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Dedicated to #Xyleen


Have you ever heard about a fan girls diary?

Where the fan girl and her bias ended up together?


Why not here mine?


I was walking down the road slightly soaked from drops of rains... Its past midnight already but I haven't seen my little diary yet.
I lost it along the way, Me and my friends are busy strolling around Seoul when rain started pouring making us ran to the nearest shelter. And yeah, I lost my mini diary along the way.

It's not that important, but it has all of my feelings for my Bias... Jeon Jungkook.

I hope no one sees that diary or I wish they'd just throw it to a trash bin. I don't wanna get judge because of the writings in my diary!

3:11a.m. my phone beeped flashing an unknown number registered on top of my screen. It was a text message.

|-Dear Bias,
Its hard to be a fan girl. I can say you own me, But I can't own you.

Entry 00X-|

sent from: 091234*****

I almost drop my heart as I reread the message. It was one of my diary's entry! Does this mean, someone got my diary!?

I texted the person back asking who it was but it did not reply.

Days have passed. Each day the person who got my diary messages me with my own entry. It was weird and I'm really curious about the sender but it never reply back to my questions.

Dear Bias,
Its sad to think that I could be your fan, but not your girl

Dear Bias,
I'm here thinking of you when I haven't even crossed your mind

Dear Bias,
Your smile saved me, yet you didn't know that

Dear Bias,
Its hard to fall for someone like you, its just that the moment I fell for you is the same moment I broke my heart

Dear Bias,
I know you'll never be mine, but its nice to imagine it.

Dear Bias,
he the only thing I can do when I miss you; is to stare at your pictures and smile

Dear Bias,
you've been my life, but sady you didn't even saw me at the crowd

It was a different text message everyday coming from the same number, and all those messages has been written on my diary. The person behind this doesn't want to give me a piece of mind and the entries embarrass me every time I read it.

-skipue timue-

And finally a day has come! The day that I have been waiting for.

|-Dear Bias,
Do you know what kind of love I have for you?
Its a love that will grow, but will never spread

Entry 9XX

'I'll return your diary... Meet me at *** 9:30 am. j.jk'-|

That was my diaries last entry before I lost it, And seems like he/she is nice enough to give me back my diary. Its been quit disturbing after all.

I came earlier than expected to the address that has been given to me.

"Hi, are you (y/n)?" A sweet yet manly voice called out... Its sounds so familiar.

I looked at up to him and saw none other than, JEON JUNGKOOK!

I was stunned...

"On your last entry, 'a love that will grow, but will never spread' why did you said that... Don't you believe that I can love you back?"

But just before I could answer...






Throwing my fucking diary at my face!!!


Lamfao~! Please vote, comment your reactions, and share to your friends😂👇👇


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