A white key

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Lucys pov
Finally im home. I plop down on my bed and feel bothered by somthing. I sigh and ignore it. Soon though, I fall asleep and have a nightmare.

"Lucy why are you running from me?" I turn my head and see (Y/N) following me. We are in a big old abandoned house. "Leave me alone" I trip and fall.
Pain goes through my leg but I still get up. I wobble, hop, and limb away from the creepy girl chasing me. "Open gate of the maiden, Margo." (Is that her name i forgot.) "Hello princess." "Get that monster away from me." I tell her still trying to regain my balance. Margo runs over to (Y/N) and starts to fight her. "Dont touch my princess" Margo yells. A devilish smile creeps up on (Y/N)'s face as she attacks margo. "Crystal divine" Margo suddenly freezez as she turns crystal clear. "Such a nice celestial spirit. To bad she dosent work any more." (Y/n) pushed over Margo and I wached as she shattered into a millon peaces.

I jolt up only seeing the shattering spirit in my head. This isnt true I know that its not. Quickly I get dressed and go to the guild. I walk in and everyone glares at me. They all have red eyes as if they have been crying. "Whats wrong" i ask with concern. "Natsu ran away-" "and its all your fault" Levy sneered. What do you mean that this is my fault. "You kidnapped happy and kept him locked away." "You sent threatening notes." "We know your little game now lucy." Everyone was attacking me with harsh and hurtful words.

Tears started to swell into my eyes. "How could you I thought that ww were a family." I chocked out. "Do did I" master said. Im fine with the rest of the guild not trusting me but master. The room started to spin and I ran out crying. 'Why does stuff like this happen to me.' I walk into my apartment and pull out paper and a pen.

Dear Mom,

My freinds have all turned there backs on me. They say that it was my fault Natsu ran away. I wish that you were still here so you could hold me in your imbrace and let me know that everything is ok. I just relised on my mission that I have feeling for Natsu. I was ready to tell him but now he is gone. I wish everything was the same and nothing ever changed. Everyone said that I sent letters and kiddnaped happy. I have no clue what tgey are talking about. I wish you were still here.


A tear drops on my paper. I had no clue how much I was crying. "Oh Natsu" i walk into my closet and grab the picture of us. I slide my hand over the frame and fall to my knees. I atart to shake and sob. "I love you so much Natsu why did you leave."

After about an hour I go back to my letter, put it in an envelope, and walk over to my box to put it in. I freeze.
"Where are all my letters." Every single one is gone. I search frantically looking for any sign of them when I notice a letter.

Lucy iam so srey, I had no clow tat thesa was so imprtnt to you. Forgiev meh ples.

I didnt even have to read who it was from. "So it was you Natsu." It all made sense he ran away because he didnt want to face me. I wish he told me. "Lucyyyyyy" a little blue cat wailed. "Happy where have you been?" I asked him hopping that no one would blame this mess on me anymore. "I have been on vacation."
"Lets go cat."

I bust in through that doors of fairytail. "I thought we told you to get lost." Cana shouted at me. "If you think that you are being a man your not." Elfman shouted at me. "I didnt make Natsu run away, and I didnt kiddnape happy, see." Happy flies from behind me. "Happy" the guild cheers. "Befor anyone can do anything else (Y/N)'s exeed slamed Happy into the wall. Her (F/C) fur was standing up and her (S/F/C) eyes turned into a darker shade. "He is a fake." She says.

She slams Happy into the wall over and over again. Wires show from the tomcats fur as he falls to the ground with a clang.

Your exeeds pov (E/P)

The fake cat falls to the floor. No one relly noticed me befor but now they do. This was a plan of somones but who. I look at the robot and notice a strong magic coming from inside. I rip it open and there is a fire ball with a key wedged in it. I pull out the key and stare in shock at it. Its a white celestial spirit key with wings on it and a Dimond in the middle. "Its a key?" Lucy says. I tremble in fear. 'This is my key.' I think to myself. Lucy walks up ans grabs the key. "Open gate of the mystery, mysterious." She calls.

"Hello" I say to here in my true form. My ears hang low from the embarrassment. "Your a spirit?" Lucy says confused. "Yes I am, I thought all my keys was destroyed but there was still one left and now you have it." Lucy stands there and thinks for a couple of minutes. "So tell me, why does your key have wings and a Dimond for the sign." "I am an exeed spirit, there were 12 keys of me made and each was put in the diffrent demensions." She nods. "I can fly so thats where the wings are from, the dimond is because im the most powerfull thing out of all the diffrent demensions and relms." "So your stronger than the celestial spirit king?" A male with orange hair who is smoking asks. "Much stronger." They all stare at me in shock. "Now you all know her secret." (Y/n) says. "Her name is luna, she is a spirit of darkness." Everyone is silent. "I have magic much like Sunu's." "What do I say when I summon you?" Lucy asks. I look at Lucy with anger in my eyes. "You dont summon me, only my mother gets to." I say hugging (Y/N). "M-mother?" Everyone asks confused "She calls me her mom because, when she was first a spirit the spirit king baneshed her to earth because she was stronger than him and that worried everyone."  (Y/N) explain.  "How is her magic like Sunu's?"  Somone asks. I used to be the Moon. "I was struck with magic for somones evil plan but it turned me into a celestial spirit instead." 

About two hours have passed and I was still answering questions. "Look we don't have time for this." I say with anger.  "We have to find Natsu." "Ahe is right there has to be a resonance for  why a robot was sent and why it had a fire ball with Luna's key in it." The guild master says stroking his chin. I too pondered on that question. Well there is only one answer, and I think I know who may be behind this.

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