I didn't know what to name this chapter

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Bixlow's pov 

Sunu extends her hand to me and I take it, we walk back to the guild together. As we enter I notice that all of the guilds in Fiore are here trying to decipher a book. They stop and stare at us, I look to my left and Sunu's face is redder than Erza's hair, were still holding hands. "Finaly Bixnu is together" Mira cheered. "No I-I-its not l-l-like t-that" I stutter. "Mira leave them alone and help us out" Levy says. Sunu and I walk over to the crowd of people and look at the book. "Did you look at the back side to see if there was anything there?" Sunu asks. "Good idea Sunu" yelled someone from Blue Pegasus. Levy flipped over the book and read the writing on the back. "This isn't hard to read at all" one of the 10 wizard saints said, "Only the chosen one can read this book." Sunu walked over to the book and sat down next to Levy I let go of her hand so she could inspect it.

"I wish I could help" she mumbled under her breath. "Why cant you?" Gajille asked. "I cant read" Sunu said looking down. "Sunu just try things might work out, after all this book has the same magic you do" Master said winking. "Sunu just try it, we should have told you along time ago" Laxus told her. Sunu flipped over the book and opened it. "I can read it" she said with a big smile. "What dose it say" Freed asked. All in the guild went silent as Sunu started to read. "There is a story that everyone know but doesn't know the truth. Its tale of the sun and the moon. The sun and the moon had many children, they were the stars. One was very unique she ha the power of light and darkness. A dark hole came and started to take the children but only one was saved. Her name was Sunu."

Laxus gulped and then walked away. Sunu continued, "They had built a safe place for their daughter to live. Humans were placed and evolved so she could be there with them. The parent erased her memory and wrote a book containing her powers so she could find out the truth. They gave her to a wizard that had a grandson that she could grow up with."

"That's all it says" Sunu said. We all held our breathes waiting for someone to say something. "Well now you know" Master said. "Grandpa why didn't you tell me? Laxus you've know and you never told me. I told you every secret in the world that I have ever had and you never told me" Sunu said. "I'm sorry Sunu but I wasn't allowed to." Laxus responded.  "Lucif-" "Sunu stop" Erza yelled. We watched as Erza walked over to her eating strawberry cake. "Zuzu is that you?" Sunu asked. {for those of you who don't know the anime Erza's favorite food is strawberry cake and she will kill you if you touch or eat it.} 

Sunu took a piece of Erza's cake and ate it. We all prepared for her to die. I ran in front of her and Mira changed into satin soul lifting her up in the air. "Relax I'm not gonna hurt her, Sunu and I Knew eatchother when she was 3 and I taught her, her magic." We all freaked out when Erza gave Sunu her cake and patted her head.

"Sunu I knew too that you weren't from here but that doesn't change the fact that you belong here. we couldn't tell you, we weren't allowed to but please let us train you." Erza hugged her and walked away. "O-o-ok I will stay" Sunu said. I ran over to her and picked her up so we were face to face and hugged her. "Thank you" I whispered in her ear. Mira took a picture of us and walked away giggling. " Now she can join our guild" a dog man thing said. "No she will join our guild "called carrot girl. Everyone started fighting about what guild she will join. I took her over to the bar and got her a lemonade while I got soda. "So you aren't mad about the thing" I asked her. "Well not as much now that Erza calmed me down." She said playing with her straw.

Wendy walked over and started talking to Sunu. "Do you want to have a sleep over." She asked. "Sorry Wendy but I'm staying with Bixlow tonight but what about tomorrow, I promise." She said giving Wendy a pinky promise. "See you tomorrow" "see you." I chuckled at them then relised what Sunu said and started to choke on my drink. 

My babies started to laugh at me and talked to eatchother. My cheeks got hot but luckily I was wearing my helmet. Sunu walked over to Gajille and punched him in the face. "Are you trying to fight twerp." He yelled at her. She walked over to Natsu and pulled his ear. Next she went to Wendy and tickled her. I" want to fight you two boys Wendy is my partner" Sunu smirked. "We are dragon slayers too" Sting yelled with Rough next to him. Sunu walked up to them but stopped in her tracks.

Sunu's pov

I walked up to a dark haired boy and one with blond hair like Lucy and spiky hair like Natsu's. I stopped walking. "OMGEE THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!" I grabbed two little cats and cuddled them. The red cat ran but the frog one hugged back. "Frosch get away from her" yelled the dark hair one. "But Rouge she thinks I'm cute." The little cat said. "YOU CAN TALK WENDY HE IS SO CUTE AND HIS VOICE!" I was so exited. "Let go of my cat" the one called rouge said. "I want one" I wined. The little cat pulled out wings and flew with me. "CAN I KEEP HIM, PLEASE" I asked. "No you cant he belongs to Rouge" The spikey hair one said.

I started to sulk and ran over to my grandpa and cried on his shoulder after letting go of the cat. Erza came out of no where and grabbed the two, Laxus walked in front of them. "You made her cry" said my shadow. It slithered up to them and opened its red eyes. "Its ok guys" Erza and Laxus backed off but my shadow stayed. I walked up to it and brushed aside its shadow hair then it returned to my side. "So lets fight dragon slayers" I said walking outside. "So Four against one, to easy." I whispered to myself. "Wait for me Sunu" Wendy yelled running to me. she fell on her face. "Wendy are you ok" I said running to her. I fell on my face too.

Bixlow picked me up and chuckled then picked up Wendy and sat us down. "Ok Wendy lets fight the boys and destroy their egos." "Dragon force" "light dragon-" "shadow dragon-" "Iron dragon-" "Fire dragon-"  "ROAR" all the boys said in unison. I Teleported behind them while holding Wendy's hand making them miss. We teleported back in front of them. "Sky dragon Roar" Wendy said. "Darkness's hand" I called. The boys couldn't breath and started to choke. "Lights heavenly ray" They could breath again but were blinded and started punching eatchother. "This is so easy I don't see how people have trouble fighting them."

"Ok Wendy lets finish this" we grabbed eatchothers hand and chanted our secret move. "Air Floats through the darkness and Light so let it be the same in this fight" The wind picked up and started to blow as the sky was half nigh half bright and a tornado appeared around us. Two rays hit it, one dark one light. A blast was put out Instantly Blinding everyone. When they all could see again the dragons were knocked out and everyone was shocked. Me and Wendy started to squealed. "I cant believe that worked" she giggled. "Same" I told her. Some people from sorcerer weekly were here writing down everything.

"That was great Sunu" all the girls cooed. "That is my little sunshine" Erza said ruffling my hair. I was then electrocuted. "Good job squirt" Laxus said like he was cool. "I have something special for you big brother." All that didn't know we were siblings looked like the dragon boys, dead. "oh crap" Laxus said. "light strike" Laxus was down for the count. Freed ran to his side and looked scared. "Lights flower" I said. A gorgeous flower grew from the ground and it was like it didn't have a color. I gave it to Wendy. "This flower can never die and it doesn't need water or light because it is made of light. this is a symbol of out friend ship put it in your hair and it will forever stay." I hugged her and everyone thought we were the cutest thing.

"Sunu are you going to wake up the dragon slayers now" Evergreen asked. "Yah" I said. "Light and dark balance out" I said. They got up and groined in pain. "Wow Gajille you got beat up, and by a girl" A black cat laughed. "SO CUTTTTTEEEEEE I WANT IT" I yelled at the cat grabbing him. "Help me" It said in a failed attempt to get away.


Ok so as you can see I was just writting stuff. I had no clue what this chapter was gonna be about so I had a little fun with it. Please share my profile with your freinds and star the story.


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