Foster's neck and he crawled off to the side. I shut my eyes and took deep breaths making my teeth retract and my eyes return to normal. Once I opened them I was back in control. I hadn't realised that before I met Colton I was ruled mainly by the 'monster' within me, I didn't know that I could 'control' it as half of me. I hadn't needed to. I hadn't wanted to. The expression that fell onto Colten's face next broke my heart. A look of disgust and disapointment molded into one.  "Go clean yourself up." He muttered as he walked over to Foster. Everyone in the room was silent and avoiding eye contact with me. 

Had I still been the old me I would of killed him and killed them all. I was so close to doing so. But instead I left the room completely broken from the look I'd just recieved from Colton. Why had he changed me so much? I growled and punched the wall as I cleaned myself up.

*Colton's P.O.V*

I'd almost forgotten how merciless my mate actually is. It was a damn good reality check. 

"You need to be able to control her." Levi muttered being the first to find his voice. 

"How?" I growled at him trying my best to keep my cool as I held a cloth to Foster's bleeding neck. I'd already contacted the pack doctor out of concern as soon as he was grabbed by Belle. Now the wound wasn't closing. Vampire bites are life threatening to a wolf so his wolf was struggling to heal the wound. 

"Make her one of us." He spoke into my mind once I'd opened it up to him. I looked at him in shock. "You'll be her Alpha as well as her mate then."

"I'm not sure she'll agree to it if she knows I'll have more control over her! Anyway, I doubt it'd work. Have you met her?" I grumbled back. 

"Alpha, there's a bed set up for him at the hospital. Can you carry him?" The pack doctor came barelling into the room. The stress was evident on his features.

"Everyone, but Levi, take him and make sure he gets there safe. I want hourly updates." I commanded in my Alpha tone and they all bowed down grabbing Foster and leaving quickly. I checked on Belle and I could feel her in our bedroom. I turned back to Levi.

"It could also benefit us..." He suggested which made me think. Now I was on his wavelength. This was something I'm sure she'd agree with.

"Our secret weapon, a hybrid. They won't see it coming. The first ever hybrid." My mind was in awe at how easy this war would be. 

"And you'll be able to prevent anymore incidents." He reminded me. I nodded slowly knowing how much my beautiful Belle would hate that part. 

"You can leave now." I commanded.

"Of course, Alpha." He nodded and left quickly. I made my way to jog up the stairs quickly. I was excited at the prospect of my mate becoming more wolf. Who wouldn't be in my position?

*Annabella's P.O.V*

"He might die." Colton came into the bedroom hardfaced. I turned away from the window and looked at him, he was running up the stairs excited just a second ago. I know that the silence that had filled the house meant that he and Levi had been using the pack link so God knows what they were speaking about without wanting me to hear.

"Frankly Colton I don't give a shit." I shrugged. It's true as well. I didn't. The only reason I stopped was standing in the room with me right now. 

"WELL YOU SHOULD. You can't kill my pack members I won't have it." His firm voice only made me laugh emotionlessly. I shook my head.

"What are you going to do about it?" I turned to face him completely. 

"I'll end it." He growled. I smirked and blurred so I was in front of me. I seductively ran my fingers along the strop on my vest top whilst biting my lip. His adam apple bobbed and I knew it was working as I stared him dead in his eyes.

"I'd like to see that happen." I whispered huskily and you could actually see his self control leave as he grabbed me pressing his lips to mine. I pulled away and trailed kisses up to his ear as he shoved me back onto the bed. "Mate." I whispered and that was it, he wasn't going to stop as his eyes darkened and he hardened. 

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