I want to fight the thunder legion part1

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Laxus's pov

"Sunu why do I have to cook, your better than I am." "You need practice." "Look my point is that your the one who wanted to have this sleep over." I stated. "Fine but would you like to clean the house." she snapped back.  "Laxus were here" Freed called. "Don't forget about Sunu" Evergreen hollered.  "Go on I'll be there in a minute." Sunu told me. I walked into the living room and saw that the three of them had gotten comfortable. "Sup," Bixlow said "Where is your sister?" Bixlow asked. "Aww dose somebody have a crush" Evergreen taunted. "WHO ARE YOU MIRA?!?" Bixlow yelled. "I'm right here" Sunu said. She walked into the room with a plate full of my favorite snacks.

Everyone got a popo (that's the snack) and took a bite. "Its so good" squealed Evergreen. "My babies will want to try this" Bixlow says. "It is ok" Freed mumbles under his breath. " Laxus made it" Sunu says. I choke realizing what she said. Bixlow sweat drops. Evergreen looks confused. Freed starts saying how great and delicious it was.

Sunu's pov

Everyone acted the same way, shocked.

"That cant be right the last time he cooked Laxus almost burnt down the guild" Evergreen said plainly. Bixlow sat there thinking then smiled, "Your trying to make it look like he can cook to protect him."  "how sweet" Evergreen added. "That's not true, it cant be, the amazing Laxus can cook." Freed said with pink cheeks. ,

"Its not true that I cooked this Sunu cooked it" Laxus said. "We knew that" "It was so obvious"  "Its not true." I smile at the people before me seeing that they are great friends for my brother.

The rest of the night is super fun. Me and Evergreen do karaoke, the boys complained about us putting on a chick flick, Bixlow and Laxus play fight, Freed shows me some different recipes, and I scare Freed and Evergreen with my teleportation.

The night starts to settle down with Laxus going to bed, then Freed, after that Evergreen. I put on my favorite movie and get comfy on the couch. I think Bixlow went to the bathroom.

It is around midnight when something comes in from the window, I teleport on the celling and pounce.

Natsu's pov

Lucy locked her window and I remembered that Laxus was having a sleepover so I came...... through the window. Something landed on my back and started to scream. Next thing I knew Bixlow and Laxus came busting in and fighting. Sunu cast a spell that gave the 3 night vision

"Natsu?" Sunu asked. " Ya its me, Lucy locked her window so I though I could come here but I forgot about your teleportation and man do you scream loud" I kept on rambling and Laxus left while Bixlow sat on the couch and Sunu played the movie.

"Come on Natsu" Bixlow said. We watched the movie but I fell asleep after the second one.

Bixlow's pov

After Natsu fell asleep I started to make small talk with Sunu. "Are you thinking about joining the guild Sunu?" I questioned. "I don't know." she responded "Are you for rely thinking about fighting the Thunder legion by yourself." "I'm not thinking I'm going to, I know" she said back with a smirk. Her confidence is something else I think to myself.

"We should get some sleep" "your right" not two minutes later she is out cold. Her head falls into my lap and I fall asleep happy.

------THE MORN.--------

"WAKE UP LAXUS" Evergreen is screaming. "What is Natsu doing here" Freed asks. "BE QUIET OR YOULL WAKE SUNU" I half yell half whisper. once I move away she starts to stir and wakes up. "what wrong" she asks in a sleepy voice. "I'm sure you cant help" Freed says coldly. "Laxus wont wake up" Evergreen says glaring at Freed. "I got this" she say still half sleep. 

Sunu's pov

"Gosh Laxus your killing me" I jump on the bed and elbow him in the stomach, he pops straight up. "Time to go" I say walking over to his dresser throwing clothes at him.  "Get dressed." "Why did you do that" he asked. "The festival" with that he got out of bed pushed me out of the room and got dressed.

"Bixlow can you grab the flower I cant reach, Freed please put sugar in the blender, and Evergreen can you grab five cups."

---5 mins. later---- 

"Welcome to the guild festival, are you a wizard little girl." "yes sir I am in fact." "Have fun and join a guild maybe." "go get to the stand I'm gonna walk around" I tell the thunder legion.  I walk up to mermaid heel and look at there booth. "You have a lot of magic" a chubby girl says to me. " Thanks!" I say not sure if it was a complement. "Are you looking to join" "yes but I want to look around first."

I walk over to lima scale's booth and look at some of the people there. "Your booth seems pretty full of people" I say to no one in particular. "Of course we are the best guild" a boy with the biggest eyebrows says. "Excuse him please" a girl who looks around Wendy's age says. "Are you Cheria, your hair is very pretty" I say with a soft smile. "Why thank you, you know your dress is very cute I love the pink bottom" she happily replies. I laugh then wave and walk away.

I look at all the other booths and talk to the different members seeing all the possible guilds to join.  "I know you all have been exited about this moment" a man says from the speaker," it is time to watch as people fight our guild strongest or weakest come on up if you want to fight."

I walk on stage with some older people and everyone starts to laugh. " Look tiny this is only for strong wizards" a man looking like he is in his late thirties tells me. "If that is the case you should not be on stage" I snap back. that shuts him up. lets start with oldest to youngest shall we?"

Lucy's pov

Sunu walks off the stage letting the older people fight. "Lucy" Natsu says taking me and snapping me out of my daze. I should have known better then to trust him. "I need to tell you something." He leans into my ear his face getting closer to me and my heart starts to beat faster and faster.

"YAAAAAAAAAAA" he screamed into my ear.

I walk away from the laughing idiot hoping that Sunu's fight is good.

Sunu's pov

"Hello there what is your name" the reporter asked me. "Sunu" I replied. "What is your magic type" he questions quizzically. "You will see" I snicker. As I walk onto the stage I scream out to the thunder legion to gwt there buys up here so I can fight them. Everyone sweat dropes and stares at me. "Your just a joke kid go home" one man calls out. "Well at least my hair is real"I snap back. Laxus, Bixlow, Evergreen, and Freed walk on stage ready to fight me. "Are you sure about this baby sis" Laxus says with his hands in his pocket.

"Dont question her have faith" Evergreen reponds smaking him on the back of his head. "Go Sunu beat them then murder Natsu for me" Lucy howls.

I chuckle at everyone and plaster a smile over my face. "Lets go thunder legion."

Authors note
Sorry this is a two parter but my freind was rushing me to publish so ya, go follow her at lorijanis and dont forget vote and share.

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