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Dedicated to Julianne Phoebe Mijan


Life was rough and hard for Phoebe, her parents died when she was 4 years old leaving her with her auntie who did nothing but to hurt her. Years pass by as she turn into a beautiful fine lady. Her auntie sent her to Korea not to study there but to be a slave of a famous Kpop idol group called BTS.

They were mean to her, they often make her life more miserable. Her life was like she's in a pit of hell. They'd make fun of her, make her do all the house choirs even the slightest such as wiping their sweats. But one member, Jimin to he exact didn't do anything to her at all. He was kind enough to help her and be friends with her.

The main reason why she's in love with him. Jimin was kind enough to be always by her side, he would always make her smile, he's the reason behind every hard work Phoebe did. The reason why she can bare with the hardships.

One Saturday night, All the members went out for a party leaving Jimin whose currently having a fever. Phoebe tucked him in his blankets as she preferred a soup for him.

She gently placed the bowl of soup on the table lamp as she sat on the edge of the bedside admiring Jimin's soft features. His long lashes that fits perfectly to his cute chinky eyes, his small yet pointed nose and his plump pinkinsh lips that looks so soft and gentle. Without knowing it she moved a little closer, but to her shock Jimin spoke up.

"Staring is rude Phoebe." He said, a sly smirk forming his pinkish plump lips. "But I don't mind you being rude to me."

In Phoebe's mind she must be thinking that this situation is embarrassing especially when Jimin whose a mochi turned into a hot Christian Chim chim real quick on 0.05 seconds only. Her cheeks were flushed red, enough to be seen in the dimnest of the lights.

"Uhm... Y-You should e-eat your soup..
Before it gets c-c-cold." She stuttered vigorously trying to escape from his piercing gazes.

"I don't need food I'm fine." He deadpanned.


"No buts!" He cut her off. "I don't have a fever I was pretending."

"But why..."

"I want to be with you..." He mumbled his hand making its way to her cheek gently caressing it. Phoebe was stunned.

"I... I want to tell you something. But promise me that you won't get mad at me." Jimin piped out earning a small chuckle from Phoebe for his cuteness.

"I won't." she chimed.

He leaned closer to her snuggling on her neck earning a gasp from Phoebe.

"Phoebe, the truth is... I-I love you." He thighend his hug as he heard nothing but a single sigh from the girl.

He's indeed embarrassed, his cheeks tinted pink as he snuggled more on her neck hiding his face. Little did he know the girl was flustered already.

"Jimin... Uhm..." She tariled off not knowing what to say. She struggled getting out of Jimins embrace, But soon failed as his strong arms surrounded her body.

"I won't let go until you say you love me too... I know you do." She melted at his sweet voice whispering loving lines through her ears.

It was enough to make her blush hard piping "I love you too..." Through muffled voices.

And that was enough to make Jimin scoot away from her body as he gently caress her cheeks kising her forehead that made her felt safe. Kissing her nose that made her felt exited and lastly soft lips planted on hers, taking her to ecstacy of heaven by its unbelievable soften and sweetness.

For once in her life she felt loved. And that was enough reason for her to keep on living.


This is a fluff... Its corny I know😂😂😏


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