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I sat out in the yard with Stefan. We made sandwiches and brought out some chips and water. We had been laying there for what had to be 3 hours. It started to get dark. I laid curled up in his arms and we stared up at the stars.

"That one there is actually a planet." He said and pointed to a really bright one.

I tilted my head, looking at it. "Really? What planet?" I asked.

"Venus." He said.

"That's my favorite one!" I told him.

He laughed and looked at me. "Really?"

I smiled and nodded. "Mhm!"

"Over there is the big dipper." He said and pointed again.

"And there's Orion." I pointed out.

He smiled and kissed my head. "We should have done this before. It's kinda fun."

I curled in closer to him cause I was getting chilly.

He tapped my arm. "Look!" He pointed up at the sky. "Just wait."

I stared up with him and saw a few shooting stars. "Is there a meteor shower tonight?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No. But sometimes you can see them."

"I love watching meteors."

"They are cool, aren't they?" He said, pulling me closer.

I nodded again. "Woah! What was that really bright one?" I asked.

He laughed. "That was actually the space station going by. It's not often you see it."

"That's so cool!"

He kissed my head and held me closer.

We laid there for about another 20 minutes and we heard a noise. I looked up and saw a little puppy was walking around on the road. It was dark and he was going to get hit.

"Steffy, there's a puppy on the road." I said.

"A what?" He sat up and saw it. "Let me try to get him."

I nodded as he stood up and walked to the road. He looked to make sure no cars were coming and walked into the street to get him.

"Come here little guy." Stefan said to the puppy.

The dog looked at him for a moment and slowly trotted down the street. Stefan walked after him then crouched down on the ground, holding out his hand.

"Come here. It's okay."

The puppy looked at him again and slowly walked to him.

I heard a noise and looked. There was a semi coming down the road. "Stefan!"

He didn't hear me and kept looking at the dog.

I stood up and yelled louder. "STEFAN!"

The dog looked back and ran. Stefan picked his head up and looked at me then saw the headlights and looked back. He tried to stand but it was too late. The semi collided into his body. I heard a smack and the crunching of bones. The dog was nowhere to be found.

I threw my hands to my face and screamed. "STEFAN!" I started to panic.

I ran down to the street. The driver didn't even stop. It was like he never knew Stefan was there. I collapsed next to him. His face was bloody, his arm was clearly crushed, he could barely breathe.

"Stefan..." I pleaded.

He looked at me, his breathing light and stuttered. He was trying to say something, but I didn't know what.

"Shhh. Sweetheart, it's okay. You're going to be okay. Don't move! I'm going to call for help." I pulled my phone out and got ready to dial.

He lightly shook his head. "No..." He managed to get out.

I started to cry. "No. Please no." I held his hand with mine and put my face in his chest.

His breathing for shallower and shallower with every breath he took.

"I love you, Stefan. I love you SO much!" I gave him a light kiss and laid my head on his chest.


I shot awake and sat up. I realized I had tears running down my face. I looked over and saw Stefan was right next to me.

"What's wrong, Alazia?" He asked and propped himself up on an elbow. He squinted a bit. "Are... Are you crying? Sweetie, what happened?"

I wiped my eyes and leaned into him, wrapping my arms around him. "I had a bad dream."

He let out a tired sigh and stroked my hair. "Shh. It's okay. It was just a dream. What happened?"

"You... We... We were laying in the yard looking at the stars. There was a puppy on the road. You tried to get him and... And you were hit by a big truck. And you died!" I put my face in his chest, inhaling his scent, trying to make myself not cry again.

He held me closer. "It's alright. It was just a dream. I'm right here and VERY much alive. I promise."

I nodded and laid back down. He laid down next to me and pulled me closer to him.

"It's alright." He told me and kissed my head, rubbing my arm.

"You're everything to me." I told him.

"I know." I could hear the smile in his voice and it made me smile.

I slowed my breathing and kept my head on his chest. I kissed his hand, his arm and his chest and snuggled closer.

"Go back to sleep. I'm right here." He told me.

I nodded and closed my eyes again.

*Author's Note: It's been a while, I know. Enjoy!*

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