First Class

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My name is Alazia Gilland. I am 17 years old and 4'9". I have bleach blonde hair and brown eyes. Why am I so small for my age, you ask? I'm an elf. A very skittish species. I have lived in a little elf town in Iceland. I moved to New York a few moths ago. I'm living with my aunt that moved here a few years ago. I start school today.

I hate starting at a new place cause people seem to make fun of me for my height. I also have really pointy ears and they tend to question that as well. I never tie my hair up unless I REALLY have to or if I'm at home.

I walked into the school. I acted like I knew what I was doing and where I was going. I found my locker and then my first class. I didn't take notice of the people watching me.

When I walked into the classroom, I had Biology first. I scanned the room and slipped to the back and sat down. Everyone filled into the room. I noticed a few looked at me and I tried to avoid eye contact.

"Okay class. I'm Mrs. Holloway. You guys will get assigned seats until I learn your names. So," she pulled out a piece of paper and read off names.

Wonderful. I wanted to make friends but I was too scared to talk to anyone. Why did I make this choice to move?! I should have done it when I didn't have to do school.

"A... Ala... zaya?" Mrs. Holloway said.

Of course. She got my name wring so now I have to correct her! "It's Al-a-zia." I sounded it out for her.

"Sorry. You go here sweetie. " She pointed to a table. It was in the second row, first table.

I picked my stuff up and moved, not looking at anyone. God I was terrified and they could see that.

"Stefan Henson." She pointed to.the seat next to me.

Oh my god. A guy is going to have to sit next to me?! Please no! I'm going to stutter and freak out. What if I get so scared I faint? I tend to run and hide when I'm scared, but I can't this time. Not in school.

I glanced over at him when he sat next to me. He was tall. About 6' maybe? His hair was almost like a blonde. He looked over at me and smiled. He seemed quiet and shy too. Maybe we could get along. I started to relax. But wait. What if he just didn't like me and he was being nice and that's why he smiled at me but he thought I was a reject? I got nervous again and forced my breathing to stay normal and I looked down at a notebook I had and just started to doodle. It calmed me down a bit.

"Hey Stefan!" Some guy said.

I glanced up to see a guy with shaggy brown hair and blue eyes messing with the guy next to me.

"Damon, stop." Stefan told him.

Damon laughed. "Whatever, bro." He pushed him back and almost into me.

I jumped and put my arm up to keep him from falling into me. He leaned back into it and looked at me. I pulled my arm away and sunk down, looking at my notebook again.

"Oh, I didn't see you there little one!" Damon said, looking around Stefan. "Are you like a child prodigy?"

I looked up at him. "No. I'm seventeen. I'm just... Small..." I sunk down again.

Damon laughed. "You're small alright!"

"Damon, shut up!" Stefan said.

Damon rolled his eyes and started talking with the girl behind him.

Stefan looked at me. "Sorry for my brother."

I just shrugged and doodled on my notebook again.

"I'm Stefan." He told me and held his hand out.

I looked at it with a scared look.

He laughed lightly. "It's okay."

I swallowed hard and took it. "Alazia."

I thought he was gonna shake it but he pulled it up to his face and gave it a light kiss. I almost freaked out. My eyes went wide and I had to force my breathing to stay steady again.

He put my hand back on the table. "I didn't mean to offend you or anything."

I just shook my head. He really surprised me.

Mrs. Holloway said we were doing a little thing to get to know eachother. Are you serious?!

One girl, Jenna, said she is half Indian. Then there was a guy, Jason, who said he broke both arms at once. I don't really care about this, but whatever.

"Your turn, Alazia." She told me.

I looked up. "Uhm..."

"Well you're new. Where are you from?" She asked.


"Oh cool! Well, when is your birthday?"

"September sixth."

"That's only a month away!"

She was way too peppy for me. I looked back down at my notebook.

"You're turn, Stefan." She said.

"Damon and I are twins." He said. "And I've lived here all my life?"

I didn't put two and two together when Damon called him bro. And didn't Stefan tell me he was his brother? Oh god. I wasn't paying any attention to the poor guy when he talked to me.

"You're so boring, Stefan!" Damon told him.

"Damon..." Mrs. Holloway warned him.

He crossed his arms. "I rolled my Mustang down the road going seventy and came out without a scratch!" He told everyone, proudly.

I rolled my eyes. Is he actually serious right now?

"That's very nice, Damon." She said and moved on.

That's how the rest of the class went on. Finally the bell rang and I had to go to history class next. I picked up my stuff and waited for everyone to walk out. Stefan stayed back with me.

"Where do you go next?" He asked me.

"History..." I told him.

"I can show you where it is."

I smirked lightly, looking down and nodded.

He started to walk out. "Come on."

I followed.

*Author's Note: First chapter to something that isn't a fanfic. Enjoy!*

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