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Stefan took me out to eat which was fun. Then to the dance. Yes, I have been to dances before, and yes I have been to them with guys. But I haven't gained this much popularity before. I was a cheerleader, best friends with the cheer captain plus I was dating the quarterback. Yes, I say this a lot cause I still can't believe it myself! I was the shy and quiet new girl. The one who was short and scared of everything. Now look at me.

Stefan pulled me into the gym where everyone else was.

Lilla came up to us. She was in a dark blue dress that was kinda fluffy at the bottom. She had on matching heels. She pulled a guy along with her. He was blonde and... Jim had asked her. Why didn't she tell me?

"Hi guys! Alazia, you look amazing!" She said then looked at my hair. I had it tied in a half ponytail but it was wavy.

Stefan and I smiled at her and we went on to talking with Jim. I didn't care what they talked about.

"You should tie your hair up!" Lilla told me and reached for my hair.

She was going to try tying it back. That meant she was going to see my ears and make them show. At games and practices I tied it back, but it was loose enough to hide my ears.

"No!" I told her and hit her hand away. She looked at me confused.

"Why not? You would look sexy then."

I shook my head. "I don't tie my hair back tight because it gives me headaches." That was a complete lie.

She looked at me and nodded. "Sorry."

"It's okay." I told her.

I looked over and saw Anna and Damon. Oh wonderful. She was in a black dress but didn't look to happy to be here.

"Sup guys?" Damon said as he led Anna over to us.

Lilla glanced at Anna and just kinda stepped closer to Jim who didn't seem to know why she did, he just put his arms around her. Anna glared at Lilla then looked at Damon.

"Okay, we came, we saw everyone, you already ate a ton of food, can we go now?" She asked him.

He looked at her. "Really? You wanna go already? It's only an hour in. We have another two hours till it ends."

She let out and breath. "You know I hate wearing this stupid dress."

Damon rolled his eyes at her. "Fine. We will go home. Stefan, see you whenever you get home. But you probably won't be home, so that's good!" He took Anna's hand and pulled her out.

Stefan shook his head and we continued to dance.

Lena came up to us in a black one shoulder dress, pulling a guy named Carson. I didn't really know him that well but he was about Stefan's height with dark brown hair. Then Liz came. She had her read hair all bunched up on her head and bright pink dress on. I knew the guy she was attached to. He was another redhead. I guess his name was Angelo. He wasn't on the football team but he was in my English class.

"Where's you sister, Liz." I asked her.

She shook her head. "Didn't wanna come. She's not one for dresses and she didn't have a date anyway."

"Awwww!" Lilla said. "It would be fun with her here!"

"I know. But she didn't want to." Liz shrugged.

Throughout the night we had a few snacks and some punch and water that they had out. We danced and laughed with each other. It was an amazing time.

It got to be closer to the end of the night. People started leaving. There was about 30 minutes of the night left.

A lot of the guys were taking their jackets off and unbuttoning their shirts.

"Liz, where did Angelo go?" Lilla asked her.

"He said he was going to get some pretzels." She answered.

We looked over to see a shirtlss Angelo running around and bouncing through the croud holding pretzels in his hands. We all just started to laugh.

That was about the most interesting thing that happened there. Stefan carried me out to the car. I took my shoes off and held them. We said bye to everyone. It was already 10. By the time we got home it was 10:30.

I led him up to my room again. He said he would stay the night. I dropped my shoes on the floor and sat on my bed. He sat next to me and I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I laid down, pulling him to me.

I finished unbuttoning his shirt and pulled it off him. This time he slid my dress off me and kissed me harder. I traced my fingers down his stomach and grabbed hold of his pants. I stopped kissing him and looked up at him.

"Please?" I asked him.

He smiled at me and nodded. He sat up, unbuttoning his pants and kicked them off then leaned down and kissed me again.

I grabbed at his arms. I wrapped my arms around his waist, gripping at his back and up to his shoulders. My fingers wrapped tight around his shoulders. I didn't wanna let go. He kissed my neck and my lips.

I tilted my head back and let out a loud moan. My grip on Stefan's shoulders got tighter. He let out a big breath and fell to the bed next to me.

I curled up to him as tight as I could. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I loved him. I really did. He cared about me so much.

"That was great." I told him.

He smiled and kissed me. "It was."

We laid there, relaxing and trying to sleep. I felt his breathing slow and he relaxed. I figured he was sleeping.

I snuggled my face into his neck. "I love you..." I whispered and gently kissed his neck.

He pulled my head up to him. He wasn't asleep like I thought. What if he heard and he didn't love me back.

I looked at him with a worried look. He gave me a sweet kiss.

"I love you too." He told me.

I kissed him again and snuggled into him. He really did love me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*Author's Note: I hopre you're liking this so far. Enjoy!*

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