Happily Ever After

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Hawaii was great. We stayed in a beach house, had fun in the ocean. When we came back home we sorted through our gifts, placing them around the house.

I always kept in touch with my friends and family. A year went past and I was pregnant. But Stefan and I were ready. We wanted kids and I hoped I could be a good parent. Turns out, I was a great mom and he was an amazing dad.

Nine months later I gave birth to a little boy. We named him Devon. We picked the name because it kinda reminded us of Damon. Of course Damon still didn't have a stable relationship, but I kept encouraging him and said that if he was nice and really wanted one, Scar was still open. I tried to convince him that relationships weren't always based on looks.

I guess he got the hint and took Scar out on a double date with Stefan and I. Lilla stayed home to watch Devon. She was like our full time babysitter. She loved that kid so much like it was her own. She had split from Jim after the wedding. Surprisingly she wasn't that upset about it.

Devon was now a year old, we were teaching him different things and he was a very fast learner. Turns out, Damon and Scar were meant for each other. They were now engaged and planning a wedding in about 6 months. I was so happy that they found each other.

Lilla ended up with coach Banner. It was weird. She was like 22 and he was 33, but hey, they were happy together so that's all that mattered.

Jim went off to some college in California. Carson and Lena had moved down to Florida together. They weren't engaged or married, but they were defiantly gonna stay together forever. Liz still stuck to Angelo. They were so cute.

Everyone has seemed to finally found their place after graduation. There's no more of that drama, Damon even sucked it up and made a sincere apology about how he treated me when I first came to the school. I still remember his words.

"Alaiza, I'm very sorry for the way I had treated you the first month or so of high school. I know it wasn't the right thing to do. I was just trying to be cool, which clearly didn't work out for me. You're actually very funny and nice. And thanks for standing up for me in some situations."

Jim had also given me an apology.

'I'm sorry I always called you small and made fun of your height. Truth is, your heart is very big and caring. They always said big things come in small packages." The next day he had gotten on the plane to go to California.

I never heard from Anna again or anything about her. I had forgotten all about her, but that was okay with me. I had many friends and family still here and with me. We always heard from Carson and Lena. Each Friday night we would all get together and Skype to them. We would do the same with Jim, even though the time zones were much different, we still managed to see him once a week.

I was happy. I didn't think any of this would ever work for me. But it had. I had everything I could ask for. A nice family and house. Amazing friends, even if they didn't live close anymore. It all was perfect.

*Author's Note: Okay, it's finished guys. I hope you liked it!*

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