I fidget nervously, completely forgetting about my open laptop in my lap.

I hear footsteps coming towards the “hidden” door of my hiding place. I quickly shut my laptop, hide it under a bunch of clothes and try to look around the dark, small room, seeing if there were any hiding places that would hide me well enough so I wouldn’t be caught.

I scoot over to the clothes hanging from the pole. I hide behind the clothes, actually having a chance of not being caught.

I hold my breath and can hear my heart pumping, as I wait for the footsteps to either go away or open the door.

“I don’t think there’s anything here,” The voice announces.

I quietly let out a deep breath; the person probably will leave the room soon.

I hear the footsteps fade, when the footsteps abruptly stops.

“Wait, what’s this?” He asks himself.

I again hold my breath, hoping that he wouldn’t be able to see the faint outline of door and would leave.

I hear him tap gently on the door.

“It sounds hollow,” he mutters to himself.

Why did some people have to be so smart?”

I hear him rustling and rubbing the door with his hands. He was going to find the handle, damn it.

There’s a familiar click of the handle and suddenly the pitch-black room is flooded with light.

“It’s a secret room! Kai’s going to be so proud of me!”

I peek through the cloth hangers to see Chanyeol standing at the entrance, peering inside. I debate whether or not I should make a run for it, stay hiding, or grab Chanyeol to shut him up. I know I’m so nice. I go with the option of staying in hiding.

“Kai! Over here! You have to check this out!” Chanyeol calls out into the hall.

My option of staying in hiding flew out the window that very second. Going with instinct, I swiftly get out of my hiding place, grab Chanyeol’s arm, pull him into the closet, and slam the door shut. I quickly put my hand over Chanyeol’s mouth so that if he talked, his voice would be muffled and also so that he got the message to not talk.

“Chanyeol, I’m really sorry, but you need to stay silent,” I whisper into his ears that were like a feet above me. I had to go on my tippy toes.

“Mmph, mmph, mm, mmph!” He replies loudly enough that I know he wouldn’t listen.

“Fine, be that way. You talk and I will kill you,” I say simply.

I can feel his body stiffen as he registers my words. I silently giggle to myself, knowing that he wouldn’t talk now. I knew his weaknesses too well.

“Chanyeol!” Kai’s voice called out from the distance.

“Where are you?” Suho’s voice said.

“Chanyeol! Where the heck are you? Are you messing with me? ‘Cus if you are, I’m not going to be happy with you!” Kai yells.

I chuckle to myself, knowing that Kai definitely wouldn’t be happy with Chanyeol or myself.

“I’m pretty sure that his voice came from some place near here,” Kai mutters.

“But he’s not here. Where do you think he is?” Suho asks.

“Knowing Chanyeol, he either was messing with us or was telling us the truth. I think he was telling the truth and Jade kidnapped him, like the violent kid she is,” Kai answers.

My K-Pop Secret (SNSD, F(x), EXO) {ON HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now