What happened

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Lucys pov

"What happened to the guild while I was gone?"

Natsu's words made me freeze. I try to hold back my tears and calm down. "Are you ok?" Natsu grabs my face and brushes my cheek. I look deep into his eyes and sob out my sorrows. "No, everyone is gone, Levy is dead, and..........." I cant finish what im saying because a wail comes from my mouth.

I fall on my knees and shake. "I-didnt-mean t-t-tooooooooo" I sob. He hugs me and squeeze me. "Im sorry luc if I was here I would have protected you." He wispers in my ear.

His words and warm imbrace calms me down but I hold on to him never letting go. Once I calm down he takes me over to a coffee shop and orders me a cake and tea but gets nothing for himself. "Arent you going to eat?" He shrugs "nope, im not realy hungry." I choke on my cake, which is delicious by the way, and stare at him in shock.

"Lucy its been a year, I couldent eat up the forest my eating has gotten under control." I look at him in disbelief. "Im shocked, bavk then you could eat a whole forest and then call it a snack." We talked a little more befor his voice got low and deep. 

"Lucy what happened while I was gone?" This was the second time he asked. "I'll tell you only of you promis me somthing." "Any thing what is it?" I looked into his eyes and let out a deep sigh. "Dont hate me."

Quickly nodding his head I started to tell him what happened.

One year prior

I watch as Bixlow holds Sunu close to him trying to protect her. Most of my guild mates are in the floor and levy is behind me hiding. "Lucy," she says pulling on my skirk. "Ya?" "We should help them." I look at her and tell her no. "Im sorry but there has to be some of us left if something happens." She scrunches up her face and shakes her head. "Nothing will happen if we help them!" "Im sorry Levy." Tears swell in her eyes as she runs away from me.

"Bixlow run!!!" Sunu screams. He says somthing to her then they kiss just as Luna hits them with a black ray.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" Sunu's highpiched scream is heard through out the guild. "Solid script: Black hole" Levy yells. I see her casting her spell when she is hit by luna. "Eclipse" Within seconds Levy is on the ground. "Levy" I scream, running to her side I help her up. "Come on shrimp." Her and Gajile do a combo and hit Luna.

Everyone started to attack her exept for me. "Keep it up everyone." I look to where the voice came from. "Sunu, Bixlow?" Didnt they just get.......... "Lucy she hit us but I was able to telleport before full damage was done." She grabed Bixlows hand and they ran to Luna "Babys of Midnight." Sunu hit Bixlows babys with her magic and they turned into a big moster like Luna. "Sunlight of the moon."

Bixlows babys get a bright light on the outline of the dark figure which they were, lunging forward they hut Luna causing her to get smaller. "WHY AREN'T YOU DEAD?" Sunu smirked at luna and called out a spell. "The light and darkness can mix I call upon master of light and master of dark give me strength."

She started to glow as her clothes changed. A dark aroura covered her and her once short orange hair turned into long red hair. She got a long red strapless dress with white ruffles on the end. Her eyes went from their soft happy look to vicious blood thirsty red ones and in her hand a spear apeared it had wings with a a pair of horns on the end.

"My name is not Sunu for its Zia Moon, I am daughter of the darkness and light. You Luna are a monster that was created with somones selfishness, I will not tollerate you but I shall defeat you. Your kind has been lirking in the shadows for centuries and its time for you to be gone. Im protecter of life and light along with the dead and darkness. Its time for you to go."


Lunging forward Zia/ Sunu goes into the center of Luna causing her to groan. A light beam starts to shine bright from the middle of Lunas stomach. "Univers slayer-" We all stare in bewilderment. "Everyone get out now!!!" Bixlow screams.

We all start to run and flee. "Levy?" Where did she go? "LEVY?!?!?!?!?!?!?" I look to my left to see her stuck under some of the cealing boards. "Levy!"

I rush to her side and stare at her. "Lucy I love you, your my best friend." I stare at her and freeze.  I cant move.  Covering my moutg tears start to fall down my face.


Zia finishes her spell. We are all absorbed into a bright light. I hear Levy scream as we are hit. I can make any sound because of all my shock. Once I come back into consciousness I  look around and see Levy who is bearly breathing. Blood runs down her face comming from her head.

Before I can do anything some meatle from the ceiling falls on her body and crushes her. I look at her hand, the only part of her body I can still see, go limp.

I wander around the piles of junk and find Zia. I pick her up and carry her out of the shambled building. People are crowded around and stare at my tearful face and a beat up Zia in my arms.

"Oh my gosh." Bixlow walks up to me and takes her out of my hands. "Bixlow," he looks at me. "Take care of her."

I go home some how. I dont remember how I got back but ever since that day I have never seen any of them again.

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