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Months past and everything went fine. Normal school life. May came and it was time for prom. Lilla had drug me out with her every weekend for 4 weeks looking for a dress.

Because I was so small, it was hard finding one for me, but I found a beautiful light blue one. It was strapless and was mermaid style. There were silver gems on the top and star bursts of them on my sides. Lilla picked out a pair of black heels to make me look taller.

She had picked out a purple dress, that matched her now purple highlights. The shoes she got for it were silver, to match the gems lining the top and down her sides. Her dress was very tight fitting. Showed her every beautiful curve.

She said that she was going with Jim, the same guy that asked her to homecoming. Apparently they were dating now and she just never told me. I mean, it was clearly obvious though. I, of course, was going with Stefan.

It was prom night and Stefan carried me out to the car. It was raining and I didn't want to trip on the bottom of my dress or mess up my hair, so he held an umbrella over us. He had on a light blue vest to match my dress and I picked out a silver tie for him. He looked extra attractive now.

Because I didn't want my ears to show I asked Aunt Judy to do something with my hair to keep it down, but fancy. She curled it and added a few braids and tied some of it up. To add more, 'flare' as she called it, she put in some gems.

"Don't add glitter." She said. "It makes you look slutty."

We laughed at her comment.

She got pictures of us inside. He asked her to make copies for his parents as well. She gladly accepted.

When we got to the school, Stefan pulled me out of the car. I looped my arm in his and he pulled me in.

"You're finally here!" Lilla squealed and bounced up to us. Her hair was in many curls on her head. All tied up with a few strands hanging in her face. She pulled Jim along with her, he resisted a bit, to get her to calm down. He looked the opposite of Stefan. Jim had on a silver vest and purple tie.

"It started like twenty minutes ago and people are still arriving." I told her.

She put a hand on her hip. "So? You're late!"

Jim sighed. "She made me get here on time. She had to be the first here."

Stefan laughed once and tilted his head a bit before shaking it. He knew that was exactly like Lilla.

"Of course she did..." I said and shook my head.

Stefan leaned down and I felt his lips on the top of my head for a moment. "I'm going to go get us a drink, okay."

I smiled and tilted my head back, looking up at him. "Okay."

He smiled and gave me a light kiss and walked off.

Throughout the night we danced, laughed and had some of the food. It was actually really good. The prom didn't really have a theme. And if it did, no one followed it.

Lilla and Jim were all over each other the whole time. It was clear to tell what they were going to get into after. Probably go to a party, get drunk and... Well, you can fill in the blanks.

Stefan said we didn't have to go to the party after and I was grateful for that. I've been to way too many and one after a long night at prom, wasn't going to be good for me.

Half way though the dance, I saw Damon walk in with a dark haired girl on his arm. I didn't bother asking Stefan if his brother was going to be here or not. The girl in the black dress was Anna. I assumed she came from the school she now went to, seeing as she had moved in the beginning of the year.

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