What in the world is her magic

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Lucy's pov

Levy asked me and Natsu to come to the library with her to search for book regarding Sunu's magic. I agreed of course because she is my best friend.

-------AT THE LIBRARY--------

"Wow I'm shocked you have keys to this place" I tell Levy. "Well if you came tot he library as much as I do then you would have a key also" she said like she was bragging. "ok levy" I say playing around. "Lucy, Levy lets go destroy some stuff its boring here" Natsu groans. "you can find books with Natsu while I read, right?" Levy looks at me with a bright smile. "Fine" I say sighing. "Natsu were going on a scavenger hunt." No response. "I will make you read with me if you don't go with Lucy" Levy snickers. Natsu grabs my wrist and starts running. "Slow down" I yell at him trying to break free from his grasp. He slows and stops, his body tenses up. "What's wrong?" I ask with concern. I walk in front of him and stare at his face. He looks bothered by something. "Go back to levy" he said in a serious tone.

 "W-w-what?" I say a little scared. He looks at me and grabs my shoulders, I wince at his strong grip. "Hurry." I take off running towards Levy knowing that something is wrong. "Lucy did you find something" Levy asks seeing nothing in my arms. I hear a thud. "Gate of the bull, Tarus" I stop and think of who else to call. "Gate of the lion, Leo." "Hey Lucy" Loke says. "Moo you look great Lucy" Tarus flirts. "Tarus go find Natsu, Loke stay here with me and levy" I instructed. Tarus walked away looking sad and Loke started talking to Levy. "Loke do you know anything about shadow magic" levy asked. "Ya you saw some at the grand magic games." He said flatly. "I'm talking about ancient magic" Levy says super serious. "That isn't something you want to play around with Levy" he said looking around not making eye contact. "Loke," I start "there is a little girl here who has that magic" "but she also has light magic" Natsu says interrupting me. Tarus comes into view holding a giant book that has very hard to read books on the cover.

"What dose the book say" Tarus asks with interest. "I don't know but there is son dark magic in tis book" Levy states. "Maby it has clues about Sunu's magic" Natsu said butting in. "That is the smartest thing you've ever said" I Laughed. Natsu gave me his signature grin. My stomach got butterflies why am I feeling like this. "Tarus you are dismissed" I shout, he disappears. "Can you boys carry that book for levy and me all the way back to the guild. I say trying to look cute.

Natsu's pov

I cant believe that Lucy is forcing me and Lion boy to carry this book all the way to the guild because she wants to talk to Levy all the time. "Natsu are you ok because it is pretty painful to watch you think" Loke snickers. I kick him in the leg. "What was that for" he cries in dismay. "I don't know" I tell him bluntly. ("wow great vocab word Natsu." The author says.) "Stop fighting" Lucy says staring me dead in the eyes. Her beautiful chocolate eyes draw me in and make me listen.


Every one seemed startled when we walked through the front doors, all the other guilds are here. "What's going on here" I questioned. "We want to she and learn any knowledge about that girls dark parfume" Ichiea (?) said. "We actually found a book that we might work in  our favor." Lucy says with confidence. "I will try to decipher it" levy says. Hopefully it works, something doesn't seem right about this book to me.

Sunu's pov

They think I'm a monster. This was an awful idea, everyone is probably worried. "When darkness comes the light shows too, the pain, sorrow, and hurt you've been through. Everything will show the true color of your soul don't be engulfed by the past. Don't you know the light is retching out to you it sees if you've been true. Don't let the darkness take you, don't let the darkness take you. That was a song my mother used to sing to me. I'm at her grave now. "Mom please people are scared of me, this magic is a curse not something to be happy with." I stop talking hearing someone run up to me, but I didn't hide. "Sunu I'm so sorry about what all those people said to you"  for some reason Laxus's voice sounds different. I turn my head and see its not him, its Bixlow.

"I should have never come." I chocked on my words. "I'm glad you came your super sweet, funny, and kind plus your strong." He said laughing "You know people were scared of my magic when I showed it too, but I won over there safety and trust." I look at his helmet that is always covering his face. "Lets go back to the guild" I say taking his hand. 

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