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Time passed again very quick. Finals came and somehow I managed to pass. Probably cause Stefan was super smart and helped me study.

It was the day of graduation. We went through the whole practice earlier that day. It became later in the day and I pulled on a black and white top and a black skirt with some flats.

Stefan came to the door and pulled me out to his car. Aunt Judy followed. Earlier that day I had gotten a call from my parents, congratulating me on my graduation. I told them I would Skype them later afterwards so they could meet Stefan as well.

"Nervous?" He asked me as we found a place to park.

"Like you wouldn't believe." I admitted.

He laughed. "You don't have to say anything. Just walk the stage when they call your name."

I nodded and got out of the car, taking his hand as we walked in.

"Oh, your cap is on weird!" Lilla told me when we walked in. She ran up and started to adjust it.

I sighed and glared at her. "It took me ten minutes to get it to stay in my hair." I told her.

"She's been doing this to everyone." Lena said, leaning against the wall, arms crossed and Carson's arms around her waist.

"Not mine!" Liz said. "Apperently I got mine perfect." She smirked.

"I didn't." Scar grumbled from next to Liz. When they were in matching cap and gowns, you couldn't tell the difference between the twins.

"There!" Lilla said, taking her hands off my head. "Have a look!" She held out a small compact mirror.

I looked at myself. My cap was now tilted slightly on my head. It actually looked really cute. "Thanks." I told her.

It was time to start and everyone was pushed in and to their seats. I had to sit next to Damon, but I didn't care. Somehow he went form hating me, to accepting me as a sister.

Principal Palmer took the stage. She introduced herself, 'Hi, I'm Miss Sierra Palmer.'. We didn't care and that was all a blur.

Valedictorian went who was actually Lena. Then you had Liz and some guy named Jordan that spoke speeches they had wrote.

People got called up, one by one. Alphabetical order with names. Walking the stage and getting their diplomas. I was next. Stefan grabbed my hand from around Damon and gave it a quick kiss. Damon rolled his eyes and patted my shoulder.

"Alazia Gilland." Miss Palmer announced.

I smiled, nervous, and walked across to her. I shook her hand, taking the diploma. Her dark hair was tied in a bun. She had on a red shirt and a black skirt. Seeing as she was already taller than me, her 3 inch black heels didn't help matters.

"Good job, sweetie." She told me and patted my back.

I smiled. "Thank you." I walked across and down the stairs and back into the row I was sitting in, still standing like everyone else.

"Damon Henson." She announced, proudly.

I rolled my eyes and lightly shook my head as Damon took to the stage. Walking up to her and bowing before her, then he took her hand and gave it a gentle kiss before taking the diploma and making his way off the stage. Miss Palmer stood there and smiled, lightly laughing. Damon was actually very charming at times.

"Good job." He looked at me and smirked.

"I didn't make a scene." I whispered to him.

He tilted his head. "That was a scene?" He asked jokingly. "I thought it was very sweet."

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